YaraMila TURF ROYALE 21-7-14 is a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) designed to maximize crop yield and quality. Formulated to meet precise crop requirements, YaraMila Turf Royale 21-7-14 is one of the most highly efficient sources of N, P and K available.
Determining Spreader Settings. Improper spreader settings may result in uneven fertilization, turf injury, inadequate pest control, and a waste of time and money. When using a L product, find the designated setting listed on the bag and then cross reference that number to your particular spreader type using the charts below.
Fertiliser spreader settings. To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader adjustments available on their websites. Please use the links below to select your spreader …
To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader adjustments available on their websites.
Getting the spreader settings right in your calibrator is one essential part of a good process to effectively spread fertiliser so that your crops receive all the nutrients they need. There are 3 practices that can help you in the process of more successful spreading.
spreading properties as the fertilizer stated in the setting chart. The recommended settings for lateral distribution refer solely to the weight distribution and not to the nutrient distribution (this applies particularly to mixed fertilizers). Any claim for damages other than to the centrifugal spreader …
Set the spreader to the estimated correct setting and apply product to 200 square feet; Then weigh the spreader to see how much product was actually applied. Most application rates are given in lbs. of product per 1,000 sq. ft. so the following formula can be used to determine the per 1,000 sq. ft. rate:
Yara has joined forces with SCS Spreader and Sprayer Testing Ltd to bring you the latest advice on how to successfully spread your fertilizer to achieve the best results.. Solid fertilizer application Make the right fertilizer choice. Conduct a broad spectrum soil analysis in conjunction with a nutrient management planto help decide which fertilizer is the most appropriate for a crop's needs.
To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader …
Spreader Setting Amount Product/1000 sq. feet Amount -N- 1000 sq. feet 3 2.65 0.7 5 6.25 1.7 7 10.50 2.2 Return to Turfgrass Research [Cooperative Extension] [AgInfo] University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4341 E. Broadway Road Phoenix AZ 85040-8807 602-470-8086 FAX: 602-470-8092 ...
To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader adjustments available on their websites.
Calibrating Your Spreader. 1. Divide 100 by the square foot the bag of fertilizer covers 2. Multiply the weight of the bag by this number 3. The answer is the amount of fertilizer needed to cover 100 sq. ft. 4. Place this amount in the spreader 5. Mark off a 10 ft. x 10 ft. area 6. Apply using the suggested setting…
To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader …
Spreader Settings. DISCLAIMER: These spreader settings were established using standard equipment available from the spreader manufacturer at swath widths and speeds typically used within the industry. Many variables such as walking speed, terrain, particle size, density, and spreader condition can affect these settings.
Spreader settings can be found on the "Details & Usage" tab on the product information pages. Or, you can use our spreader settings tool. If you still have questions, our experts are just a phone call away. Contact us at 1-800-543-TURF (8873).
The following settings can be used to apply products not found in the application chart. These are general information settings intended to be used as references. Fertilizer Pounds Per 1000 sq. Ft. 2.5 3 3.5 4 Setting Drop Spreaders 3.5 4 4.5 5 Insecticide (Diazinon) 2 Setting Drop 3 Grass Seed Blue Grass Bent Grass Fine Mixture Coarse Seed ...