Category R13 – Mining and Quarrying Activity Stormwater General Permit (NJ0141950) To Help Us Process Your RFA More Efficiently, Please Provide All Items Listed Below. This checklist is provided to you as guidance for completing an application for a Request for Authorization (RFA) under one of the permits listed above.
A permit is required to conduct any mining activities. Permit area includes mining and support areas, facilities and roads. Permits are also required for exploration activities. A large noncoal mining permit does not expire and does not require renewal. An operator of a noncoal mining permit must be licensed.
Questions 13a & b Provide the mine file numbers of all mining permits currently held by the applicant (attach additional sheets, if necessary). Question 14 Give the history of permit suspensions, revocations, and bond forfeitures by persons in your organization. Use additional sheets of paper, if necessary.
Duty to Provide Information 9. Penalties for Tampering 10. Penalties for Falsification of Reports ... This General Permit is applicable to mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (except fuels) ... the facility shall apply for an individual permit …
Category R13 – Mining and Quarrying Activity Stormwater General Permit (NJ0141950) To Help Us Process Your RFA More Efficiently, Please Provide All Items Listed Below. This checklist is provided to you as guidance for completing an application for a Request for Authorization (RFA) under one of the permits listed above.
The permit application includes suitable operating plans to ensure that mining is conducted in an environmentally sound manner. Learn more about how to apply for a permit » Before a permit can be issued, applicants must provide suitable operations, drainage, and reclamation plans.
General information You need to provide us with the: • permit holder's name and address • permit type • permit number • reporting period (if it's for the previous year it will be from 1 January to 31 December of the previous year). 1. MINING PRODUCTION Your annual summary report needs to provide a summary of mine production.
• The appendices provide information that will assist in developing the SWPCP. Who Needs to Apply for the Permit . ... Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels, as well as concrete and asphalt mix batch plants, which discharge stormwater, mine dewatering water, or both, ...
Request for Pre-Application Meeting. DEQ strongly recommends Operators request a meeting before submitting an application. In response, an Opencut scientist will contact the Operator and schedule a visit to provide guidance on the application process and …
Mining Rules, Chapter 391-3-3, both as amended, the undersigned hereby: 1. Understands a Mining Land Use Plan (guidance provided by EPD) needs to be submitted in order for this application to be processed. 2. Understands that a permit will not be issued until financial assurance is received by EPD (after Mining Land Use Plan is approved). 3.
Application for Mining License All persons, companies, or local governments engaging in surface mining or operation of an underground mine shall be licensed. Only one license per operator or company is required and will permit the licensee to mine at any location in the state.
Duty to Provide Information L-9. Penalties for Tampering L-10. Penalties for Falsification of Reports ... This General Permit is applicable to mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (except ... Any owner or operator not wishing to be covered or limited by this General Permit may make application for an individual NPDES permit in ...
The General Permit for Nonmetallic Mining and Associated Activities (MNG490000) is a specific type of permit covering both stormwater and wastewater. It is also a multi-site permit, meaning all qualifying sites can be covered with a single permit application.
Duty to Provide Information 9. Penalties for Tampering 10. Penalties for Falsification of Reports ... This General Permit is applicable to mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (except fuels) ... the facility shall apply for an individual permit 180 days prior to the expiration date of
All quarrying permits now require a bond regardless of the mineral extracted. Quarry operators who have operated for five years without a serious violation under WV mining law or quarrying law, shall contribute to the "Bond Pooling Fund".
The occupancy permit process provides the business owner the opportunity to meet with county inspectors to ensure that the space meets zoning, building, and fire code requirements for the specific business. The Certificate of Occupancy authorizes use of the building. Please view the Occupancy Permit application for more information.
Application for Surface Mining Permit, CN-1097; How Will My Application Be Processed? Upon receipt of the application package, the Mining Section conducts an initial review and checks for completeness. Once the application is complete, staff conducts an in-depth review of the mining and reclamation plans as well as an on-site inspection.
This guide provides information regarding the overview of the application process, financial security requirements, annual regulatory fees, how to apply for a permit, the minimum requirements for the Mined Land Use Plan and a list of standard conditions that are used for small-scale bluestone mines.
The department's Land Reclamation Program issues permits for mining industrial minerals. Amendments made in 1990 to the Land Reclamation Act (Missouri's industrial minerals mining law) improved the requirements to be met for completing industrial mineral permit and reclamation processes. Industrial Minerals are gravel, limestone, granite, traprock, tar sands, clay, barite, sandstone, oil ...