portfolios and levels of government. In 2015, Indonesia began its "Clean and Clear" program to screen all mining licenses and check for compliance with license conditions. Government officials have also announced, on several occasions, that there will be a moratorium on new coal mining licenses.
Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources may revoke the Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan, or IUP) of 4,643 local mining companies at the end of January 2015 as these companies still lack the clean and clear certificate (CnC) from regional authorities. This CnC certificate indicates that the mining company has no outstanding royalty and other tax debts, fulfilled ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Anti Mining-Mafia coalition - which consists of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), Auriga Foundation, SAINS and regional non-governmental organisation SAMPAN - has called on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to tighten their supervision on the legality of permits issued to companies in the minerals and coal sector, in order to …
Clean coal technologies in coal mining, however, are expected to gain significance in the future (partly due to commercial relevance) and Indonesia is expected to become heavily involved in that process being a major player in the coal mining sector. These clean coal technologies focus on the reduction of emissions produced by coal-fired power ...
No exploration activity or mining production was conducted in BBP during the quarter. Anugerah Alam Katingan (AAK) Tenement Cokal's AAK project covers 5,000ha in Central Kalimantan. Applications for the Exploration Forestry Permit (IPPKH) and Clean and Clear Certificates continue to be processed. Cokal continues to monitor the progress of
However, only 6,156 have obtained the mandatory clean-and-clear status. Reportedly, approximately 2,000 unpaid bills (including royalties, dead rent, land rent, and coal sale fees), valued at a combined total of IDR 10 trillion (USD $705 million), still need to be settled in Indonesia's mining …
No exploration activity or mining production was conducted at TBAR by Cokal during the quarter. Borneo Bara Prima (BBP) Tenement Cokal's BBP project covers 13,050ha in Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan. BBP has been granted an Exploration Forestry Permit (IPPKH) and has been confirmed on the Central Government's Clean and Clear list.
the Environment and Forestry Ministry of Indonesia. Following its transfer process from Murung Raya to ... (IPPKH) and has been confirmed on the Central Government's Clean and Clear list. ... maintain PCI coal mining from Pit 2: • Upgrade the 6.2km exploration road Krajan to Pit 3 • Develop 2.3km road from Pit 2 to Krajan ...
Weak mining laws could add to Indonesia's high drowning rates. June 27, 2020 3.51am EDT. Last month, Indonesia's parliament managed to pass a revised law on mineral resources and coal…
A clean and clear certificate requirement has been introduced to check illegal mining in Indonesia, and the certificate provides that mining is taking place in accordance with state rules. Explaining the overlapping decrees, Jabin Sufianto, president of the Association of Tin Exporters in Indonesia, said:
In Central Kalimantan province, on the island of Borneo, only 85 out of 300 oil palm companies have valid permits with "clean and clear" status, meaning they …
Of a total of 10,827 mining permits issued across the country, 4563 were found to not meet 'clean and clear' standards, which include having a detailed environmental impact assessment and a post-mining reclamation and rehabilitation plan.
- A maximum of 10,000,000 WMN Shares to be issued on the completion of the transaction (only if WMN acquires all four tenements) and an additional US$0.20 per ton paid upon proving coal reserves delineated and defined in accordance with the JORC code. Clean and clear status - PEAT, AMK, and SPA holds clean and clear status.
In an effort to clean up the troubled mineral and coal mining sectors of Indonesia, the government introduced the mandatory CnC status in 2014, but gave time up to 31 December 2016 for companies to obtain this status. However, of the 9,433 IUPs that have been issued by local governments (per 30 January 2017), there are still 3,203 mining ...
Human Rights, Indonesia and has dully obtained a Mining License for the Operation and Production. It has also been confirmed that the IUP is listed with the Status Clean and Clear on the 'List of Clean and Clear IUPs' published by the Directorate General of Mineral …
• 5 Year Mining Plan updated to reflect earlier mining of coking coal; and ... Indonesia and has an area of approximately 5,000ha. AAK is currently on 'on-hold' status by Provincial Police ... Clean and Clear Certificates continue to be processed. Cokal continues to monitor the progress of the regulatory
Indonesia's central government responded to problems in coal-mine permitting by tightening coal mining sector regulations, including introducing a clean and clear certification system.
The total number of permits active in Indonesia had reduced to 8,524 mineral and coal mining permits. However, 2,522 mining permits active in Indonesia are not clean and clear. After three years of implementation, Johansyah is concerned that the Korsup Minerba is yet to result in any significant improvements in mining governance.
Sydney, Australia, May 14, 2012 - (ABN Newswire) - Pan Asia Corporation Limited (ASX:PZC.AX - News) is pleased to confirm it has received confirmation of "Clean and Clear" status for its TCM Project from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MoEMR) in Indonesia, by way of official release dated 9th May 2012.This release lists MoEMR mining concessions regarded as "Clean and Clear…
As an example of the prevailing chaos, the review on the coal sector found that of 10,000 mining concession licenses (Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan), more than 6,000 lacked 'clean and clear' status ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung Islands will revoke the mining business license (IUP) of 49 tin companies. The revocation is punishment for not having clean and clear (non-CnC) certificates. Rusbani, the provinces Energy and Mineral Resources Office head, said his institution was evaluating the permits.
• The mining of 2 Mt/a saleable coal from the third year of production • Mine PCI coal from Pit2, coking coal from Pit 3 • A Coal Handling Preparation Plant (CHPP) at the mine site to prepare coking coal and PCI coal for sale • Progressive rehabilitation of mined out areas as mining advances. BBM Permit Area
The list goes on, given the huge number of rivers polluted in Indonesia. The fast growth of illegal gold mining is the second factor in the high levels of pollution.
Lawsuits test local governments' ability to clean up Indonesia's coal mining sector. A government commission in 2014 found that thousands of mining permits did not meet Indonesia…
INDONESIA BBM Project BBM covers an area of 19,920 hectares (ha), immediately adjacent to BHP Billiton's Juloi tenement, ... licence has been listed on the Central Governments "Clean and Clear List", and is now also approved by the ... coking coal mine. The Study approached the development in two stages: a. Stage 1 is an Initial ...
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12 January 2015. Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources may revoke the Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan, or IUP) of 4,643 local mining companies at the end of January 2015 as these companies still lack the clean and clear …
The Total Coal Resource estimate was announced on 29 April 2016, titled "Updated JORC Resource Statement for BBM". The information in the report relating to Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Yoga Suryanegara who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
INDONESIA BBM Project BBM's Production IUP (mining licence) covers an area of 14,980 hectares (ha), immediately adjacent ... Central Government's Clean and Clear list. The IUP was transferred to the Central Government ... Waste removal is a major cost in open cut coal mining, particularly in this project where, because of ...
JATAM recently released a confronting YouTube film with interviews of the families who have lost children to mining pits. Decentralisation laws, particularly the 2009 Minerals and Coal Mining Law, gave district and municipal administrations the authority to issue mining permits. As a result, mining has exploded across Indonesia.