@misc{etde_10149565, title = {Mineralogy and metallurgical properties of iron ore sinter based on magnetite fines} author = {Heinaenen, K} abstractNote = {This study has shown that sintering is primarily a mineralogical process even though it is traditionally considered as being controlled by chemical analyses. The effect of the mineralogy of the sinter mix on the mineralogy of …
KEYWORDS:magnetite concentrate, granulation; iron ore sintering; sinter mineralogy. l. Introduction For mostsinter plants in China, magnetlte concentrate is the mainsource of iron ore. Although there are massive reserves of iron ores, the demandfor iron ore is much greater than what the mines can produce. This means that Chinaimports andwill ...
This research work focuses on the reduction behavior of iron ore pellets, sinter, and lump ore in simulated BF shaft conditions where H 2 and H 2 O are present in typical CO CO 2 N 2 atmospheres. 2 Experimental Section. Sinter, lump ore, and iron ore pellets were used in experiments. The composition for all three materials is shown in Table 1.
In this process, most iron and some vanadium are reduced to hot metal and further treated to recover iron and vanadium, whereas Ti is almost entirely not reduced and concentrated into the blast furnace slag.2,3 Generally, the normal iron ore sinter is composed of iron-bearing minerals (40–70 vol.% hematite, Fe 2 O 3, and magnetite, Fe 3 O 4 ...
Magnetite in iron ore sinter is usually distinctly different in morphology and reflectivity from phases such as hematite and the SFCA types. Sometimes however, if the magnetite contains appreciable amounts of solid solution impurities such as Mg, Ca, Al and Si, the magnetite reflectivity changes and it becomes difficult to accurately ...
Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets, Sinter, and Lump Ore under Simulated Blast Furnace Conditions Anne Heikkilä,* Mikko Iljana, Hauke Bartusch, and Timo Fabritius 1. Introduction ... The magnetite in sinter first reduces slowly, yielding a higher reduction rate in pellets at lower temperatures. Gas compositions vary as a function of temperature. When
FeO in iron ore sinter is directly related to its magnetite content (Umadevi et al. 2012). Sinter productivity reaches maximum values when sinter FeO values of 8.6-9.88% ...
During the process of sintering, as the combustion of fine coke particles starts at temperatures between 700 deg C to 800 deg C, it results in the formation of CO (carbon mono oxide) gas. The surface of the iron ore core and its adhering fines are reduced to magnetite.
Iron ore concentrate is produced from the magnetite iron ore in the beneficiation process and is used for the production of pellets for blast furnaces and sinter. The concentrates are non-toxic, non-flammable and non-explosive. The concentrate is shipped as a bulk commodity by rail using the open-top rolling stock and by sea. Manufacturer: SevGOK.
E. Donskoi, ... J.R. Manuel, in Iron Ore, 2015 4.2.2 Sinter. Low-temperature (< 1300 °C) iron ore sinter is an agglomerate of unmelted and partially melted nuclei particles (+ 1 mm) and a matrix bonding phase produced from the melting of fine ore (− 1 mm) and flux particles, with the majority of melt formation occurring in the granule adhering fines layer.
During the iron ore sintering process, two types of particles are present in the sinter bed: (1) fines, which are actively taking part in melting and the formation of secondary phases, and (2) coarse ores, which are partially interacting with the surrounding melt. The quality of the final sinter is particularly determined by the secondary phases and their bonding ability.
Table 2 Iron ore mix in sinter blends for sinter pot trials. Sinter blend Reference 20% MAF 20% MHF 20% PF Commercial Sinter Fines 1 (%) 40 32 32 32 Commercial Sinter fines 2 (%) 35 28 28 28 BF return fines (%) 10 8 8 8 Commercial Concentrate 1 (%) 8 6,4 6,4 6,4 Commercial Concentrate 2 (%) 7 5,6 5,6 5,6 LKAB magnetite conc. (MAF) (%) 20
Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Swa. Actions. Add to watchlist. Price (USD) 118.10. Today's Change 4.76 / 4.03%. Shares traded 0.00. 1 Year change -3.56%. 52 week range 164.44 - 211.80. Data delayed at least 30 minutes.
Totally,the method of V-Ti magnetite ore blends optimization for sinter strength based on iron ore basic sintering characteristics was useful . Discover the world's research 20+ million members
In the present work, oxidation and sintering mechanisms in iron ore green pellets under non-sintering and sintering conditions were studied. The intent was to get more information about the sensitivity of the formation of duplex structures for variations in raw material fineness and in green pellet porosity. 2. Materials and methods2.1.
