The portion being recirculated does not re-enter the ACTIFLO settling tank, it stays within ... To reduce the volume of sludge produced by any ACTIFLO® process train (existing or new) a hydro-cyclone concentration system (HCS) can be installed or retrofitted. The HCS system is a simple sludge recirculation loop, which reduces sludge ...
Our developer level knowledge in technologies, combined with a passion for water, means that we seek out the right solution for the problem, often succeeding where others fail. Our core products are our own and our aim is simple, to develop and deliver state-of-the-art solutions for the ever-evolving produced water landscape.
The water clarification process is by Actiflo-Settler, a compact unit with a high degree of operating flexibility. It uses micro sand as the catalyst to expedite the clarification process with facilities to recover the sand used. This system enables the clarification process time to be reduced from point of coagulation to outlet of the settling ...
The average design criteria of the ACTIFLO ® unit is based on a 40 m 3 /h/m 2 of projected surface in the settling tank. This corresponds to a 2–2–6–3 design, which means 2 min detention time in the coagulation tank, 2 min in the flocculation tank, 6 min of maturation and finally 3 min in the settling tank.
Injection Tank (주입조) ACTIFLO ... SS 80~98%, BOD•COD65~90%, T-P 50~95%, FaecalColi.: 1~1.5log(unit/mL) 고밀도플럭형성을위한응결제로Microsand 주입 ... tank 경사판침전조 Hydrocyclone …
Actiflo pilot unit. The capacity of the pilot unit was 32.8 L/s and its process diagram is shown in Figure 2. Influent first enters a coagulation tank, where chemical coagulant and efficient mixing are used to destabilize suspended and colloidal solids. Then, polymer and microcarrier are injected to coagulated water to further develop floe,
Hydrocyclones oPurpose: Separate microsand from settled solids oHydrocyclones: 3 per train (2 duty, 1 standby) oCapacity: 310 gpm at 22 psig Underflow: 60 gpm to injection tank Overflow: 250 gm to WWTP @ 0.1 to 0.5 percent solids. Microsand Pumps Train 1 Hydrocyclones and Sample Sink
The flocculated water enters a settling tank where the particles settle to the bottom and a circular scraper rakes them into a sump in the center of the basin. From the sump, the material goes into hydrocyclones, which separate the sand from the solids or sludge. The sand recycles to the injection tank and the solids flow by gravity to lagoons.
ACTIFLO® HCS' principal feature is that it comes with a specific hydrocylone* and an external recirculation loop. After settling, the sludge/microsand mixture is pumped to the hydrocyclone where the microsand is thoroughly washed before being injected back into the flocculation tank.
ACTIFLO® Carb process combines the benefits of ballasted clarification with the adsorption capacities of powdered "MA" HYDROCYCLONE PAC Recirculation Used PAC Discharge Microsand Ballasted PAC Flocs to Hydrocyclone Coagulant COAGULATION TANK PAC PRE-CONTACT TANK FLOCCULATION TANK WITH TURBOMIX TM SETTLING TANK WITH LAMELLA AND SCRAPER Baffle ...
Ballasted clarification for a very high rate and compact process Actiflo® is a compact process that operates with microsand (Actisand™) as a seed for floc formation. Actisand™ provides surface area that enhances flocculation and also acts as a ballast or weight to aid a rapid settlement. Actiflo® is recommended for: > surface water ...
mechanism, mixers, and a hydro cyclone Discharge to - Clarified water from "Actiflo" package plant flows to the equalization tank overflow chamber via 400 mm diameter pipe and then to St. Clair River via 900 mm diameter pipe - Settled sludge discharged to a circular sludge thickener via a …
The hydro-cyclone works on the principle of centrifugal force for the separation of heavier particles from the lighter one such as sludge and microsand in Actiflo process [21]. ...
Following soda ash and PAC dosing the water goes to the Actiflo mixing tank which contains a pH probe with optimal pH for coagulation being 7.1-7.2. There are high & low alarms on the floc pH monitor of 7.6 and 6.3. The water then goes to the Actiflo turbomix tank at which point a mix of microsand and 0.1% polyeletrolyte is added to aid ...
