
social impact assesment mining

Governance Considerations Relating to Social Impact ...

This paper explores how social impact assessments (SIAs) can be applied productively in mining development in African societies characterised by weak regulatory structures and ethnic diversity. It evaluates the nature of the social risks associated with mining development in Africa and examines the concept of SIA as a tool for mitigating those ...

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Draft Terms of Reference for the Social Impact Assessment ...

• Provide an assessment based on collected baseline data to identify both positive and negative social impacts at both local and national level; • Optimize positive impacts and mitigate negative impacts from the mining activities throughout the project lifetime;

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of Coal Mines ...

mining area F. ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Social environment assessment can be monitored through studying the social status around the coal mining project annually. This can be done through door to door survey on the basis of evaluating matrix based on the social amenities and resources and effectiveness of the proposed project.

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(PDF) Social impact assessment in the mining sector ...

A challenge for sustainability assessment is the evaluation of the mining sector's contribution to society, beyond the mere economic value added, and in general the assessment of positive impacts.

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Social Impact Assessment and State Significant Mining ...

2.3. The impacts participating in a social impact assessment process can have on individuals and communities (e.g. demands on time, resources and emotions) were identified as an area needing greater recognition. 3. Ensuring social impact assessments are based on good data, both qualitative and quantitative. 3.1.

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The Best Social Impact Assessment (SIA) | Everything You ...

A social impact assessment example of management includes being an informational resource for community leaders and other stakeholders. It can also include continuing to use a social impact questionnaire to "take the temperature" of community perceptions …

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This executive summary provides an overview of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the Tenke Fungurume Mining S.A.R.L. (TFM) copper-cobalt mining project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It summarizes the five ESIA volumes, which include the …

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Social impact assessment: an interactive and participatory ...

comprehensive assessment of mining impacts would have to consider both ecological and social effects, and the higher order cumulative effects that result from their interaction (Westman, 1985). Yet when, in the late 1980s, environmental impact assessment studies were first being conducted, these were limited to the webwork of effects on the See ...

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(PDF) Environmental and social impacts of mining and their ...

The strategic management and assessment of social and environmental impacts also ensures favour from the government and policy makers for …

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Social and Environmental Impact Assessment

Social and Environmental Impact Assessment Big Bend Placer Gold Mining Project, Mongolia Prepared for WM Mining Company, LLC Centennial, Colorado, USA Prepared by AATA INTERNATIONAL, INC. Denver, Colorado, USA October 2008

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This executive summary provides an overview of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the Tenke Fungurume Mining S.A.R.L. (TFM) copper-cobalt mining project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It summarizes the five ESIA volumes, which include the …

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Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and ...

In various contexts, social impacts of mining are assessed with different sets of indicators and targets. In this study we perform a review of the associated literature, identify a list of typical social impacts occurring in the sector, and explore their geographical distribution.

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1.3. Social Impact Assessment 9 1.4. Approach to the SIA Study 10 1.5. Key Components of an SIA 10 1.6. Terms of Reference 10 1.7. Assumptions and Limitations 10 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 11 2.1. Project Location 11 2.2. overview of the Mining Operation 11 2.3. Box Cut Opencast Mining with a Roll-over Rehabilitation Sequence 13 3.

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Social Impact Assessment TANBREEZ Mining Greenland A/S

Social Impact Assessment is based on the Guidelines for Social Impact Assessments for mining projects in Greenland, November 2009, prepared by the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum. Description of the project . TANBREEZ mining project plan to mine Kakortokite. Kakortokite is composed of a series

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Social-ecological-technological systems consequences of ...

Other examples from the EIAs are mentions of a historic ideal society built to support mining, an ambition to support a local business network, and that mining can impact Sami communities. In general, social networks, such as civil society, along with family, friends, and neighbors, appear absent from EIA assessments and mining policy and guidance.

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Social Impact Assessment 17 - BHP

Caval Ridge Coal Mine Project – Environmental Impact Statement Page 17-1 17 Social Impact Assessment 17.1 Introduction A social impact assessment (SIA) is a proactive and anticipatory tool used to help understand the potential impacts that a proposed project may have on a community.

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SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STATE OF THE ART SERIES' Rabel J. Burdge and Frank Vancla y2 Social impact assessment can be defined as the process of assessing or estimating, in advance, the social consequences that are likely to follow from ... impacts of oil exploration and mining. Development studies is another area

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Assessing Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining for ...

A mining project can impact positively the education, health, jobs, social infrastructure and other elements of a community's life. By evaluating the social impacts of a project, governments and mining companies can ensure the project benefits local communities in particular and the whole country in general.

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Social Impact Assessment in the Mining Industry: Current ...

4 Social Impact Assessment in The Mining Industry: Current Situation and Future Directions 2 Impact Assessment as a Political Process Perhaps the single most important point of departure in considering how SIA may contribute in the future is to understand the extent to which both SIA and EIA feed into,

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Environment Impact Assessment of Coal Mining

underground mining (room pillar, long wall, drift, shaft, slope mining) are some types of coal mining. Proper Environment impact assessment of coal mining is very important and here we take some issues which should be considered and some mitigation measures are discussed. 2. Environment and Social issues related to coal mining

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Guinea ...

SustainRisk was contracted in 2016 to prepare a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), develop the full suite of required pre-construction Management Plans, and support the environmental and social (E&S) due diligence of investors/lenders for a bauxite mining …

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Background Document: Legal Framework of …

and social impact assessments (ESIAs) in the mining sector and related plans, namely, environmental and social management plans (ESMP), closure and rehabilitation plans, and potential resettlement action plans (RAPs). The guidance document will focus on legal frameworks that govern the development, implementation and monitoring of these tools.

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Assessing social impacts of mine closure

3.1 Understanding the context, impacts and possibilities 3.1.1 Social impact assessment of closure As international guidance specifies, identifying, assessing and managing the social impacts of a project (at any stage) is a multi-faceted process that increasingly focuses on …

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. In 2016, Dynamic Mining commissioned the services of BEEDD to carry out the regulatory Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIES) for the Bon Ami project. The Guinean Environmental authorities, the Guinean Bureau of Environmental Studies and Evaluation (BGEEE) and the Technical Committee for ...

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intentions of the social and labour plans of the mining companies and the poor socio-economic development levels that exist on the ground where the mines operate in Amajuba District. The objectives of this study is to gain an understanding of the following areas of social and economic development as per the requirements of the Mineral and Petroleum

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Social impacts of mining at a local community level and ...

'IAIA12 Conference Proceedings' Energy Future The Role of Impact Assessment 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 27 May- 1 June 2012, Centro de Congresso da Alfândega, Porto - Portugal () Social impacts of mining at …

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Tool 12 - Social Impact and Opportunities Assessment ...

A social impact and opportunities assessment (SIOA) identifies negative and positive impacts from a project. A SIOA will discover positive impacts whilst helping to offset negative influences. This tool is best used after completing a social baseline study.

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Mining Developments and Social Impacts on Communities ...

However, little information exists to classify key impacts or to identify how they vary across mining service towns. In this paper, qualitative social impact assessment techniques have been used to independently assess post-development impacts of mining on six communities in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, following the boom in coal prices ...

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Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Contents

This document provides general guidance for conducting a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and for preparing a SIA report. It is applicable for projects where the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) screening has identified a need to assess social risk and impact issues.

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Mining Environmental & Social Impact Consulting | SRK

We have undertaken environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) for a wide range of mining and industrial facilities across all continents, working with corporate standards, lender requirements, and both …

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