MoReLeach Patent & Technical Description. MetaLeach has been granted a patent for a Method Oxidative Leaching of Molybdenum – Rhenium Sulphide Ores and/or Concentrates in Australia, with patents in other countries pending. The patent is directed to the MoReLeach technology, a sister technology to the Company's HyperLeach ® technology (patents granted and pending).
Direct oxidative leaching of molybdenite from copper concentrate by caustic-hypochlorite solution (Liu et al., 2011) is an environment-friendly method with high molybdenum recovery. However the operation is still inconvenient because of …
same leaching time in comparison with the results Fig. 5 shows the dissolution of zinc at four levels of other investigations dedicated to acid oxidative of hydrochloric acid concentration, 3, 4, 5 and 6 M in leaching of chalcopyrite. the presence of chalcopyrite at four temperatures, 20, – Oxidation of chalcopyrite takes place mostly 50, 60 ...
ple of electro-oxidation leaching of molybdenum concentrate. The slurry, consisting of a mixture of the concentrate and 10 mass% NaCl aqueous solution, is subjected to electrolysis. During electrolysis of the solution, oxidizers such as ClO are produced on the anode. The concentrate particles are oxidized
In the molybdenite concentrate, silicon, magnesium and aluminum are the main components associated with molybdenum and sulphur. During the oxidative leaching process, the leaching solution was acidic; thus, most elements, such as magnesium and aluminum, were soluble, and silicon was the main component in the final leach residue.
This article is cited by 26 publications. Bartłomiej Streszewski, Wiktor Jaworski, Konrad Szaciłowski, Krzysztof Pacławski. Kinetics and Mechanism of Redox Reaction between Tetrachloroaurate(III) Ions …
Rhenium in molybdenum concentrate, molybdenum concentrate mainly from oxidative leaching solution or roasting smoke boiled liquid oxygen pressure recovery, and then using the extraction or ion exchange method from solution into a high potassium or ammonium perrhenate rhenium, and then restore the rule of law into high-purity rhenium powder.
Spent hydrodesulfurization catalysts containing alumina, at least one metal from the group consisting of molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium and at least one metal from the group consisting of nickel and cobalt, sulfur, and, usually, residual oil are oxygen pressure leached at a temperature of at least about 400° F. with a base from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide and sodium aluminte ...
Molybdenite concentrates are usually treated by roasting, but low-concentration SO2 pollution is an associated problem. A hydrometallurgical process with pressure oxidation leaching (POX) and solvent extraction (SX) was developed in recent years. During POX, the oxidation of molybdenum (Mo) is above 98%. More than 95% of the rhenium (Re) and 15% to 20% …
Pressure leaching Nitric acid Kinetics The current study was carried out to investigate the kinetics of reactions for the pressure oxidative leaching of a molybdenite concentrate in less than one hour. The effects of oxygen pressure, stirring speed, pulp den-sity, acid concentration and temperature on the leaching rate of the molybdenum were ...
With the catalysis of Mo 6+ exposed on the surface of molybdenum powder, ·O 2 − was converted into singlet oxygen (1 O 2, 2.2 eV), which was beneficial to the selective oxidation of organic pollutants (Equation ). The surface of the molybdenum powder was oxidized to a certain extent, but within 5 cycles, the molybdenum powder had maintained ...
A conceptual process flow sheet for the recovery of molybdenum from spent catalyst by oxidative soda ash leaching and carbon adsorption (based on Park et al., 2006a, Park et al., 2006b).
MetaLeach has been granted a patent for a Method Oxidative Leaching of Molybdenum - Rhenium Sulphide Ores and/or Concentrates in Australia, with patents in other countries pending. The patent is directed to the MoReLeach technology, a sister technology to the Company's HyperLeach ...
The influence of leaching agent, the concentrations of nitric acid and ammonia water on the leaching of ammonium molybdate was investigated. Under the same roasting conditions, the degree of oxidation of molybdenum concentrate by microwave roasting was higher than that of conventional roasting.
Mo 5 was chosen for these tests to diminish the leached-Mo amount for liquid-oxidation reactions because Mo species present on the support are mainly tetrahedrally coordinated molybdenum species. The sulfone yields of DBTs using either H 2 O 2 or CHP as oxidant are shown in Table 3 .