In this configuration, Actiflo® then becomes a conventional lamella clarifier (Actiflo® Duo). The Actiflo® process Actiflo®: rapid, flexible and performant 1 2 4 5 3 Recirculation: the sludge is pumped to the hydrocyclone to be separated from the microsand. The clean microsand is returned into the injection tank to minimize loss; the sludge is
Fig 4: MICROSAND 2.4 HYDRO-CYCOLNE AND ITS MECHANISM As Actiflo process has one recycling unit known has Hydro-cyclone which helps to reuse the micro-sand by clarifying from sludge. A Hydro-cyclone is a static device to classify, separate or sort particles that applies centrifugal force to a flowing liquid mixture so as to stimulate the heavy ...
This product range is based on the Actiflo process developed by Veolia that uses microsand and polymer in the floculation tank to increase settling velocity. Veolia has more than 20 years of design, commissioning and operational experience. Over 1,800 Actiflo units have been installed worlwide by Veolia, including more than 900 package plants.
In this configuration, Actiflo® then becomes a conventional lamella clarifier (Actiflo® Duo). The Actiflo® process Actiflo®: rapid, flexible and performant 1 2 4 5 3 Recirculation: the sludge is pumped to the hydrocyclone to be separated from the microsand.The clean microsand is returned into the injection tank to minimize loss; the sludge is
Mainly Actiflo setup footprint is very small and for reuse. The lighter density sludge is discharged from the compact when compared to conventional clarifier. top of the hydro-cyclone and sent to final disposal. 2. The design results in footprints that are 20times smaller than conventional clarification system.
recirculated to a hydrocyclone where the Actisand is physically separated and returned to the process, reducing the need for fresh ballast to be added to the system. Only 1% of the incoming raw water flow is removed as waste and most of the PAC is returned to the inlet of the AS5 Actiflo® Carb contact tank…
leaving the Actiflo unit; 5) The sludge/micro-sand mixture collected at the bottom of the settling tank is pumped to the hydrocyclone, which separates the micro-sand from the sludge by centrifugal force. The recovered clean micro-sand is then recycled into the maturation tank, whilst the separated sludge is continuously discharged. 1.3 CHEMICALS
The Actiflo method is a compact physico-chemical water treatment method. The method has for many years been used in waterworks for the treatment of surface water to produce drinking water, but is now to an increasing extent being used for treating wastewater and combined sewer overflows (CSO). The method works as weighted settling combined with ...
ACTIFLO settling process The particular design pertaining to the coagulation, injection and maturation tanks, the dosage of microsand and a lamellar settling process all contribute in providing a high performance and reliable water treatment system. Water coagulation A coagulant is injected to the raw water upstream of the unit.
sludge and re-injected into the flocculation tank while the sludge is gravity fed to the hydrocyclone detention tank and then pumped to the plant's residuals treatment (gravity thickener) system. From the Actiflo© units, clarified water flows through two 900 mm diameter lines to two ozone contactors.
is pumped to a hydrocyclone where the sludge is separated from the microsand via centrifugal force. The clean microsand is recycled back to the flocculation tank while the sludge is continuously discharged. "Actiflo covers all municipal and industrial treatment applications" Drinking water and process water For the production of drinking water
Actiflo® package unit schematic view • Water coagulation A coagulant is injected to the raw water upstream of the unit. The water then enters a rapid mix tank to destabilize colloidal matter. • Flocculation ... hydrocyclone recycles the microsand back into the injection tank and discharges the sludge throughout the process.
As Actiflo process has one recycling unit known has Hydro-cyclone which helps to reuse the micro-sand by clarifying from sludge. A Hydro-cyclone is a static device to classify, separate or sort particles that applies centrifugal force to a flowing liquid mixture so as to stimulate the heavy and light components.
. 04/07/2011Direction Departmentname Actiflo Process Actiflo 04/07/2011 Direction Departmentname 2.Actiflo 3.Actiflo 4. 5. 6. ...
exits the Actiflo unit by a series of collection troughs into a gravity line. The ballasted floc sand-sludge mixture is collected at the bottom of the settling tank and withdrawn. The sand-sludge mixture is then pumped to the system's hydrocyclone for separation. Energy from …
The clear microsand is returned to the injector chamber. Sludge from hydro cyclone is taken to drainage or for additional processing (for example to dehydration). For more information about the unit, operating principles and features of the "Actiflo" clarifier purification unit, see the video.