Asphalt paving is applied with paving machines that apply an even thickness of the asphalt paving material. That application is called a "lift," by pavers. Ranging from 2 ½" to 3″ thick, each lift is compacted after application by a heavy roller compactor.
There are 3 most often seen thickness specifications: 40mm HL3-HL4 Base Course with a 40mm HL3F-HL3 Surface Course - for very light duty use (cars and small trucks only) 50mm HL4-HL8 Base Course with a 40mm HL3 Surface Course - for larger lots which may see some heavy traffic. (or have heavy traffic sections like firelanes)
The concrete slab itself supplies a major portion of a rigid pavement's structural capacity. Flexible pavement, inherently built with weaker and less stiff material, does not spread loads as well as concrete. Therefore flexible pavements usually require more layers and greater thickness for optimally transmitting load to the subgrade.
However, that can multiply the price of an asphalt driveway by three times! Even still, there's no guarantee that it wont crack. The reputable contractors in your area will know what the proper thickness the asphalt should be for your driveway. And as the saying goes... your asphalt driveway is only as good as the sub-grade beneath it.
334-1.4 Thickness: The total thickness of the Type SP asphalt layers will be the plan thickness as shown in the Contract Documents. Before paving, propose a thickness for each individual layer meeting the requirements of this specification, which when combined with other layers (as applicable) will equal the plan thickness.
Section 39 Asphalt Concrete 4-3901 General. Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," of the Standard Specifications provides material and construction requirements for hot mix asphalt (HMA) including Type A, rubberized hot mix asphalt-gap graded (RHMA-G), open-graded friction course (OGFC), minor HMA, and hot mix asphalt with warm mix asphalt (WMA) additive technology.
In order to be compacted, the mixture must have controlled workability. Typically, for dense-graded mixes, a lift thickness of 3 to 4 times the nominal maximum size (NMS) of the aggregate is needed. For example, a mix containing ½-inch NMS stone should be placed at …
Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. FHWA/TX-07/0-5320-1 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 5. Report Date October 2006
Excavate the concrete, asphalt, or other material and haul to recycling facility. Pad should be at least 6″ thick, if subgrade conditions are good. If subgrade conditions are poor, the concrete thickness should be increased to 8″ and additional crushed stone should be installed, if necessary.
For CPCD design, the computed concrete slab thickness should be rounded to the nearest full or half inch. For example, use slab thickness of 11.5 in. for computed thickness of 11.4 in., and use slab thickness of 10 in. for computed thickness of 10.24 in. The minimum slab thickness for CPCD is 6 in., and the maximum thickness is 12 in.
Calculate the number of cubic feet to be paved. (Remember to convert the thickness to feet – by dividing by 12 inches per 1 foot). 10′ x 25′ x (4/12)' = 83.3 cubic feet of HMA. Asphalt Mixture typically weighs from 142 to 148 pounds per cubic foot (PCF) in-place. Use 148 PCF.
This item is the same as Item 442 Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course, 19mm, Type A & B (446) (Section 406.2.1) except it can be used as a variable thickness course. The minimum and maximum lift thickness and maximum total thickness in Section 406.2.1 apply.
thickness of both concrete and hot mix asphalt roadways. The same parameters can be used for input data in computer programs on pavement determinations. The program used should be based on AASHTO design methods. Even though the AASHTO Design Guide is several years old, it is still used throughout the industry for pavement thickness design.
The parameters studied included joint spacing, concrete flexural strength, asphalt thickness, subgrade modulus of elasticity, concrete and asphalt modulus of elasticity, design equivalent single load application (ESLA) and temperature gradient. Equations were developed to predict the critical stresses and asphalt strains. A mechanistic design ...
Asphalt mixes are available in different types, including open-graded and traditional asphalt pavement. The size of the aggregates can affect the thickness of the asphalt pavement. For example, the standard rule is that the thickness of each layer …
The Maryland Asphalt Association recommends the use of these specifications. BASE DESIGNATIONS 19 MM Superpave Generally a minimum lift thickness of 3" is recommended. Aggregate sizes of the mix design should be checked prior to use in thinner lifts. 12.5 MM Superpave Generally a minimum lift thickness of 2" is recommended.
