Activation of Sphalerite by Ammoniacal Copper Solution in Froth Flotation Activation of Sphalerite by Ammoniacal Copper Solution in Froth Flotation. ... Therefore, the substitution of copper sulphate with ACS would increase the separation efficiency not only in marmatite flotation but also in sphalerite flotation.
Flotation process, patented in the year 1906, was originally ... depression of sphalerite. Cyanide dissolves surface copper from activated sphalerite and can react with iron and zinc xanthate to form soluble complexes, eliminating xanthates from the surfaces of the .. - -->
During the grinding and flotation process, unavoidable copper ions, generated by the dissolution of oxidized chalcopyrite and secondary copper sulfide ore, always increase the floatability of sphalerite by unwanted activation [7]. As a result, the increase of sphalerite in Cu concentrates declines the copper grade and lowers the zinc recovery.
Flotation tests in a laboratory flotation cell at pH 8-8.5 and other sui}plementary tests were carried out on sphalerite-quartz and sphalerite-pyrite-'quartz mixtures. Depression of sphalerite resulted vvhen the addition of copper sulphate exceeded an optimum value. Evidence that this depression was due to collector deficiency because of reaction between copper sulphate and collector is presented.
pyhrrotite, or sphalerite) may be inadvertently activated and floated, it can seriously reduce the selectivity of the flotation process and make it difficult to market the product. In general, one of the major driving forces for the activation mechanism is the difference in the solubility product (pK). The fact that copper sulfide is more insoluble
In the zinc flotation experiments, after pH adjustment, conditioning was performed by adding copper sulphate as sphalerite activator (250 g/ton for 2 …
The chemical composition of the low iron content For example, both an increase and decrease in copper sphalerite sample, ZnS, (Carthage, TN, USA) was activation, collector adsorption and froth flotation of 66.7% Zn, 0.3% Fe and 32.7% S (0.06% Cu and 0.07% Pb) while that of the high iron content sphalerite sam- * ple, (Zn, Fe)S, (Broken Hill ...
A review of the fundamental studies of the copper activation mechanisms for selective flotation of the sulfide minerals, sphalerite and pyrite Adv Colloid Interface Sci . 2009 Jan 30;145(1-2):97-110. doi: 10.1016/j.cis.2008.09.001.
New and improved processes and compositions for use in flotation recovery of metal values from base metal zinc sulfide ores are disclosed. The collector compositions for froth flotation of metal sulfide minerals comprise the combination of combination of 1) at least one allylalkylthionocarbamate compound having the formula ##STR1## wherein R is a C 2 to C 8 alkyl radical, preferably R is an ...
REGRIND AND SELECTIVE FLOTATION. The bulk copper-zinc concentrate after thickening is reground to all minus 325 mesh. Even at this grind microscopic examination shows inclusions of chalcopyrite in sphalerite grains. Zinc sulphate and cyanide are added to the regrind mill to effectively depress the sphalerite.
The micro-flotation tests with single minerals showed that PAPA selectively depressed Cu-activated sphalerite, while chalcopyrite remained floatable. Moreover, a concentrate containing 31.40% Cu with a recovery of 92.43% was obtained in flotation tests of artificially mixed minerals.
The main objective of the invention was to develop a new flotation collector that could eliminate or reduce the amount of copper sulfate used in the flotation of sphalerite. Different series of collectors such as cupferrons, arylhydroxamic acids and amino mercaptans or amino thiols were synthesized and tested. Amino mercaptans/aminothiols were found to be very effective in floating sphalerite ...
Sulphide ores are the major sources of base metals like Copper, Lead, Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt. Beneficiation of. these base metal sulphide minerals is predominantl y through the froth flotation ...
