Considering the above results, a cost-effective protocol for P removal and recovery from SE was established by the repetitive utilization of Mag-MM and regeneration solution, magnetic separation of P-loaded or regenerated Mag-MM, and the recovery of P as calcium phosphate from exhausted regeneration solution.
Selection of natural magnetite as iron source for ferrihydrite synthesis and as magnetic core is believed to save the cost of adsorbent. Then, phosphate was loaded on Mag@Fh by impregnation-heating treatment to produce Mag@Fh-P. Batch adsorption experiments revealed that the Cd(II) adsorption on Mag@Fh-P could reach equilibrium within 60 min ...
The possibility of phosphate removal from wastewater by magnetic separation was first described by De Latour et al. They investigated the magnetic elimination of phosphate by precipitation in a system including the using of aluminum sulfate and montmorillonite, and of Fe in the form of FeCl 3 in addition to magnetite powder, .
We expect that [email protected] can integrate the advantages of ferrihydrite (large SSA and massive hydroxyl groups), magnetite (easy separation and low cost), and phosphate (high affinity toward Cd(II)). Natural magnetite powder would be partly dissolved in …
The use of dispersed magnetite to absorb precipitates prior to removal by high gradient magnetic separation of solids during water treatment has been described by de Latour, (J. Am. Water Works Ass., 68, 1976, 443-6) and the absorbtion of the magnetite at submicrometer particle sizes onto titanium and iron bearing impurities in kaolin in the ...
sized and explored for its phosphate removal properties. The synthesis method was simple and scalable, and the prepared material had a high value of saturation magnetization, indi-cating the easiness of magnetic separation of the nanoparti-cles from the liquid phase. The Al-MNP also showed high adsorption capacity toward phosphate removal. 2.
The emphasis of this review, is to consolidate low cost, environmentally friendly humic acid coated magnetite nanoparticles (HA-MNP) and its application for the remediation of phosphate from aqueous media. The magnetic nanoparticles could be easily separated from the reaction mixture by using a simple hand held magnet and adsorption studies ...
As shown in Figure 10, the phosphate and starch in the wastewater can be adsorbed on magnetic seeds surface, and then separated from the wastewater by magnetic separation. The phosphorus and starch content in the wastewater are reduced to 1.51 and 9.51 mg/L, respectively, and the removal rate reaches more than 75% [ 102 ].
eventual separation process [13]. Magnetic technology has brought great inno-vation to separation technology. It has been reported to improve the efficiencies of other types of separation techniques, such as catalytic and membrane processes [14] [15] [16]. Besides the unique magnetic properties of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4), it
Magnetite costs have become a significant operating expense with the prices ranging from $160-$300/ton. Magnetite loss ranges from 0.50 — 3.0 kg/tonne of feed (1 — 6 …
The operation cost of superconducting magnetic separation is extremely low. Therefore, in this work, FeOOH and magnetized FeOOH (Fe3O4@FeOOH) material …
Effective removal of excess phosphate from water is critical to counteract eutrophication and restore water quality. In this study, low cost, environmentally friendly humic acid coated magnetite nanoparticles (HA-MNP) were synthesized and applied for the remediation of phosphate …
Phosphate precipitation onto magnetite surfaces the precipitation of calcium phosphate, experiments were performed at different pH values with and without The main focus of using magnetic seed is to remove seed at the Ca/P ratios of 1.67, 3.34 and 5.01, phosphorus by magnetic separation, but not necessarily respectively (SI (with respect to HAP ...
Effective removal of excess phosphate from water is critical to counteract eutrophication and restore water quality. In this study, low cost, environmentally friendly humic acid coated magnetite nanoparticles (HA-MNP) were synthesized and applied for the remediation of phosphate from aqueous media.
Pilot plant tests at various sewage works showed that magnetic separation reduces the total-phosphate concentration to values as low as 0.1-0.5 mg/l. The system will be demonstrated in two full-scale plants with a capacity of 300 m 3 /h and 600 m 3 /h, respectively. The costs of magnetic phosphate removal (Dfl. 12,- to 18,-) are competitive ...
The capital cost, which is also high, would be reduced if roasted ore were processed in an existing magnetic separation plant. However, processing of reduction-roasted ore in a conventional taconite plant would require some modifications, because artificial magnetite has a higher remanence and coercivity than natural magnetite.