
thallium exercise - search results

Exercise Echocardiographic Correlates of Transient ...

Exercise Thallium Scintigraphy Treadmill exercise wasperformed usingthe Bruce or modified Bruce protocol. Electrocardiograms were interpreted using stan­ dard criteria, and were deemed positive when there was 1.0 mm horizontalSTdepression."One minute before end exercise, 3.0 to 3.5 mCi of thallous 201 chloride was injected intravenously.

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Nuclear stress test - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic

Exercise stress test. In an exercise stress test, electrodes are taped to your chest to detect your heart's rhythm. A nurse or technician will watch your heartbeat on a monitor while you exercise. If your doctor orders a nuclear stress test, you'll also receive a small amount of radioactive material (radiotracer) through an IV.

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Prognostic importance of thallium uptake by the lungs ...

A Cox survival analysis identified increased thallium uptake by the lungs, a marker of left ventricular dysfunction during exercise, as the best predictor of a cardiac event (relative risk ratio = 3.5; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.2 to 5.4). The next most powerful predictors were a history of typical angina, a previous myocardial ...

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Enhanced Detection of Ischemic but Viable Myocardium by ...

Myocardial perfusion imaging with thallium-201 is a clinically important adjunct to exercise testing for the evaluation of patients with coronary artery disease. 7, 8 Thallium imaging is of value ...

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Exercise Echocardiographic Correlates of Transient ...

Transient dilatation of the left ventricular cavity on exercise thallium perfusion imaging is recognized as a marker of significant coronary disease, but the mechanisms that produce this finding are not fully understood. We studied 32 patients who underwent exercise thallium imaging and exercise echocardiography to determine the changes in left ventricular cavity size that underlie transient ...

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Exercise thallium scintigraphy | definition of exercise ...

scintigraphy [sin-tig´rah-fe] production of two-dimensional images of the distribution of radioactivity in tissues after internal administration of a radiopharmaceutical imaging agent, the images being obtained by a scintillation camera. adj., adj scintigraph´ic. exercise thallium scintigraphy myocardial perfusion using thallium 201 as a tracer and ...

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Thallium Stress Test (Thallium 201 Exercise Test ...

Thallium Stress Test (Thallium 201 Exercise Test) This test is the same as a treadmill exercise test. This test checks the function of the heart during and after physical activity. In addition, an IV will be started and, at the peak of exercise, the patient will be injected with a mild isotope.

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Effects of Moderate Exercise Training on Thallium Uptake ...

Conclusions—Moderate exercise training improves both thallium activity and the contractile response of dysfunctional myocardium to low doses of dobutamine in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. The implication of this study is that even a …

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Exercise Thallium Tomography Predicts Future Clinically ...

The relation between exercise test results and the incidence of a first CHD event was examined using Kaplan-Meier survival curves for each of the four test result contingencies: (1) both ECG and thallium normal, (2) only ECG abnormal, (3) only thallium abnormal, and (4) both ECG and thallium abnormal. 15 The statistical difference between the ...

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Exercise thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy in the ...

Abstract. The predictive accuracy of exercise thallium-201 (201Tl) myocardial scintigraphy in the evaluation of aortocoronary bypass graft surgery was assessed in 48 patients undergoing angiographic investigation 15 months (mean time) after myocardial revascularisation. 201Tl scintigrams detected 61 out of 77 (79%) patent grafts but only 21 out of 42 (50%) occluded grafts, though, for grafts ...

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Persantine Thallium Stress Test - What You Need to Know

A persantine thallium stress test is a test where pictures are taken of your heart muscle. A "stress" test is usually done while a person exercises. While a person exercises, caregivers can see if areas of the heart muscle are getting enough blood. You will not need to exercise for this test.

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Comparison of optimised planar scintigraphy with SPECT ...

The specificity of planar thallium scintigraphy was which was higher than SPECT (83%) and significantly higher than exercise ECG 72% (p < 0.05). SPECT had a significantly higher sensitivity for LAD and single vessel disease than planar imaging and …

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Tests to Diagnose Heart Problems - Health Encyclopedia ...

Exercise thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan. A nuclear scan is done while you are exercising. It's done to view areas of the heart muscle that are not getting enough blood during activity. Adenosine or persantine thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan. A nuclear scan that's done if …

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Exercise Thallium Scan - Comanche County Memorial Hospital

Exercise Thallium Scan. A thallium scan is a test that uses a radioactive substance known as a tracer to produce images of the heart muscle. The exercise thallium scan is especially useful in diagnosing coronary heart disease. You may also be connected to a holter monitor. This is used to record your heartbeat and determine if any palpitations ...

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Exercise thallium-201 perfusion scintigraphy in the ...