Collector composition for flotation of activated sphalerite. United States Patent 5599442. Abstract: New and improved processes and compositions for use in flotation recovery of metal values from base metal zinc sulfide ores are disclosed. The collector compositions for froth flotation of metal sulfide minerals comprise the combination of ...
the processes of sulphides flotation. The adsorption of potassium isobutyl xanthate (KIBX 3⋅10-3M) on sphalerite has been studied using electrochemical potential, FTIR technique and SEM. Non activated minerals and minerals activated with copper sulfate (10-4 M) and copper nitrate (10-4 M) have been investigated at pH 7.5. Surface species have ...
copper-activated sphalerite is not efficient at lower dosages of zinc sulphate alone. In addition, Trahar et al. (1997) have shown that the use of zinc salts at pH 9 decreased the recovery of galena due to the coating by hydrophilic zinc hydroxide. A study on the deportment of sphalerite in the lead flotation circuit was carried out in the work
Abstract:There are some pyrite and secondary copper minerals in a copper-lead-zinc mine. Because of this, sphalerite and pyrite are comparably hard to be depressed in the copper-lead flotation process, which worsened the flotation indexes. Therefore, we have carried out experimental research on the inhibitors of these two minerals.
flotation of sphalerite from a copper-rougher tails. obtained from a Canadian mill occurred without acti-vation with copper sulfate, and this finding was veri-
1989; Ekmekçi and Demirel 1997). Unwanted activation and flotation of sphalerite in a complex lead/zinc ore or copper/zinc ore is an example to this type of behaviour. Therefore, determination of the degree of oxidation, surface species and their influence on flotation behaviour is necessary to develop processing strategies to
explanation for the high flotation of pyrite in alkaline pH conditions is its inadvertent activation by copper either dissolved from copper minerals present in the ore or added in the zinc circuit to activate the flotation of sphalerite Bushell and Krauss, 1962; Voigt etŽ al., 1994 .
This paper discusses the value and potential of pulp pH, collector dosage, flotation pulp density, flotation machine speed, mineral particle size distribution and the flash the zinc mine inhibitor amount of copper, lead and zinc sulphide flotation kinetics behavior, the researchers fitted chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite single mineral ...
Table I. Flotation Tests After. 5~Iinute. Oondit ioning Period Wi. th. Copper Sllphate in the Presence. of. Varying. A.tnounts of' Iron • • • • • • • • • • 5. Table. II. Flotation Tests After JD-Minute Oonditiaoing Period With Copper Sulphate. in. the Presence of Varying Amol.m:ts of Iron ...
collectors and the activation of sphalerite by heavy metal ions such as copper and lead. The different mechanisms of activation of sphalerite by copper and lead ions are discussed. The mineralogy of the Rosh Pinah ore is also presented in order to understand the parameters that may be involved during the selective flotation of the ore.
As an example of the beneficial effect of copper sulfate in the activation of zinc sphalerite toward flotation, the series of results shown in Fig. 1 is of …
In addition, the flotation recoveries show the effect of the inadvertent copper activation of pyrite and sphalerite, and the effect of bisulphite in reducing the flotation of sphalerite and pyrite in the mixture. Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry(ToF-SIMS) data indicates that the depressing effect of bisulphite is due to the ...
Commercial copper production was declared on March 1, 2009, when copper concentrate inventory levels surpassed the 5,000 tonne shipping threshold. Increased zinc levels in the ore body, as it was continuously being mined, prompted the construction of a Cu/Zn separation circuit as extension of the previous flotation circuit.
Shows the effect of a copper sulphate NEAR OVERdose on zinc flotation. https://
A review of the fundamental studies of the copper activation mechanisms for selective flotation of the sulfide minerals, sphalerite and pyrite. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2009, 145, 97–110.
Studies on flotation kinetics also confirmed the improved selectivity attained by using copper sulfate and a CMC. The selectivity index (SI) for sphalerite, with respect to pyrite, improved from 0.88 to 2.35 when copper sulfate was added, and that for nonsulfidic gangue increased from …
A review of the fundamental studies of the copper activation mechanisms for selective flotation of the sulfide minerals, sphalerite and pyrite Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 145 ( 2009 ), pp. 97 - 110