Last week I posted detailed construction information for my rubidium atomic clock frequency reference.. Besides that unit, I also built a GPS-disciplined 10 MHz oscillator to serve as a secondary frequency reference, as well as a source of GPS NMEA data for my ham shack instruments that can use precise location and real-time-clock data (e.g. for satellite tracking).
GPS time and frequency standard. Quartzlock Products. GPS Time and Frequency Standards Our range of GPS disciplined Rubidium Oscillator, OCXO and TCXO, low cost and stable, time and frequency references in a variety of rack mount and desktop sizes to suit all applications.
RUBIDIUM FREQUENCY STANDARD FOR THE GPS IIF PROGRAM AND MODIFICATIONS FOR THE RAFSMOD PROGRAM Ryan T. Dupuis, Thomas J. Lynch, John R. Vaccaro PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, Salem, MA 01970 USA Abstract PerkinElmer provides the Rubidium Frequency Standards (RFS) for the Boeing Block IIF GPS navigation satellites. The
A Versatile Low Cost GPS Corrected Frequency Standard (Updated on May 30, 2020)A frequency counter is present in many Amateur Radio Stations or electronics workshops but, with the exception of the high-end models, its accuracy and stability are generally in the 1-9 ppm range.
a fourth type of frequency standard has been acquired by many cal labs. These standards, known as Global Positioning System disciplined oscillators (GPSDOs), are quartz or rubidium oscillators whose frequency is controlled by signals broadcast from the GPS satellites.
A Laser-Cooled Frequency Standard for GPS Thomas P. Heavner, Stephan Barlow, Marc A. Weiss, Neil Ashby and Steven R. Jefferts Time and Frequency Division National Institute of Standards and Technology BIOGRAPHY Thomas P. Heavner is a physicist at NIST in the Atomic Standards Group and works on NIST-F1, the primary
GPS Frequency Standard - The cesium controlled frequency standard that uses GPS technology and connectivity to provide primary standard traceability from any location. The 910 and 910R GPS frequency references are fully traceable and extremely accurate gps frequency standards and are ideally suited for use in many applications, including ...
GPS Disciplined Frequency Standard - Link : Accurate LC Meter Build your own Accurate LC Meter (Capacitance Inductance Meter) and start making your own coils and inductors. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances making it perfect tool for making all types of RF coils and inductors. LC Meter can measure inductances starting ...
GPS-88/GPS-89 Users Manual. Via the GPSView SW, calibration protocols based on the internally stored calibration data can be generated at any time. Standard frequencies are 1 pps, 10 MHz and 5 MHz. Other reference frequencies, for example 2.048 MHz are available as options. We are continuously developing options and accessories, like outputs ...
A GPS-Based Frequency Standard By Brooks Shera, W5OJM 1Notes appear on page 43. This modern and highly accurate frequency standard is something you can readily have! trol (discipline) the frequency of our Earth-based frequency standard in much the same way that previous generations of hams have manually adjusted crystal oscillators to WWV.
The simple GPS frequency standard and RF generator. Simple GPS frequency standard and RF generator My first frequency standard is built up around a GPS receiver module, model NEO-6M, type NEO-6M-0-001 of the company "u-blox AG". The disadvantage is however that it can generate a maximum reference frequency of 1 kHz.
Premium GPS Time & Frequency Standard for Unmatched Accuracy Modular, network-centric, time & frequency standard that provides the most precise and stable, GPS-synchronized, time & frequency outputs in the world.
The Hewlett Packard Z3801A is a GPS based frequency standard that tracks global positioning satellites to get accurate timing data to adjust the long term frequency of an internal oven oscillator. It was originally used for synchronizing CDMA cellular land network wireless base stations.
The simple GPS frequency standard and RF generator. Simple GPS frequency standard and RF generator My first frequency standard is built up around a GPS receiver module, model NEO-6M, type NEO-6M-0-001 of the company "u-blox AG". The disadvantage is however that it can generate a maximum reference frequency of 1 kHz.
This simple frequency standard uses the 1PPS available from many GPS receivers to lock a stable oven-controlled oscillator, holding a few hundred uHz of accuracy from moment to moment depending on the quality of the oscillator. (My old "Small Fry" wanders under +- 2 x 10 -11 .) It's a "nearly" analog circuit using three logic chips to perform ...