Rip rap stones are among the biggest crushed stones available. Their size is why they work well for heavy-duty tasks, such as protecting shorelines from erosion. Not all rip rap stone sizes are the same — there are many varieties available that vary by size and their intended purpose.
Crushed Stone Sizes We Carry. Below are the various crushed stone sizes we have available at our Laurel retail stone yard, listed from smallest to largest. Keep in mind that as the crushed stone size increases, its drainage qualities increase and its compaction characteristics decrease proportionally.
Crushed stone is available in a variety of sizes, from 3/8" to 4". Because it is literally crushed stone, there is no consistency to its shape. The edges tend to be sharper and it feels rougher to the touch than pea gravel. Also, most crushed stone will either be in a white or gray hue, giving you a more neutral look than the colorful pea ...
Crushed stone might be one of those landscaping gems you have not heard much about. Why not? We aren't sure, except maybe those who do know about it want to keep it a secret. But crushed stone is an extremely versatile landscaping product. There's a multitude of potential projects that can benefit from the addition of crushed stone. 1.
Boulders, Slabs & or up to the road base if your in a driveway. 3/4" crushed rock works well for this.
Pea sized stones ¼ to ½ inch in size. Easily worked by hand but does not compact very well. Available in limestone, and washed gravel. #67 Description. An uncommon size of stone ranging from ¼ to ¾ inch. Workable by hand but not many materials are available in this size. Available in lucky stones. YouTube.