The mining industry, being a temporary user of land, provides ample opportunities to reclaim mine degraded areas to help achieve the 17 SDG of the UN. Our current study aims to broaden understanding, explore and establish links between biochar-based coal mine …
12%The biodegradation of coal discard is being intensively studied in South Africa in an effort to develop passive methods for the successful revegetation and rehabilitation of waste dumps, to mitigate pollution, and facilitate mine closure. Bacteria were isolated from slurries of coal tailings and diesel-contaminated soil, screened for coal biodegradation competence, …
Such studies would assist in informing ecological restoration of these degraded sites. Here, a chronosequence approach was used to investigate early-stage primary succession on overburden spoil wastes derived from coal mining in a tropical climate over a 64-month period.
Recovery Project (funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel) focuses on land rehabilitation and ecological restoration of coal mining-affected areas, ai...
Tropical forests are among the most diverse ecosystems in the world, completed by huge biodiversity. An expansion in natural resource extraction through open-pit mining activities leads to increasing land and tropical forest degradation. Proper science-based practices are needed as an effort to reclaim their function. This paper summarizes the existing practice of coal mining, covering the ...
For hundreds of years, the mine was a lifeline for residents in Beijing – more than 30 percent of the coal used in Beijing came from Datai coal mine before the mine was closed in 2019. In the late 1990s, the mine started to provide coal for overseas markets. …
Decades of unabated coal mining can irreversibly change the character of an area and that is the story of Raniganj Coalfields, India's oldest coalfield area spread over West Bengal and parts of Jharkhand. Although mining started in this area in 1774, environmental degradation worsened when open-cast mines made their appearance 30 years ago.
The U.S. Government's Official Website for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE). OSMRE's business practices are to reclaim abandoned mine lands (Title IV), regulate active coal mines (Title V), and apply sound science through technology transfer.
Loss or degradation of groundwater - Since coal seams are often serve as underground aquifers, removal of coal beds may result in drastic changes in hydrology after mining has been completed. Radical disturbance of 8.4 million acres of farmland, rangeland, and forests, most of which has not been reclaimed -- See The footprint of coal
Surface coal mining involves: removing parts or all of mountaintops to expose buried seams of coal, and. "interburden" (rock between coal seams). Overburden and interburden are disposed of in adjacent valleys because the broken rock will not all fit back into the mining pit, and disposal alternatives are limited.
The largest Brazilian coal mine, called Candiota mine, is located in South Brazil, with an estimated reserve about 1.2 billion tons. Since late 2003, an experiment located at a reclaimed site in a coal mining area was conducted, in which a research group from the Federal University of Pelotas has been conducting a long-term experiment on soil quality with different plants species, such as ...
The aim of this study was to investigate the potential for growing Miscanthus on extremely marginal soils, degraded by open lignite (brown coal) mining. Field experiments were established within three blocks situated on waste heaps originating from the lignite mine.
In China, coal mining has degraded the quality of land of an estimated 3.2 million hectares, according to a 2004 estimate. The overall restoration rate (the ratio of reclaimed land area to the total degraded land area) of mine wasteland was only about 10–12 percent. Underground mining
For millions of people around the world, burning coal as a source of energy is a daily reality. Despite the damages coal and other fossil fuels cause to the environment, especially to our climate, it's still being mined, even in advanced economies like Germany or the UK.. Surface mining is particularly harmful, as it literally turns the terrain upside down and leaves it massively degraded.
In southern Santa Catarina state, Brazil, coal mining mostly took place from 1940 to 2000 (Citadini-Zanette, 1999).These activities resulted in a total of 6500 ha of severe degraded land in three watersheds (Araranguá River, Urussanga River and Tubarão River) (Brasil, 2015).Degradation conditions vary between sites but in general mean strong contamination of both physical (water and …
Development of Technosol properties and recovery of carbon stock after 16 years of revegetation on coal mine degraded lands, India Catena, 166 ( 2018 ), pp. 114 - 123, 10.1016/j.catena.2018.03.026
Ecological restoration of coal mine degraded soils across arid and semi-arid environments worldwide remains particularly challenging. We used a combination of greenhouse and field experiments to assess the potential role of a woody species, Ulmus pumila, in the restoration of degraded soils associated with coal-mining activities in the northwest China.
In the U.S., coal mining degraded an estimated 2.4 million hectares (5.9 million acres) between 1930 and 2000, most of which was once forest. 1,000 tons of mercury released. Pollution. Mercury is one of the most harmful pollutants to both people and wildlife. Toxic levels of mercury are released from coal-burning power plants and from mercury ...
20 Due to the withdrawal of coal from power generation in the EU, mining companies in Poland are forced to adapt their production to the decreasing demand. Forecasting the volume of demand plays an important role in planning the volume of the mine's output. The demand for coal is constantly changing, with a downward trend. This article presents a method that allows to assess the impact of …
Mining is one of the most important economic sectors in Indonesia. Mining products contribute up to 17% per year of Indonesia's total export value, and from several major mining products, coal mining contributes a value of 87.27% [].Data from verified resources and reserves as of December 2019 showed that coal mining had the potential to reach 88,338.66 and 25,070.50 million tons, respectively.
on Ecological Restoration of Coal Mine Degraded Lands. The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER 2004) defines ecological restoration as 'the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed'. The process of natural succession, which happens concurrently with ecosystem development takes time.
Approach for Handling Degraded Areas for Coal Mining Viana IR1,2*and Zocche JJ2,3 1Landscape Ecology Laboratory, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil 2Laboratory of Landscape and Vertebrate Ecology, Extremadura South University Catarinense, Brazil 3 ...
Coal—A Complex Natural Resource. An overview of of factors affecting coal quality and use in the United States. Coal is abundant in the U.S., is relatively inexpensive, and is an excellent source of energy and byproduct raw materials. Because of these factors, domestic coal is the primary source of fuel for electric power plants in the U.S ...
The problem of acid mine drainage is sustained and amplified by continued increase in coal mining activities in different parts of the world. All this suggests the necessity of restoration of the degraded mined environment.
Coal mining is usually associated with the degradation of natural resources and the destruction of habitat. This causes invasive species to occupy the area, thus posing a …
Surface mining, or open pit mining, is another way to extract coal. This method is conducted on hillsides and is visible from the exterior. In open pit mining, exposed coal is blasted and then removed by giant shovels (Edmunds, 2002). Surface mining exposes the coal by a means of striping away the ground concealing it (Clark, 2011).
VOICES If coal mining is allowed to go ahead in the Mabola Protected Environment (MPE) near Wakkerstroom in Mpumalanga, it will result in a predictable form of environmental violence for local communities. The project will also lead to geographically dispersed and intergenerational environmental violence for South Africans, due to greenhouseContinue Reading
Restoration of Degraded Land in Coal Mine Areas of Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya through Phytoremediation January 2020 In book: Soil and Water Conservation Bulletin, No. 4 (pp.17-24)
These results indicated that land subsidence induced by coal mining caused losses in surface soil water and nutrients, and ultimately led to soil quality degradation. Therefore, the reclamation of mining subsidence land might be necessary, especially in arid and semi-arid areas.
The reasons behind environmental degradation. The impact of coal mining on local environment including air and water. Materials and Methods. This study was conducted in MCL region of Odisha, India. Mahanadi Coalfield Limited, a subsidiary of CIL, is divided into 3 parts as per its functioning areas, such as Talcher, Ib Valley, and Vasundhara.