"Asphalt Concrete" of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 1) Aggregate for asphalt concrete shall conform to Section 39-2.02 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications: a) For 3-Inch thick or less asphalt concrete paving: Single coarse application, Type A, ½-inch maximum, coarse grading.
thickness design. • Has little impact on thickness. • Need to know if pavement is on: • Subgrade (k ≈ 100 psi/in.), • Granular subbase (k ≈ 150 psi/in.), • Asphalt treated subbase (k ≈ 300 psi/in.) • Cement treated/lean concrete subbase (k ≈ 500 psi/in.).
Layer Thickness for Asphalt, Concrete & Unbound Pavements – MIT-SCAN-T3 Overview. Non-destructive test (NDT) Full depth or layer by layer thickness measurement for asphalt, concrete and unbound material. Accuracy of the MIT SCAN is ± (0.5% of measured thickness + 1mm). Meets ASTM E3209 / E3209M – 20 and EN 12697-36:2003 (Hot Mix Asphalt ...
Asphalt concrete base (ACB), also called asphalt treated base (ATB), is a dense-graded HMA with a larger nominal maximum aggregate size (1 inch) intended for use as a base course or binder course (see Figure 1). In addition to site paving benefits, ACB can be advantageous because it can provide:
Asphalt Thickness: Residential – Asphalt driveways need to be a minimum of 2" thick and are typically 3" (compacted). Commercial – The finish course of a parking lot, following the binder layer, should be a smaller and smoother stone at 1.5" thick for a total of 3".
Once the required thickness is determined, the concrete thickness is reduced by one inch (25 mm) and replaced with 3 or 3.25 inches (75 mm or 83 mm) of asphalt. This ratio of 1 inch (25 mm) of concrete to 3 inches (75 mm) of asphalt holds true only for the first inch (25 mm) of concrete removed and is an approximation at best.
Table 4-4.Thickness Design: Low Volume Secondary and Rural Roads A. For Asphalt Concrete Base Pavements Thickness in Inches Design Criteria* Asphalt Concrete Traffic Class Subgrade (ADT) Class CBR Base Surface Total II Good 9 4.0 1.0 5.0 (50-200 ADT) Moderate 6 5.0 1.0 6.0 Poor 3 5.5 1.5 7.0 III Good 9 4.0 1.5 5.5 (201-700 ADT) Moderate 6 5.0 1 ...
Concrete sidewalk generally is 4" thick. If that concrete sidewalk crosses a driveway or service vehicles drive on it you would want to ensure it is 8" thick. In all cases you would want a minimum of 4" of compacted rock as your base. Residential driveways should be no less than 6" thick as long as they are being used for average vehicles.
Heavy-Duty Use Parking Lot: 6-inch thick hot mix asphalt layer on top of a 8-inch aggregate base layer. The exact thickness of asphalt needed will depend on the type of subgrade soil and the thickness and type of aggregate base placed between the subgrade and asphalt.
asphalt mixture produced at the plant and as specified in 334-5.4 and 330-13 for the material placed on the roadway. 334-1.2 Traffic Levels: The requirements for Type SP Asphalt Concrete mixtures are based on the design traffic level of the project, expressed in 22,000 pound …
Asphalt concrete (commonly called asphalt, blacktop or pavement in North America, and tarmac, bitumen macadam, or rolled asphalt in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland) is a composite material commonly used on roads, parking lots, airports, and core of embankment dams. ... It is normally positioned to a thickness of about 20- 30 mm ...
The Maryland Asphalt Association recommends the use of these specifications. BASE DESIGNATIONS 19 MM Superpave Generally a minimum lift thickness of 3" is recommended. Aggregate sizes of the mix design should be checked prior to use in thinner lifts. 12.5 MM Superpave Generally a minimum lift thickness of 2" is.
tolerances, that asphalt concrete pavement will be removed and replaced in accordance with the specifications at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Thickness Deviations from specifications will be based on the average values of acceptance testing performed for each lot. Where the pavement is deficient in thickness by not more than -1/4
Asphalt Treated Base Class I 0.34 4 Bituminous Treated Aggregate Base 0.23 6 Asphalt Treated Base Class II 0.26 4 Cold‐Laid Bituminous Concrete Base 0.23 6 Cement Treated Granular (Aggregate) Base. 0.20 6 Soil‐Cement Base 0.15 6 Crushed (Graded) Stone Base 0.14 6 Macadam Stone Base 0.12 6