Sintering: A Step Between Mining Iron Ore and Steelmaking. The USGS defines iron ore as a mineral substance which, when heated in the presence of a reductant, will yield metallic iron (Fe). It almost always consists of iron oxides, the primary forms of which are magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3). It's a major ingredient in steel.
Sintering followed by magnetic separation has been considered as one of the possible ways of processing brown iron ore phosphorous concentrates. Experiments have demonstrated that on sinter roasting of the concentrate over the entire range of the studied parameters (basicity from 0 to 2 and coke consumption from 3 to 10%) there occurs the ...
ISIJ International, Vol. 37 (1 997), No. 9, pp. 854-861 Oxidation tlons and Sintering of Magnetite Ore under Oxidising Condi- L, X. YANGand E. MATTHEWS BHPResearch Newcastle Laboratories. P.O, Box 188, Wallsend, NSW2287, Australia. (Received on,4pril 7. 1997.• accepted In final form on June2. 1997) E-mail: yang.lisa.1((7'bhp,au Theoxidation of magnetite mineral in a wide range of iron ...
For that reason, hematite ore is important for many mining companies.As Australia's Magnetite Network explains, "[d]irect shipping ores, when …
Several iron ores of different chemical compositions were used in the experimental work including four Chinese (S, Q, H and C) and one European (K) magnetite concentrate and a high-grade Australian hematite ore (A) .In plant sinter, the −1-mm fraction is thought to represent the adhering fines fraction which melts and reacts with the fluxes to form the solid sinter matrix whilst the coarse ...
Description. Iron Ore (fines) Iron ores are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. The ores are usually rich in iron oxides and vary in colour from dark grey, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red. The iron itself is usually found in the form of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4), hematite (Fe 2 O 3), goethite (FeO(OH)), limonite (FeO(OH).n(H 2 O)) or siderite (FeCO 3).
Iron ore lump and sinter fines are examples of DSOs, which are mined predominantly from areas ... iron ore worldwide at lower in-situ grades (generally about 20-40% Fe), which can be readily enriched ... Mineralogy: hematite vs magnetite Iron ores can be formed of several different minerals; the most common are hematite and magnetite.
Some basic properties of granules, including the granule size distribution, packed-bed permeability, and chemical composition of the adhering layer, were investigated in this study for four iron ore blends consisting of 5wt%, 25wt%, and 45wt% ultrafine magnetite and 25wt% ultrafine hematite concentrates. The effects of varying the sinter basicity (CaO/SiO2 mass ratio = 1.4 to 2.2) and adding ...
Keywords: image analysis; sinter; iron ore; texture; structure; algorithm; SFCA; hematite; goethite 1. Introduction Together with lump iron ore and pellets, iron ore sinter is one of the major feeds for the production of iron in the blast furnace and can constitute up to 70–85% of the total ferrous burden.
Many different approaches have been used in the past to characterise iron ore sinter mineralogy to predict sinter quality and elucidate the impacts of iron ore characteristics and process variables on the mechanisms of sintering. This paper compares the mineralogy of three sinter samples with binary basicities (mass ratio of CaO/SiO2) between 1.7 and 2.0.
Influence and mechanism of Indonesia vanadium titano-magnetite on metallurgical properties of iron ore sinter GAO Qiang-jian() 1, WEI Guo( ), SHEN Yan-song()2, JIANG Xin()1, ZHENG Hai-yan()1, SHEN Feng-man()1, LIU Chang-sheng()1 1.
The oxidation and sintering characteristics of magnetite iron ore pellets balled with a novel complex binder (namely MHA) were mainly investigated by batch isothermal oxidation measurements in this research. Combined results reveal that the thermal decomposition of MHA binder influences the oxidation and sintering processes of dried pellets.
The method of V–Ti iron ore blend optimization for sinter strength based on iron ore basic sintering characteristics is useful. (2) The BSCs of 5 kinds of V–Ti ores DB, HW, YT, JL and FH are good except LF. (3) The key reason that V–Ti sinter with a poor TI is the low LF, which caused the sinter with a large-pore structure.
The effect of microwave radiation on the magnetic properties of an iron ore was investigated. Four samples. from Choghart Iron ore were used in this research. Three samples were treated for 30, 60 ...
Sintering is a process in which iron ore fines along with limestone, dolomite, coke fines, lime, gas cleaning plant (GCP) dust, flue dust, mill scale and return sinter are mixed with water to form nodules and then fired to form sinter [].The sintering process commences with the downward propagation of combustion front and process completes when the combustion front reaches the …