Likewise, the exploration for different metallic resources, for instance volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of copper, lead, and zinc on the one hand, and vein deposits of gold and silver on the other, require fundamentally different methods of exploration.
method is a quick and powerful geophysical technique for the study of shallow 2-D geological structures most especially in respect of mineral exploration. In addition, it has been used to high echelon of success to ... Exploration of Lead-Zinc (Pb-Zn) Mineralization Using Very Low Frequency Electromanetic (VLF-EM) in Ishiagu, Ebonyi State
In "Proceedings of Exploration 97: ... of these methods is designed to improve the knowledge and reliabil- ... resource containing about 120 million tonnes of 10.5% zinc, 1.5% lead, and 35 g/t silver. The Century deposit occurs within sediments of the Proterozoic
This example shows that the SP method may be more sensitive to graphite than to lead-zinc sulphides. Therefore, the SP method sometimes may not be able to distinguish the mineralisation from its graphite-bearing host. Geophysical exploration in the Xi-Cheng lead-zinc orefield DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONSThe SP method played an important role in ...
12%Likewise, the exploration for different metallic resources, for instance volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of copper, lead, and zinc on the one hand, and vein deposits of gold and silver on the other, require fundamentally different methods of exploration.
6.1.1 Lead and Zinc Ore Mining Lead and zinc ore is nearly always mined below the surface of the ground. Some veins of ore lie as deep as several thousand feet but most deposits lie close to the surface. Lead and zinc ore is mined almost exclusively in underground operations, though a few surface operations do exist.
geochemical anomalies of zinc, lead, copper, and silver near old mines and prospects, (2) to study the dispersion patterns of metals, (3) to determine whether anomalous geochemical patterns indicate larger exploration targets
The reason of this research is to identify the favorable areas for copper, zinc, and lead mineralization in the western part of the 1:100,000 Tafresh geological Sheet in the Urmia-Dokhtar structural zone of Iran. Effective data layers for mineralization, such as geology, geochemistry, structures, and satellite images, were analyzed and then integrated using the AHP-OWA method to identify ...
Explorations of gold and lead-zinc deposits using a magnetotelluric method: Case studies in the Tianshan-Xingmeng Orogenic Belt of Northern China Author links open overlay panel Qingdong Zeng a b c Qingyun Di b c d Tiebing Liu a b Guangming Li a b c Changming Yu a b c Ping Shen a b c Hongtao Liu a b Jie Ye a b
Analytical Methods Used in Geochemical Exploration, 1984 . Analytical Methods Used in Geochemical Exploration, 1984 By Richard M. O'Leary and Allen L. Meier U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 948 1986 . ... Bismuth, cadmium, copper, lead, silver, and zinc, or ...
Exploration of lead-zinc deposits using electromagnetic method: A case study in Fengtai ore deposits in Western China ... the grounded-wire transient electromagnetic method system has been found to be one of the better choices for the deep prospecting of the metal deposits and was applied to detect Pb–Zn deposits in the Bafangshan-Erlihe area ...
Physically searching on site for geologically interesting boulders that have been separated from the bedrock in connection with inland ice sheet movements and are now a part of a till layer. The discovery of e.g. copper or zinc indicates the possibility of deposits in nearby bedrock. The method has limited or no environmental impact.
Lead and Zinc Mining in the Dubuque Area by Greg A. Ludvigson and James A. Dockal This small cave, along Catfish Creek valley, is an example of cavern development in an oxidized lead ore deposit and may have been one of Julien Dubuque's "Mines of Spain." Photo by Jim Dockal, University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
The Yuele lead-zinc mining area belongs to the northern part of the lead-zinc polymetallicmetallogenic belt in the northeastern Yunnan province "Figure 1(A)". Its special geological structural position and complex struc-tural evolution history, has decisively influenced on the lead-zinc mineralization. The regional outcropped is
ABSTRACT : In order to evaluate the Lead – Zinc (Pb-Zn) mineralization potential, determine the depth of occurrence and provide preliminary recommendations for further exploration and exploitation activities, a geophysical investigation involving the induced polarization method was
In the present study, the gold and lead-zinc deposits in the TXOB were chosen, and an EH4 System was applied to detect hidden orebodies. The results of this study will potentially provide new guidelines for future deep explorations of the gold or lead-zinc deposits in the TXOB.