Bektas [11] examined the effects of recycled fine powder clay brick, used as replacement of fine aggregate, in mortar, which was used to replace 10% and 20% (by weight) of the river sand in two mixes. He approved that the compressive strength was not affected when using 10% and 20% of fine powder aggregate brick as a sand replacement.
Along with a brief overview of the engineering properties of recycled aggregates, the paper also gives a summary of the effect of use of recycled aggregate on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Yang, Du and Bao (2010) addressed the problem of concrete rubble, which is inevitably mixed with other wastes such as crushed clay bricks (CCB).
The definition of recycled concrete aggregate is it contains less than 5% of other hard materials such as brick and contains no inert or organic materials. Properties of Recycled Concrete Aggregates ... For concrete produced from both recycled …
This study compares the properties of normal and recycled brick aggregates to produce a medium range (25–30 MPa) compressive strength of structural grade concrete. Up to date, brick aggregates are commonly used in structural concrete in some South Asian and African countries. Many concrete structures which were built in the last century are made from brick aggregates and …
Properties of Concrete Made With Recycled Coarse Aggregate From Waste Brick. ... recycled fine clay brick aggregates may also be a source of additional water for internal curing. The internal ...
In each group, the natural fine aggregate was partially replaced with 30% BD, 30% SD, and 30% RFA separately. All mixes were designed for M25 grade concrete with a constant w/c ratio of 0.45. The properties viz. compressive strength, density, indirect tensile strength, water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity of all mixes was performed.
Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete produced… Table 3 Properties of Fine Aggregates Characteristics Value Type Sand Specific Gravity 2.61 Fineness Modulus 2.78 Grading Zone II 3.7 Water In the present investigation, tap water …
The waste CB was employed to produce recycled fine aggregate. The properties of waste CB are shown in Table 1. To produce the fine aggregate with desired grading, the brick was crushed, sieved to different sizes and then recombined. The grading is shown in Table 2. The fineness modulus of recycled CB fine aggregate was 3.08.
Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate with recycled bricks are being used to carry out the testing procedure. The samples were made from various grade of concrete by replacement of the course aggregates by 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% by recycled bricks and their strength analysis is evaluated.
Alves et al. evaluated the effect of recycled bricks and sanitaryware as fine ceramic aggregates (replacement ratios of 0–) on concrete's mechanical properties. They concluded that the recycled concrete produced with crushed bricks exhibited adequate structural performance, but the concrete prepared with fine sanitaryware aggregates ...
Properties of used aggregates (Source: Self-Elaboration). Properties Coarse aggregates Fine aggregates NCA RAC Sand Fineness modulus 6.5 6.85 2.6 Specific gravity 2.4 2.45 2.55 Water absorption % 2 3.5 - Crushing value % 21 26 - Los Angeles abrasion % 30 38 - Size, mm 12 12 4.75
They have developed a way to create paper bricks from recycling waste. Made from 90% recycled paper mill waste (RPMW) and 10% cement, the mixture is mechanically mixed and pressed into molds and then cured in the sun. The physical and mechanical properties of brick samples with paper pulp and binder are investigated.
The main objective of this experimental work is to analyse the effect of recycled aggregates (RA), on the basis of the study of the various qualities, of the physical, mechanical and durability properties of high performance concrete (HPC). Five types of recycled aggregates: three coarse RA sourced from parent concretes of 100, 60 and 40 MPa, as well as one coarse mixed …
Because of an (iii) To accommodate powder glass in brick industry enormous amount of waste glass waste, as shown in and use it as raw material for production of brick Fig.1, it has been used as a recycled material produced units. from empty bottles of cold drinks, chemicals, and (iv) To craft an efficient method for reuse of waste cosmetics etc ...
aggregate for new concrete attracted many researches and their finding have been reviewed by Fomdistou et al. (1977) and Nixon (1976). Several investigations have been made to study the effects of recycled aggregate on the engineering properties of concrete. Recycling of concrete is a relatively simple process. It
The properties of concrete containing fine recycled aggregate are investigated. Recycled aggregate consisted of crushed concrete (CC) or crushed brick (CB) with particles less than 5 mm in diameter. The free water/cement ratio was kept constant for all mixes. The fine aggregate in concrete was replaced with 0%, 25%, 50% and CC or CB.