Exercise thallium-201 perfusion scintigraphy has been used extensively over the last decade for the detection and localization of coronary artery disease. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a refinement of presently available …

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Exercise Stress Testing: Indications and Common Questions ...

Exercise tomographic thallium-201 imaging in patients with severe coronary artery disease and normal electrocardiograms. Ann Intern Med. 1994;121(11):825–832. 16. …

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Nuclear Thallium Stress Test - PTCA

The Thallium stress test differs from the echo test in the following ways: an intravenous (IV) line is inserted in a vein in the arm to deliver the thallium; a longer period is needed between the rest and exercise testing, so the total time of the procedure is about 4-5 hours;

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Prognostic importance of thallium uptake by the lungs ...

We studied the value of thallium imaging as compared with clinical and exercise-test variables in predicting cardiac events occurring over five years in 525 consecutive patients referred for thallium-exercise testing in 1979. Follow-up was obtained on 467 patients (89 percent). There were 105 cardia …

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Silent versus symptomatic ischemia during a thallium-201 ...

One hundred thirty-four patients with redistribution on a thallium-201 exercise test who did not experience angina (group 1) were compared with 134 patients also having redistribution who had angina during the test (group 2). The groups were matched by age, , and peak exercise heart rate. Althoug …

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Thallium Toxicity - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

Scintigraphy using thallium evaluates blood supply to tissue thallium uptake. Exercise or drugs used to vasodilate normal coronary arteries cause alteration of circulating blood, leading to a reduction of coronary blood circulation (coronary steal syndrome). Natural History. Thallium is a gray post-transition metal that is not found in free nature.

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Thallium Stress/Nuclear Test : Procedure, Side effects, Cost

Therefore, a thallium stress test is said to be a nuclear test conducted on a patient to indicate the flow rate of blood into the heart when the patient is exercising and resting. Little quantity of radioactive material called the "Radionuclide" or "Thallium" is used to perform this test. It helps in determining regions in the heart ...

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Nuclear stress test: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Nuclear stress test is an imaging method that uses radioactive material to show how well blood flows into the heart muscle, both at rest and during activity. How the Test is Performed. Expand Section. This test is done at a medical center or health care provider's office. It is done in stages:

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Exercise Thallium Tomography Predicts Future Clinically ...

The relation between exercise test results and the incidence of a first CHD event was examined using Kaplan-Meier survival curves for each of the four test result contingencies: (1) both ECG and thallium normal, (2) only ECG abnormal, (3) …

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Differentiation of False- from True-Positive ECG Responses ...

Thallium 201 myocardial imaging in conjunction with exercise testing has been demonstrated to improve the predictive value of the ECG alone. Exercise-induced defects in 201 Tl + uptake that fill in with 201 Tl + activity over time seem to represent viable but underperfused or …

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Cardiovascular Stress Testing CPT code 93015, 93016, 93017 ...

Cardiovascular stress testing is a non-invasive diagnostic test performed to evaluate a patient for coronary artery disease (CAD), the severity of CAD, exercise-related arrhythmias or hemodynamic changes and/or cardiac functional capacity for heart transplant candidates. During exercise the heart and body respond to the stress of physical activity.

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Overview of Exercise Stress Testing

Exercise stress testing is an invaluable tool for risk stratification post-MI. In the early days post MI (days 3–7), a low level stress test limited to 5 METS, 75% of MPHR or 60% of MPHR on β–blockers, is very helpful in patients who were treated conservatively with no revascularization to assess for ischemia at low workload, arrhythmias ...

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Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging at rest and ...

Exercise thallium-201 MPI is a useful adjunct to conventional exercise testing particularly when evaluating patients with abnormal resting ECGs, those who develop ventricular conduction defects of arrhythmias during exercise, and those who fail to achieve their predicted heart rate because of fatigue or breathlessness.

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Thallium or Cardiolite scan | Heart and Stroke Foundation

Thallium scans may sometimes be done after exercise. It is best to check with the centre where you are having the test to find out how long the scan will take. This is a relatively low-risk procedure. The amount of radiation absorbed by your body during this test is about the same as from a CT scan.

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(PDF) Arm exercise stress perfusion imaging predicts ...

Arm exercise- exceed 20% and approach 40% of individuals referred for thallium imaging testing for the detection of coronary artery disease. J Am stress tests in many institutions (14). Nearly 25% of our AXT Coll Cardiol 9: 84 –88, 1987.

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Non-Invasive Tests and Procedures | American Heart Association

Learn more about exercise stress test. Thallium Stress Test (MPI or MUGA) (Also known as Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI), Multigated Acquisition (MUGA) Scan, Radionuclide Stress Test and Nuclear Stress Test) What the Test Does Similar to a routine exercise stress test but with images.

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