Rig Source is the desired supplier of both new and used drill rigs for sale. We carry a full line of drill rigs servicing Geotechnical, Environmental, Geothermal, Core, Oil and Gas, Water Well, and Blast Hole Drilling Industries. Rig Source's extensive inventory allows customers to choose the drill rigs that best fit their needs and budget.
Used Drill Rigs. Welcome to the "Used Drill Rigs" section of the Geoprobe ® website. This is a free service we offer for listing used drilling rigs for sale and other drilling equipment. If you're looking for used drilling rigs for sale, check the website often because our previously-owned Geoprobe ® machines move fast!
At Drill Source, we are always looking for good late model drilling rigs and drilling equipment. - RC, RAB, diamond core, water well, drill-blast, geotechnical, oil field / work-over and other modes of drill rigs or compressors, boosters, pumps, rod sloops, track carriers or trucks.
Reverse circulation rc drill rig machine for soil survey. Manufacturer: JCDRILL; JRC300 Full Hydraulic Crawler Reverse Circulation Drilling Rig JRC300 reverse circulation drilling rig is a new multi-purpose, high-efficiency, environmental protection, multi-track-type rig, which uses the lates...
New and Used Drilling Boring Rigs insights. There are 176 Drilling Boring Rigs for sale in Australia from which to choose. Overall 62% of Drilling Boring Rigs buyers enquire on only used listings, 35% on new and 5.92% on both new and used Drilling Boring Rigs items.Buyers usually enquire on 1.99 different Drilling Boring Rigs classifieds before organising finance for Drilling Boring Rigs.
Probably one of the best track mounted rigs I have used - in mining environment for grade control sampling was the ROC L8 blast hole drill rig (which can be retro-fitted with the Metzke and RC sampling system with cone splitter).
Drill Central has New, Used and Surplus Drill Rigs for sale. Multipurpose Drill Rigs, Rotary Drill Rigs, Top head Drive Drill Rigs, Kelly Drive Drill Rigs all for sale. _Banner-Home_699x155b. Buy; Locate ... Aircore 3'' and RC 3 1/2" Mounted on a Tatra 6x6 year 2000 040178 kmRIG is powered by a Cummings LTA 10 Big Cam 9533 hrs.. More Info.
UsedRigs is the Leader in Used Rig Sales and Service. We invite you to join our family of corporate and family owned businesses who rely on us 24/7/365. Our family serving yours…one goal! We offer the very best drill rig maintenance service after the sale available. Find out more about our new and used drill rigs available as well as our ...
1982 Larson Reverse Circulation Rig. Manufacturer: Larson REVERSE ROTARY DRILL RIG, 1982 LARSON, CERTIFIED RATING 100,000 LB. Air Assisted Flooded Reverse Rotary drill rig with substructure. New and rebuilt hydraulic system in 2010 engineered and tested to 100,0...
The 5T basic rig consists of a 36 ft. telping mast, 12,000 lb. capacity, 220 ft. of 7/16" NSNR cable with an open speltered socket, 4 ½ ton swivel safety hook, block for 2-3 or 4 part line reeving and hydraulic outriggers. The 5T will adapt to a 1 ton truck or larger. Call for details.
We Buy & Sell Drill Rigs Call Toll FREE at 1-888-204-3907 Pennsylvania & Florida 814-676-1963 spike@spikesrigs Text 814-758-0874. Let us connect you with your buyer!! LOOKING FOR DRILTECH D25 1998 TO MID 2000's GEFCO/SPEEDSTAR 30K NEWER TOPHEADS. NEWER PUMP HOISTS . Staff has years of experience in the drilling industry.
An RC-equipped drill rig can quickly be converted to production drilling. Our rigs support inclined drilling which makes it easier to find the boundaries of the ore body. Reverse Circulation (RC) is a fairly simple sample method used for in-pit grade control. RC drilling is used for reducing the dilution of material into the crusher.
TRACK MOUNT RC/GC Drill & Blast; COMPRESSORS/BOOSTERS; SUPPORT EQUIPMENT; COMPLETE PACKAGES; Drill Rigs . Quality new and used drill rigs from Industrial Marketing Pty Ltd. All Types . Multipurpose and Diamond Rigs . Track mounted RC/GC/D&B . Truck Mount RC/GC ...
Reverse Circulation Drilling Rigs use a dual tube rod system, which allows for a cost effective retrieval of the cuttings from the face of the borehead to the surface by transporting them through the inner tube, thus eliminating the need for sample retrieval by tripping out or by the use of a wire line core barrel system.. Reverse Circulation drilling method gives a possibility to obtain ...
2017 gefco ss40t drill rig October 29, 2021 2017 GEFCO SS40T Drill Rig – Serial #907993 Conventional Mud Rotary • Mast Capacity – 176,000 lbs • Maximum Hook Load with Block @ Rotary Table – 116,000 lbs. •...