It demonstrates that the structural dynamic response of ME-Wheel operating under a specific thermal condition can be predicted and evaluated using the proposed analysis method, which is beneficial for the dynamic optimization design of the wheel structure to avoid tire temperature related vibration failure and improve safety of tire.
A structural analysis can be linked at the Geometry level, but the user will have to re-do all of the Model details, including desired Coordinate Systems, Connections (including Contacts), and meshing controls. This keeps the structural analysis independent of the thermal analysis. Temperatures can be mapped.
The object of this work is to present a study of the thermomechanical behavior of the automobile disc brake for the prediction of their resistance to fatigue. Then, a study of purely mechanical dry contact between the disc and pads is developed with a good prediction becomes a major stake for the industrialists while modeling the loading and the boundary conditions around the disc.We used the ...
Analysis of Railway Wheel to study Thermal and Structural Behaviour Pramod Murali Mohan Abstract— Wheel-Rail systems are intensively subjected to damage caused by rolling contact and slip behaviour between the wheel and the rail.
In view of the wheel-rail, some methods of stress fatigue analysis with thermal stress are put forward. Jing and Han 20 explored the impact response of the wheel-rail under the vertical impact force and considered the thermal stress caused by the wheel-rail sliding friction; then, a comprehensive dynamic finite element simulation method based ...
RDSO Guidelines for carrying Out Rail Structure Interaction studies on Metro Systems. Ver 2 Page 7/34 PREFACE Where track alignment is on a viaduct, which is especially true in major portions of metro-rail …
ABSTRACT. A comprehensive dynamic finite-element simulation method was proposed to study the wheel–rail impact response induced by a single wheel flat based on a 3-D rolling contact model, where the influences of the structural inertia, strain rate effect of wheel–rail materials and thermal stress due to the wheel–rail sliding friction were considered.
In the second part of this study, the effect of fire scenario on structural performance of a cut-and-cover tunnel is studied. The geometry and cross section of the Howard street tunnel in Baltimore that experienced a major fire in 2001 is used as the case study.
To study possible causes and effects of OOR wheels, strain gauges and accelerometers were employed to measure the vertical wheel-rail contacting force and track response [3, 4], a number of 99 selected wheels were tested over a 100,000 km traveling distance. Since the sensitivity of the system is relatively low, only the wheels with local ...
2. Structural Health Monitoring System. Nanjing Dashengguan Bridge shown in Figure 1 (a) is a steel truss arched bridge with the span arrangement (108 + 192 + 2 × 336 + 192 + 108) m, which supports a six-line railway, including two regular rails, two high-speed railways, and two subway lines. The elevation drawing of the bridge and the deck ...
The vehicle speed and static wheel load are important factors of the track design, because they are related to the impact forces under wheel-rail defects. In this paper, a 3-Dimensional finite element model for the study of wheel flat impact is …
This paper analyzes the dynamic soil–structure interaction (SSI) of a railway bridge under the load transmitted by high-speed trains using the finite element method (FEM). In this type of bridges, the correct analysis of SSI requires proper modeling of the soil; however, this task is one of the most difficult to achieve with the FEM method.
DESIGN AND STRESS ANALYSIS OF SPUR GEAR B.Sivakumar1, I. Joe michael2 1,2 PG student, ME-Engineering design, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India.-----***----- Abstract - A gear or "gear wheel" is a rotating machine part having cut teeth, or cogs, which mesh with another toothed part in order to transmit power. Two ...
In this study, the effects of using FG materials in the wheel-mounted brake disk R920K for the ER24PC locomotive on its thermo-mechanical behavior are investigated. For this purpose, the uncoupled thermo-mechanical analysis is performed for the disk made of FG Al-A359/SiCp, aluminum and ductile cast iron materials.
A cooperative research effort between a major US railroad and a firm specializing in nondestructive testing equipment was conducted to determine the feasibility of finding cracks in the rim of steel railroad wheels. Wheel service failures, failure data and past efforts to find defective wheels are discussed as background information. The study found that defects machined into an actual ...
