350 tph 385 TPH: Inlet opening: 1,100 x 700 mm 43" x 27" Feed unit: 5 m³ 6.5 yd³: Crusher unit: single toggle jaw crusher single toggle jaw crusher : Engine: 250 kW 335 HP : Drive: diesel-hydraulic diesel-hydraulic : Belt width: 1,000 mm 39" inch: Stockpile height: 3,745 mm 12' 3" Weight: 50,000 kg 110,231 lbs: Transport dimension
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) Calculate the amount of re-circulating load to the crusher, by referring to the applicable table. Example a) Wi=14 curve selected in above table. b) 5 mm sand required. c) Table A1 indicates a 30% breakage ratio at 5mm. d)Product required at the rate of 100 TPH. e) Total throughput of the crusher = Product TPH (100) x 100 / 30 (% breakage ...
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crushers to extend plant lifetime and boost production. The modular concept makes the C Series jaw crushers easy to install. The crusher can be installed as one compact module that includes all the necessary auxiliaries around the crusher itself. The crusher can be installed within a few days, minimizing on-site engineering and fabrication.
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This method applies to other crushers where a control variable is available The crushers are the last size reduction stage in the value chain. Over crushing is common. The connection between crusher setting and yield is often unknown The rock cannot be repaired. We need to control the crusher carefully.
Cone Crushers >50 TPH. US$ 100,000. For finer crushing or reduction a cone crusher the norm. are commonly used for secondary, tertiary or quaternary crushing. They do this by a different chamber design which is flatter and by operating at about twice the rotational speed of a primary type gyratory crusher.
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Capacity (TPH) Feed size and tons per hour dependent on type of feed and HP available 70 TPH 125 TPH 250 TPH 350 TPH 400 TPH 400 TPH 500 TPH 500 TPH 600 TPH 800 TPH 1000 TPH Horsepower for Maximum Through-put Depending on application 50-150 HP 100-250 HP 200-400 HP 400-700 HP 400-700 HP 400-700 HP 400-700 HP 500-800 HP 500-800 HP 600-HP 700 ...
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JAW JAW Metrotrak & Metrotrak HA XA400S & XR400S The Powerscreen® Metrotrak is a compact, high performance track mobile jaw crushing plant. With an aggressive crushing action and a high output even at tight settings, the Metrotrak is ideally suited for small to medium sized operators in the mining, quarrying and recycling industries.
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50 Tph Marble Jaw Crusher Cost In Cameroon. 50 Tph Marble Jaw Crusher Cost In Cameroon 20180608 100 Tph Stone Crushing Plant Jaw Crusher Feeding size and required output size for the capacity of 100 tons per hour and to make the 1040 mm aggregate size you can use a portable jaw crusher plant and portable cone crusher plant to compose a complete mobile crushing plant the …