International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 4 Issue 07, July-2015 A Study on the Utilization of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Dr. B. Rajeevan Shamjith K M Department of Civil Engineering Undergraduate Student Government College of Engineering Kannur Abstract— Natural resources such as river sand and coarse and Saleh [2] …
2.3.1 Performance of concrete with coconut shell 19 2.3.2 Behavior of concrete with coconut shell 20 2.4 Concrete With Coconut Shell As Partial Replacement Of Aggregates 21 2.4.1 Mix proportion of coconut waste in concrete 21 2.4.2 Advantages coconut shell in concrete 22 2.5 Mechanical Properties of Concrete Coconut Shell 22
An optimum percentage replacement of coarse aggregate with coconut shell aggregate is determined from the study. Coarse aggregate made from coconut shells were used in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% to replace coarse aggregate in conventional concrete. A constant water to cement ratio of 0.5 was used throughout the study.
Coconut shell concrete is also classified as structural lightweight concrete. It is concluded that the Coconut Shells are more suitable as low strength-giving lightweight aggregate when used to replace common coarse production. References Journal Papers: [1] Olanipekun, E.A., Olusola, K.O. & Ata, O, ...
Kambli Parag S. and Mathapati Sandhya R, "Application of shell concrete and arrived at the following conclusions that coconut shell as coarse aggregates in concrete: A Technical Review". addition of coconut shell aggregate alone decreases the workability International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Volume of concrete.
2) K.Gunasekaran, "utilization of coconut shell as coarse Aggregate in the Development of Light Concrete",Thesis – SRM UN. 3) J.Parvesh, "Concrete added with M-Sand, Coconut shell,Steel fibers"International Journal of latest trends in Engineering and Technology, vol-03,Issue-03,2014.
The average fresh concrete density and 28-day cube compressive strength of the concrete using coconut shell aggregate were 1975 kg/m 3 and 19.1 N/mm 2 respectively. It is concluded that crushed ...
The average fresh concrete density and 28-day cube compressive strength of the concrete using coconut shell aggregate were 1975 kg/m 3 and 19.1 N/mm 2 …
Properties of Concrete with Coconut Shells as Aggregate Replacement 22 2.2. Mix proportions In order to investigate properties of CS concretes, six mixes were employed. Control mix (M1) that is, without CS was made. Coarse aggregate was then replaced with CS in 10 (M2), 15 (M3), 20 (M4) percentages to study effect of CS
the coconut shell ash by heat treating the crushed coconut shell at a temperature of 600 and 800 degrees. Density, particle size and X-ray diffractometer methods were used for the characterization of coconut shell ash. Coconut shell ash epoxy composites were prepared by different filler concentration using hand lay-up technique.
workable concrete with satisfactory strength. Integration of coconut shell enhanced the strength of concrete making it to be the highest as compared to conventional concrete mixture. Keywords: Coconut shells, construction materials, hollow blocks, recycled materials, technical specification
Coconut shell powder was considered in this study as filler due to its strong and hard properties. Moreso, coconut shell powder has been claimed to …
Keywords: Compressive Strength, concrete, coconut shell ash, Cement 1. Introduction Concrete is widely used as construction material for various types of structures due to its durability. For a long time it was considered to be very durable material requiring a little
the compressive, tensile and flexural behavior of concrete modified with coconut shell aggregate. In order to test the above properties and compare with that of concrete without any coconut shell aggregate, a control concrete mix was designed as per IS 10262 2009 [8] for concrete of grade of M20.
This thesis is an overview a study of optimum ratio of coconut shell cement sand brick (CSCSB). Cement is used as the binding material for coconut shell and sand. In this study, a standard mix used is cement: sand, which is ratio 1: 6, a coconut shells are added by using difference ratio.
Compressive Strength of Concrete by Using Coconut Shell International organization of Scientific Research 3 | P a g e 4..1 oWWorrkk ppllaan –– Sr. No. Concrete Cube 7 Days 28 Days 1 M 20 Mix 3 2 20% replacement Aggregate by Coconut Shell 3 3 30% replacement Aggregate by Coconut Shell 4 40% replacement Aggregate by Coconut Shell 3 5 M 35 Mix 3