@article{osti_5857454, title = {Optimum particle-size distribution of coal for coal-water slurries}, author = {Henderson, C B and Scheffee, R S}, abstractNote = {The development of coal-water slurries as a boiler fuel is rapidly approaching commercialization. As distinguished from dilute pipeline slurries, fuel slurries are stable, highly-loaded (e.g. 70% dry coal by weight) liquids which can ...
The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of the particle size distribution (PSD) of mineral matter in coal on the particle size distribution of ash produced during firing of two coals in pulverized coal and coal-water slurry forms. The coals used in this work were Beulah (North Dakota) lignite and Elk Creek (West ia) high ...
Particle size and particle size distribution (PSD) literature on fine coal are highly limited. In this study, PSD of laboratory ball- and gyro-milled lignite and hard coal using machine vision analyzes was determined and compared with standard mechanical sieving.
The results are presented of a recent coal dust particle size survey to determine the range of coal particles sizes found in dust samples collected from intake airways from 47 U.S. coal mines in MSHA's ten bituminous coal mine health and safety districts (see figure 1).
3.1. Results of particle size distribution Chord length distribution of particles can be considered to be the size distribution in FBRM measurement. Figs. 3 and 4 show that the particle size of coal was reduced gradually with the increase of ultrasonic time as well as the volume percentage of -45 µm particles was gradually increased.
It explained that after the electrochemical pretreatment of fine lignite coal slurry, can significantly removal the inherent moisture.3.Respectively using 20kHz,59kHz frequency ultrasound pretreatment to fine lignite coal slurry. ... Determination of fine-grained brown coal particle size distribution by laser particle size analyzer, after a ...
The transformation of sodium to particulate matter (PM) during lignite combustion has been widely investigated, while the importance of Ca, Mg, S, and Fe in low-rank coal has been recently revealed. In this study, three kinds of Zhundong lignites (ZD, YH, and HSY) rich in Na, Mg, Ca, S, and Fe were selected and the combustion was conducted in an entrained flow reactor with a furnace ...
Measurements of the particle size distribution at the outlets of six coal-fired utility boilers showed a peak at a particle diameter near 0.1 micrometer. This submicrometer mode appears to be a general feature of coal combustion that results from a volatilization-condensation process in the boiler. …
@article{osti_6568932, title = {Particle size distributions in underground coal mines}, author = {Burkhart, J E and McCawley, M A and Wheeler, R W}, abstractNote = {This paper reports the results of a sampling program undertaken by NIOSH to determine the particle size distributions in underground coal mines. The program made use of newly developed cascade impactors capable of being operated ...
In this study the effect of particle size distribution on the rheology of lignite-water slurries was investigated, and the optimum particle size distribution was obtained for the lignite particle size less than 125 µm. The relation between the apparent viscosity of the slurry at the shear rate of 100 s −1 and the particle size distribution ...
1 January 1982, Volume215, Number4528 Size Distribution ofF Particles from Coal Combust: M. W.McElroy, R. C. Carr, D. S. Ensor, G. R. Markc Coal-fired utility boilers consume more than 500 million tons of coal per year to produce nearly half of the na- tion's electricity (1). By 1995 the utility demandfor coal is expected to increase by 900 million tons per year to supply fuel for 337,000 ...
biomass, the particle size has also effect on. combustion behavior of co-combustion. The. maximum mass fraction of coal and biomass. obtaine d 4-4 .75mm lignite coal and 4-. 4.75mm banana tree ...
Particle size distribution (PSD) of lignite and hard coals ground by ball and Gy-Ro mills were determined and compared using mechanical sieving (MS; direct, width-classification) and dynamic image analysis (DIA; indirect, length-classification), expressed in terms of sieves opening diameter and equivalent circular area diameter.
with the mean diameters of the particle size distribution of coal and ash, D c and D a.This approach has been derived from the CBK model by Hurt et al. [], which yields the outer particle diameter depending on burnout.The curvature parameter a has been determined to 0.3 by a parameter fit to the outer particle diameter predicted by the CBK model. To investigate strong deviations from the ...