2.3 Fatigue crack growth life prediction. Based on Association of American Railroad (AAR) investigation on the three types of railway wheels used in passenger trains, the rate of initiation and growth of thermal cracks in these wheels is very high and the rail-wheel contact band is exposed to the higher possibility of thermal cracks initiation compared with the other areas (Grundy 1994 Grundy ...
A 3D wheel and rail finite element model is constructed and the temperature dependent material parameters are taken into consideration in the finite element simulations. The results show that it is import to reasonably consider full-coupled among stress, temperature and displacement for wheel-rail contact analysis in high speed and heavy haul ...
Damage often occurs on the surface of railway wheels due to wheel-rail contact fatigue. Since the wheel failure can cause derailment causing the loss of life and property, it should be removed prior to the wheel failure. The effect of surface removal on contact fatigue life has been investigated by many researchers, however, the effects of residual stress and traction force have not been ...
Thermal analysis: Thermal analysis of railway wheel is very important to calculate the crack growth and fatigue strength. The transient thermal analysis is possible with a finite element model of the wheel and can be performed to determine thefrictional heating and the net heat transfer from the braking shoes at the time of halt.
Coupled Linear Structural Thermal Analysis; ... Wheel Impact Analysis Video Link Model . Pen Drop Test Analysis Video Link Model . ... Transient Heat Transfer Colling Time Study - Casted Housing Video Link Model . Steady State Heat Transfer Analysis Video Link Model .
How about the other part of the wheel-rail wear system? At 0.6 – 0.8%, the carbon content of the European standard Grade 900A rail is higher than that of the wheel materials. However, its maximum tensile strength is 1050N/mm², as this grade of rail is used in its naturally hard condition, i.e. without subsequent fine pearlitization.
3.9.3 LOAD COMBINATIONS FOR THE CASE STUDY . 61 . 3.9.4 FATIGUE LOAD MODELS . 65 . 3.9.5 FATIGUE ASSESSMENT OF THE COMPOSITE BRIDGE . 67 . CHAPTER 4 . Bridge deck modelling and structural analysis . 4.1 Introduction . 79 . 4.2 Shear lag effect . 79 . 4.2.1 GLOBAL ANALYSIS . 79 . 4.2.2. ... 6.7.7 INFLUENCE OF SHRINKAGE AND THERMAL ACTION ON THE ...
wheel and the rail during normal operation using the transient structural-thermal analysis. One of the most important issues in railway wheels is the residual stress state. The
railway track through wheel-rail contact. Wheel-Rail Interface This course concerns the theoretical and the practical aspects of wheel-rail interface. The course starts with everyday observations in the railway system that clarify what wheel-rail interface is, why it is so important and where the challenges lie in Railway Engineering.
Pramod Murali Mohan [2] was carried out the analysis of railway wagon wheel to study Thermal and Structural Behaviour" when subjected to thermal, structural and …
This present article tries to study the influence of joint flexibility on the fatigue life of 76.2 m Truss bridge due to moving load at different speeds. The joint rotational stiffness is reduced by 5%, 10%, 25% and 50%. The result of preliminary studies conducted on Steel Truss Bridge is presented.
cal elements in railway operations. Track technology has developed in parallel with the railway itself. Current concerns of rail-ways are also technical issue for tracks. This article discusses the present status of tracks in Japan, and the future outlook. Structural Analysis of Tracks Basic structure Japan is a mountainous archipelago with
Analysis of railway wheel to study crack initiation due to thermal loading and calculating life cycle Nayan Chandak a, Mayank Yede a, Prashant Malvi ya a, M.K. Pradhan b
The radial balance equation of two row tapered roller bearings []: where K is the contact stiffness of roller and raceway, H is the function of the judging roller contact state, i is the number of the bearing row, and Z is the number of bearing with single row rollers.2.1.2. Wheel-Rail Dynamic Model. Since the rail and wheel are elastic bodies, the interaction between each can be described by ...
The normal wheel–rail interaction is tackled by using the Hertzian contact theory, and the tangent wheel–rail interaction by the Kalker linear theory and the Shen–Hedrick–Elkins theory. A computer code is developed. A case study is performed to a continuous bridge on the planned Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway in China.