This paper examines the possibility of using crushed brick as coarse and fine aggregate for a new concrete. Either natural sand, coarse aggregates or both were partially replaced (25, 50, 75 and ...
In particular, using recycled concrete aggregates, the mortars obtained can be classified as structural mortars (R c ≥ 25 MPa, according to EN 1504–3:2006 ), and also coarse recycled brick aggregates are replaced by fine recycled brick aggregates at 12.5% in volume. The obtained mortars, besides their higher sustainability, even if more ...
The fine aggregates result in; Provide dimensional stability to the mixture. With it, the elastic modulus and abrasion resistance of concrete can be influenced. The quality of aggregates also influence the hardening properties and mixture proportions. On the shrinkage of concrete, the fine aggregate properties also have a significant impact.
Test results on properties such as density, compressive strength, transverse strength and drying shrinkage as well as strength reduction after exposure to 800 degrees C are presented below. The results show that the soil content in the recycled fine aggregate was an important factor in affecting the properties of the blocks produced and the ...
As discussed, partial replacement of mineral aggregates with recycled concrete aggregates (RA) leads to the potential reduction in mechanical properties and fresh properties of concrete mixes [9,10]. It has been shown that the reduction in the mechanical strength is a function of the amount of RCA used [ 14, …
Nov 30, 2014 Properties of masonry mortars made with recycled concrete aggregates were studied. A cement-to-aggregate ratio of 1:7 and pozzolanic cement CEM-IV was used. Five . Properties of masonry mortars manufactured with fine ...
Properties of bricks produced with recycled fine aggregate. S Ismail, Z Yaacob ... Properties of recycled aggregate concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibre. WNSW Mohammad, S Ismail, WAW Alwi ... Influence of fine recycled concrete aggregates on the …
Several investigations show that recycled brick aggregate could be used to substitute the natural coarse and fine aggregate in mortar and concrete . Table 4 summarizes the physical properties of brick aggregate found by several researchers. Download : Download high-res image (70KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 4.
The moment-curvature response and deflection properties in flexural members made of recycled and brick aggregate concrete are affected by the …
properties of recycled aggregate are much more pro-nounced than as is the case with natural aggregates. Figure 2. Appearance of the recycled aggregate grains [2] 2.1. Aggregate grading Grading of recycled coarse aggregate normally satisfies the standards for natural aggrega-te, while in the case of recycled fine aggregate,
Three types of concrete mixtures were tested: concrete made entirely with natural aggregate (NAC) as a control concrete and two types of concrete made with natural fine and recycled coarse aggregate (50% and replacement of coarse recycled aggregate). Ninety-nine specimens were made for the testing of the basic properties of hardened concrete.
recycled aggregate ought to be 5% higher than that of traditional concrete. For the solid to be created with recycled aggregate, the sand - total proportion ought to be a similar proportion as the utilization of normal total. So as to acquire the necessary functionality and the water/cement proportion of the recycled aggregate, it is important to
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Abstract—The main aim of this research is to study the possible use of recycled fine aggregate made from waste rubble wall to substitute partially for the natural sand used in the production of cement and sand bricks. The bricks specimens were prepared by using 100 % natural sand; they were then replaced by recycled ...
were made 10%, 20%, and 30% of natural fine aggregate and coarse aggregate with recycled fine and coarse aggregate. Tests were done on the concrete and results were compared. They found out that the compressive and tensile strength increased at 20% replacement of fine and coarse aggregate with recycled aggregate. And the flexural strength was ...