Signi cant particle size reduction was observed in both cases. No aggregation of the ne frac-tion was seen even after 120 min grinding time of brown coal y ash. Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of (a) lignite and (b) brown coal y ash. Figure 2 shows the ariationv of the median particle size ( x 50) of the two y ash samples as a function of the
The particle size distribution of CFB-FA is optimized by mechanical grinding and the optimization role is best at 50 ... anthracite, lignite, peat, coal gangue, etc. can be used as fuel of CFB combustion,, . Based on these advantages, CFB combustion technology has been popularized and applied in China in recent years. Coal gangue is the ...
PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS OF GROUND COAL BY MACHINE VISION ΣVOLU ME APPROACH. The X gm and S gm fr o m MS obtained graphically were 0.48 mm and S gm = 3.12, and that from MV were 0.48 ...
4.1 This test method concerns the sieving of coal into designated size fractions for the purpose of characterizing the material as to its particle size distribution for further processing or for commercial purposes. This is covered in Part A of this standard. Raw, as well as prepared (crushed, cleaned, or screened), coals can be tested by this test method.
Cumulative Particle Size Distribution and Size Specific Emission Factors For Boilers Burning Pulverized Lignite Coal EMISSION FA CTOR RA TING: E Panicle size Cumulative mass % stated size Cumulative emission factor3 [kg/Mg (Ib/ton) coal, as fired] w 15 10 6 2.5 1.25 1.00 0.625 TOTAL Uncontrolled 51 35 26 10 7 6 3 100 Multiple cyclone controlled ...
The computer-controlled scanning electron microscope (CCSEM) technique was applied to the industrially important coal samples from North-East India to understand the distribution of particle size and consequent ash chemistry. The analysis reveals the presence of ash constituents in different particle sizes with dominance of SiO2 and F2O3 in the coal samples. The variations of the …
The particle size distribution of most bituminous coal fly ashes is generally similar to that of a silt (less than a 0.075 mm or No. 200 sieve). Although sub bituminous coal fly ashes are also silt-sized, they are generally slightly coarser than bituminous coal fly ashes.
Huolinhe(HLH) Lignite was used for this experiment. Among the several factors that influence lignite briquetting, particle size distribution was investigated in detail. Rosin- Rammler- Bennet equation (RRB) was used to describe particle size distribution. Uniformity index n and characteristic feature size De were also calculated. Compaction curves of the lignite shows that the whole compaction ...
SEM revealed 4 typical phases of persistent flyash deposits formed by combustion of Lusatian lignite: (1) iron-containing `stable glasses', (2) aluminium-iron-silicate-minerals,(3) slag fragments and (4) lignite-derived fossilcarbon. Particle size analysis, magnetic susceptibilitymeasurements and SEM-EDX techniques indicated that a ...
OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Size distribution of fine particles from coal combustion
particle size by weight (D50) is approximately 2.8 mm. 4. Lignite Porosity The porosity of coal sample is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of water and coal. The volume of voids may be influenced by many different aspects of the coal particle, such as the volume of micro pores.
According to Hosseini et al. (2010), particle size distribution can differ as a function of the combustion phase (ignition, flaming, coking), fuel characteristics (moisture content, ash content, thermal content) and fuel types (lignite, bituminous, anthracite). Several studies have documented emissions from different coal combustion processes ...
W. Weidong, W. Lei, Z. Chenglian, Particle size distribution control of coal-water s lurry with effective medium model, Database Technology and Applications (DBT A), 2nd International Workshop, 2010.
The Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) included both an Electrostatic Classifier (Model 3080, DMA, Model 3081, TSI) and Condensation Particle Counter (Model 3788, TSI) to size …
@article{osti_7170872, title = {Coal dust explosibility and particle-size distribution. Report of investigations/1994}, author = {Chaiken, R F}, abstractNote = {An absorption/desorption model of particle reactivity was employed to describe the observed relationship between two apparently diverse phenomena which have been the subject of considerable study at the U.S. Bureau of Mines, …
OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Particle size distribution and chemical composition of coal-tar fumes Title: Particle size distribution and chemical composition of coal-tar fumes Full Record