Based on the above scientific investigations, we propose optimum leaching conditions for the molybdenum ore oxidation process: H2SO4, 2.5%, temperature, 20 ºC and leaching time, 30 minutes. After establishing the proper conditions for the leaching process, …
The leaching of Keggin ions is verified by comparing the XRD patterns of the spent catalyst after first and third regenerations with the fresh catalyst. As it can be seen from Figure 12, all the characteristic peaks of molybdenum Keggin ions gradually decrease after each regeneration, evidencing the leaching of HPMo. To confirm HPMO leaching ...
The efflorescence degree of black shales is greater, thus a part of molybdenum is oxide or molybdate (Peng et al., 2005, Lin, 2007, Fan, 2006) and is easily to be leached within a few minutes with a quick reaction rate. And another part of molybdenum is the existence of MoS 2, therefore the leaching rate of molybdenum is slow. However, the ...
Extraction of molybdenum and nickel from carbonaceous shale by oxidation roasting, sulphation roasting and water leaching Hydrometallurgy, 102 ( 1–4 ) ( 2010 ), pp. 50 - 54 Article Download PDF View Record in Scopus Google Scholar
During POX, the oxidation of molybdenum (Mo) is above 98%. More than 95% of the rhenium (Re) and 15% to 20% of the Mo are leached into solution. The sulfur in the concentrate is converted to H2SO4 ...
In this article a new spent catalyst sample preparation method was implemented for the purpose of molybdenum leaching in a single step. ... HDS …
This study deals with the feasibility of the oxidative leaching of molybdenum and cobalt sulphides contained in a spent hydrodesulphurisation catalyst using H2O2 in acidic medium. The study was first carried out with MoS2 in order to define the important parameters of the leaching procedure and then applied to an unroasted CoMo/Al2O3 spent catalyst containing 11 wt % of Mo and 2.7 wt % of Co ...
These include decomposition of nitric acid, oxidation of molybdenum with oxygen under pressure in an. Get Price; Recovery of molybdenum Articles Factory. Sep 17, 2021 · Alkali leaching method is suitable for molybdenum-containing nickel waste catalyst regeneration recycling.
Abstract The extraction of molybdenum and nickel from Ni-Mo ore was attempted using oxidation complexation acid leaching. The effects of leaching temperature, leaching time, concentration of sodium chlorate and hydrochloric acid as well as sodium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaching of nickel and molybdenum were investigated. The addition of phosphate anion can react with molybdenum …
The processing of molybdenum-uranium ore in a sulfuric acid solution using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant has been investigated. The leaching temperature, hydrogen peroxide concentration, sulfuric acid concentration, leaching time, particle size, liquid-to-solid ratio and agitation speed all have significant effects on the process.
chlorate, managanese dioxide-sulfuric acid, and bac- The extraction of molybdenum from leach solu- terial oxidation. Hypochlorite in basic solution offers tions was studied employing anion exchange resins, a fast and selective method for dissolving molybdenite. organic solvents, and …
Electrooxidation leaching method: it is improved by sodium hypochlorite method, the method is adding molybdenite mineral slurry to the electrolytic tank, has been equipped with Sodium Chloride Solution in the electro-oxidation process, Cl2 and anode products react with water to produce hypochlorite, molybdenum sulfide hypochlorite oxidation in ...
Oxidative roasting-ammonia leaching was then carried out for separation of rhenium and extraction of molybdenum. The hydrochloric acid leaching experiments revealed that 93.6% Pb and 97.4% Ca were removed when the leaching was performed at 95 °C for 10 min with HCl concentration of 8 wt. % and liquid-solid ratio of 5 (mL/g).
Flotation separates the metallic minerals from the gangue this way and – in the case of copper/ molybdenum ores – separates molybdenite from copper sulphide. The resulting MoS 2 concentrate contains between 85% and 92% MoS 2. Further treatment by acid leaching can be used to dissolve impurities like copper and lead if necessary.
A process is disclosed for removing potassium from a relatively impure molybdenum xide and forming a molybdenum compound of high purity. The process involves first contacting the impure molybdenum xide with an acid leach which consists essentially of a mineral acid and the ammonium salt of the mineral acid in a weight ratio of above about 3 to 1 of acid leach to molybdenum xide at ...