Estimating Total Cost of Bridge Construction using Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) and Conventional Methods of Construction PROGRESS REPORT Period Ending June, 2016 Submitted by Mohammed Hadi, Ph.D., PE Wallied Orabi, Ph.D. Yan Xiao, Ph.D., PE Jianmin Jia, Ph.D. Candidate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Estimating Operating Load Conditions on Reinforced Concrete Highway Bridges with b-value Analysis from Acoustic Emission Monitoring Thomas Schumacher, Christopher C. Higgins, and Steven C. Lovejoy Structural Health Monitoring 2010 10 : 1, 17-32
Section 502 - Concrete Bridges Section 505 - Steel Reinforcement • Other Specifications as referenced in Chapter 3 18.2.2 Material Properties The properties of materials used for concrete slab structures are as follows: f' c = specified compressive strength of concrete at 28 days, based on cylinder tests 4 ksi, for concrete slab superstructure
Grade of concrete is defined as the minimum strength the concrete must posses after 28 days of construction with proper quality control. Grade of concrete is denoted by prefixing M to the desired strength in MPa. For example, for a grade of concrete with 20 MPa strength, it will be denoted by M20, where M stands for Mix.
The first use of modern concrete in bridges was in the late 1800's with the construction of the Alvord Lake Bridge in San Francisco in 1889. Nearly 130 years later, the vast majority of bridges worldwide are constructed of structural concrete. The average lifespan of a bridge ranges between 50-70 years. Many factors can influence that life ...
All other types of bridge decks will be rated in compliance with the applicable guidelines within this manual and the AASHTO code. Hand computations will be acceptable. For reinforced concrete slabs with main reinforcement parallel to traffic, see Section 600 - Concrete Bridges, for rating directions.
Characteristic values Frequent values Quasi-permanent values Road bridges LM1 (4.3.2) 1000 year return period (or probability of exceedance of 5% in 50 years) for traffic on the main ... LM1 to the concrete slab of a composite bridge EN 1991-2 « Traffic Loads on Bridges » ...
Bridge Design to Eurocodes Worked examples Worked examples presented at the Workshop "Bridge Design to Eurocodes", Vienna, 4-6 October 2010 Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes Y. Bouassida, E. Bouchon, P. Crespo, P. Croce, L. Davaine, S. Denton, M. Feldmann, R. Frank,
60-values from Standard Penetration Tests. Until N ... or prestressed concrete piles or with Iowa DOT ENR Formula construction control. There are eleven design examples, which are arranged in three tracks as listed in the table below. ... Bridge Construction, Series 2012Revised for 2013, 2501.03, M, 2) for ordinary projects
Thus, by shifting the pier by 0.6 m on the high side of-the well, reduction of moment due to tilt and shift is (850 + 150) x 0.6 = 600 tm which reduces the foundation pressure by 600/50.27 i.e., 11.93 t/m 2 bringing down the excessive foundation pressure of 61.48 to (61.48 – 11.93) = 49.55 t/m 2 as obtained above.
With the method, the limit values of lateral vibration amplitude for traffic safety of 32 m and 24 m long T-shape prestressed concrete bridge are determined as L/3980 and L/4411 respectively. Finally, L/4500 is determined as the recommended limit value of lateral amplitude of T-shape prestressed concrete bridge for traffic safety.
Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete Bridge (with solved example) Introduction: In prestressed concrete, a prestress force is applied to a concrete member and this induces an axial compression that counteracts all, or part of, the tensile stresses set up in the member by applied loading. In the field of bridge engineering, the introduction of prestressed concrete has aided the construction …
Design values of concrete material properties according to EN Unit weight γ. The unit weight of concrete γ is specified in EN Annex A.For plain unreinforced concrete γ = 24 kN/m 3.For concrete with normal percentage of reinforcement or prestressing steel γ = 25 kN/m 3.. Characteristic compressive strength f ck. The characteristic compressive strength f ck is the first value ...
The prestressed concrete bridge girder shown in Fig. 6.9 spans 21.6 m and supports a superimposed dead load G of 6 kN/m and a live load Q of 20 kN/m (excluding self-weight). A 150-mm thick topping slab was cast over the top flange of the beams after full stressing. The bridge is upgraded for HLPV resulting in an increase in the unfactored live loads applied to the beam.
