Zealotry definition, undue or excessive zeal; fanaticism. See more.
Zealot definition is - a zealous person; especially : a fanatical partisan. How to use zealot in a sentence. Did you know?
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Zealot. Recent studies seek to distinguish among several features of intertestamental Judaism to which the term "zealot" might be applied. The term could refer to certain persons with fervent devotion to God's Law. The term could also be applied to a general attitude and movement illustrated by Judas of Gamala and Saddok, a Pharisee, who led an ...
SYNONYMY NOTE: zealot implies extreme or excessive devotion to a cause and vehement activity in its support [zealots of reform]; fanatic suggests the unreasonable overzealousness of one who goes to any length to maintain or carry out his or her beliefs [a temperance fanatic]; an enthusiast is one who is animated by an intense and eager interest in an activity, cause, etc. [a sports …
The Zealots were a political movement in 1st-century Second Temple Judaism which sought to incite the people of Judea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms, most notably during the First Jewish–Roman War (66–70). Zealotry was the term used by Josephus for a "fourth sect" or "fourth Jewish philosophy" during this period.
A person who has ruined religion by using it for his own personal gain and to make him seem like (s)he's better than non-religious people.
The name Zealot occurs only twice in the Bible. It's the surname, nickname or epithet of one of the two disciples of Jesus named Simon (the other being Simon Peter).This Simon is called Zealot only twice and only by the Lucan author (Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13). John doesn't mention a Simon other than Simon Peter and Simon Iscariot, and both Matthew and Mark call Simon not the Zealot …
1. One who is overly religous, usually to an extreme. 2. An epic StarCraft unit that uses psionic blades and psi shields
zeal·ot (zĕl′ət) n. 1. a. One who is zealous, especially excessively so. b. A fanatically committed person. 2. Zealot A member of a Jewish movement of the first century ad that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism. [Middle English zelote, from Latin zēlōtēs, from Greek, from zēlos, zeal.] American ...
zealot (n.) early 14c., "member of a militant 1st century Jewish sect which fiercely resisted the Romans in Palestine," from Late Latin zelotes, from Greek zēlōtēs "one who is a zealous follower," from zēloōn "to be zealous," from zēlos "zeal" (see zeal).Extended sense of "a fanatical enthusiast" first recorded 1630s (earlier in this sense was zelator, mid-15c.).
zealot definition: 1. a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them…. Learn more.
Term. ZEALOT. Definition. 1. a Jewish member of a radical, violent group bitterly opposed to Roman domination of Palestine. The group was especially active during the century in which Christ lived ...
Zealot definition, a person who shows zeal. See more.
7 synonyms of zealot from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 43 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for zealot. Zealot: one who is intensely or excessively devoted to a cause.