ARCH 331 Note Set 22.1 Su2014abn 5 Reinforced Concrete Beam Members Strength Design for Beams Sstrength design method is similar to LRFD. There is a nominal strength that is reduced by a factor which must exceed the factored design stress.
State Bridge Load Rating Engr. Date: 06-2013 Page 1 Rev Date: 10/2012 AASHTOWare BrR Input - Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridge This is an example of input for a typical NMDOT prestressed concrete (PSC) girder bridge. The purpose is to demonstrate AASHTOWare BrR input procedures & also give typical values used by the NMDOT.
Calculating Design Loads and loading bridge model is one the most sophisticated part in the design of any Bridge. Find below all important loads to be considered in the design of a Bridge. ... Spalling of concrete slab on grade due to expansion $ 1.00; ... Find the value of the void ratio in soil sample 1 Answer | 0 Votes
A reasonable R-value for a normal concrete slab can be estimated using an R-value, the thermal resistance per inch of thickness, between 0.1 and 0.2 and multiplying it times the slab thickness. however, the following expression can be used to compute R, this equation is provided by ASTM C 168: where the temperature difference (between outside ...
CAPITALIZATION AND DEPRECIATION : BRIDGES Implementation Period: FYE September 30, 2003 1. Number of square feet of concrete non-state aid bridges: 100,000 2. Estimated useful life of concrete bridges: 50 years (no salvage value) 3. Average age of bridges: 20 years 4. Acquisition year: 1982 (2002 minus 20 years) 5.
Concrete footings and slabs on grade typically require a concrete of 3,500 to 4,000 psi. Suspended slabs, beams, and girders (as often found in bridges) require 3,500 to 5,000 psi. Traditional concrete walls and columns tend to range from 3,000 to 5,000 psi, …
• Values given in EC2 are indicative and vary according to type of aggregate • E cm(t) = (f cm(t)/f cm)0,3 E cm • Tangent modulus E c may be taken as 1,05 E cm • Poissons ratio: 0,2 for uncracked concrete 0 for cracked concrete • Linear coefficient of expansion 10⋅10-6 K-1
• Long columns (e.g. bridge and freeway piers). Virtually every common construction material is used for column construction. • Steel, timber, concrete (reinforced and pre-stressed), and masonry (brick, block, and stone). The selection of a particular material may be made based on the following.
Results of bridge 7R when varying tension stiffening values. ..... 102 Table 5.3. Peak stress values in cross-frames as maximum loading in different 7R bridge models. ..... 105 Table 5.4. Distribution factors of bridge 7R previously determined in research
expansion joint movements in composite prestressed concrete bridges Rebello, Keith Joseph, Ph.D. The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Col., 1990 300 N. Zeeb Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48106. fe- •... Analysis for Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature Effects
Calculate Volume of Square Slab Calculator Use. Calculate volumes for concrete slabs, walls, footers, columns, steps, curbs and gutters. Enter dimensions in US units (inches or feet) or metric units (centimeters or meters) of your concrete structure to get the cubic yards value of the amount of concrete you will need to make this structure.
IRC: 5-1998 - Section I- General Features of Design (Seventh Revision) IRC: 6-2014 - Section II- Loads and Stresses (Revised Edition) IRC: 112-2011 - Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges
For a single track, Weight of rails, guide rails and fastening – 3000 N/m. Weight of concrete – 25000 N/m 3. Weight of ballast – 1000 N/m 3. Wooden tier – 8000 N/m 3. The dead load of a bridge depends on various factors like depth of girder or truss, span, number of panels, width of bridge etc.
high density and low value-to-weight ratio, has neglected supply chain management to realize cost reductions. 2. Because the cement industry relies on asset . utilization, supply chain management provides . opportunity for market differentiation, cost reduction and value generation. 3. Cement companies must transform their supply
a minimum R-value of R1.3 for floors, which is achieved by an uninsulated concrete slab on round. Under-slab insulation is only required by clause H1 when the floor is heated and an R-value of 1.9 is needed. The BRANZ House insulation guide provides R-values for uninsulated concrete floor slabs with Concrete slab edge insulation
This free concrete calculator estimates the amount of concrete necessary for a project, and can account for different shapes and amounts of concrete. Explore other calculators related to housing or building, as well as hundreds of other calculators addressing finance, math, fitness, health, and more.