
break even stripping ratio example for coal mining

TUTORIAL EXAMPLES - stripping ratios and cut-off grades ...

SOLUTION Break-even cut-off grade = Mining cost/t ore + concentrating cost per tonne ore (Metal price per tonne – SRM costs per tonne metal) x recovery Mining cost per tonne ore = Mining cost per tonne material x (1 + stripping ratio) Mining cost per tonne ore ($1.47(1+1.5) = $3.68 Concentrating cost per tonne ore = $5.17 Metal price per ...

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Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important ...

Examples of stripping ratios. Ioannou gave some examples of mines with good strip ratios, including Lundin Mining's (TSX:LUN) Candelaria copper-gold-silver mine in Chile at …

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Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining

break even striping ratio - crusher equipment. break even stripping ratio example for coal mining CachedMining definition of Mining in the Free Online Encyclopedia.

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stripping overburden limestone mining

Lecture 4 Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip . overburden costs 45 cents per cubic yard to move what is the maximum economic stripping ratio $5.00/ 0.45 = just over 11 cubic yards per ton Called a Break Even Stripping Ratio Complexities Warning Units of Stripping Ratio depend on convenience of the industry Coal overburden is normally light and machines are limited by volume in cubic ...

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how to read stripping ratio for limestone removal

effect of stripping ratio in coal mining. Stripping ratio Wikipedia. In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore. For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of … Get More

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Mining | Coal Mines

If the break-even stripping ratio remains favorable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering. Area strip mining

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What Is a Stripping Ratio? (with picture)

The stripping ratio is commonly used in the ore and coal mining processes. ... if the mining company must extract one part of ore to three and a half parts of waste in order to break even, it stands to reason that the company will seek to look for mining sites where it can extract at least one part of ore to two and a half parts of waste in ...

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Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important ...

Examples of stripping ratios. Ioannou gave some examples of mines with good strip ratios, including Lundin Mining's (TSX:LUN) Candelaria copper-gold-silver mine in Chile at 2.8:1, and Copper ...

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How is stripping ratio calculated? – AnswersToAll

The break-even stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved. If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering.

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Coast of mining, excluding stripping cost, is Rs.2450 per tonne. If the cost of stripping is Rs.1150 per cu.m., hte Break even stripping ratio in cu.m/tonne is -- A) 4.25 B) 3.65 C) 3.52 D) 2.18 E) None of the above 67) which form is used for indenting of explosives A) None of the above B) RE 5 C) RE 3 D) RE 7 E) RE 11 68) Foliation is a ...

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effect of stripping ratio in coal mining

Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining. Effect of stripping ratio in coal mining break even stripping ratio example for coal mining break even stripping ratio example for coal mining accounting for stripping costs in the seem that it s value does not have any effect on the stripping ratio strip mining an overview sciencedirect topics.

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what is stripping ratio coal mining ppt

· Stripping ratio is a term that is derived from the mining industry and is used in reference to the open-pit mining process. The stripping ratio method of calculating the profitability of the mining procedure is commonly used in the ore or coal mining process. More.

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coal mining - Choosing a mining method | Britannica

If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering. Area strip mining

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Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica

In coal mining: Contour strip mining. If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering.

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(PDF) Surface Mine Design - ResearchGate

Auger mining is a surface mining techniq ue used to recover additional coal from a seam located behind a highwall produced either by stripping or open-pit mining.

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Lecture 4 Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines

Some mining costs are fixed (many administrative features for example) Others are variable direct materials handling cost What goes into Break Even Stripping Ratio Direct materials costs go into Break Even Fixed Costs are charged to the average stripping ratio you mine over the time Simple Stripping Ratios Bottom of a Strip Mine Top of a Strip ...

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Stripping ratio - Wikipedia

In surface mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the amount of waste (or overburden) that must be removed to release a given ore quantity. It is a number or ratio that express how much waste is mined per unit of ore. The units of a stripping ratio can vary between mine types. For example, in coal mining the stripping ratio is commonly referred to as volume/weight.

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Break Even Analysis - How to Calculate the Cut Off Grade ...

For conducting a mining project's break even analysis, you first need to know about the operational expenses (OPEX).When the OPEX is known, you can calculate the mineral's cut off grade, which is the break even grade, below which it is not economically viable to mine the ore.To find out how I come up with the cost price per tonne (OPEX) if a feasibility study isn't available, I refer you ...

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total number of injuries in an o/c coal mine employing 800 person is 16 in a year.as per dgms norms the injuri rate per 1000 person employed is. 13. 16. 20. 57. ... cost of mining excluding stripping cost is Rs 2450 per tonne if the cost of stripping is Rs 1150 per meter cube the break even stripping ratio …

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what is stripping ratio coal mining

Surface Strip Coal Mining Handbook - sacea.za 1 introduction to surface strip coal mining 1.1 fundamental concepts and definitions 2 1.2 surface coal mining 5 1.3 production cost and stripping ratio analysis 8 1.3.1 stripping ratio for multiple seams 11 1.4 basic profit function analysis 13 2 geology and exploration 2.1 geology of south african coal …

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strip ratio in coal mining Mine Equipments

What Is a Stripping Ratio with picture. Dec 04 2019 · Stripping ratio is a term that is derived from the mining industry and is used in reference to the openpit mining process The stripping ratio method of calculating the profitability of the mining procedure is commonly used in the ore or coal mining process

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Chapter_2_Surface_Mining ...

Break Even Stripping Ratio(BESR)/Maximum Stripping Ratio(SR max)/Cut off Stripping Ratio : This is defined as that stripping ratio at which cost of mining one tonne of ore & corresponding volume of waste material equals the revenue received by sale of one tonne of orebody OR when cost of mining ore & waste matches with revenue generated by sale ...

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(PDF) Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade ...

Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade Optimization. Download. Related Papers. Optimum cut-off grade policy for open pit mining operations through net present value algorithm considering metal price and cost escalation. By Raul Cezar.

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break even striping ratio

break even striping ratio. Breakeven stripping ratio in coal mining contour strip mining if the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made we divide the overburden thickness by ore thickness to get the stripping ratio for example if we have an overburden thickness of m and ore thickness of m,

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Modeling for the Steady State Production of Large Open ...

1.3 BREAKEVEN STRIPPING RATIO The point beyond which the mineral/ coal cannot be economically extracted out is called the break even stripping ratio. Factors which play a great role in the stripping ratio calculation are: - Cost of stripping - Extracting cost of mineral/coal - Percentage of rejects - Cleaning cost of coal or ore dressing cost

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Ore Reserve Estimation - Basic Mining Techniques

However a wide variety of units are used as well as indicated below: Hence the maximum allowable stripping ratio at pit limit is given as: SR (Overall) = Volume of Waste/Volume of Ore For Example: Determine the Stripping Ratio of the ore section (green zone) shown below: We know; SR = Waste/Ore, therefore; SR = 2500/5000 = 1:2 (i.e. 0.5) (i.e ...

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Whats the average stripping ratio of open pit mines around ...

The stripping ratio in a mine is chosen based on economics. ... Thus you may have a range of stripping ratios from 1:1 to 1:15 or even more. ... for example…

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COAL MINING MIDTERMS Flashcards | Quizlet

Open cast (strip) mining. is a surface exploitation method, used mainly for coal and other bedded deposits;u000bThe removal of soil and rock (overburden) above a layer or seam (particularly coal), followed by the removal of the exposed mineral. The overburden is not transported to waste dumps for disposal but cast directly into adjacent mined ...

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Financial Statement Example For Quarry Accounting

Quarry Mining Aggregate Financial Plan; Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining; Method Statement For Clearing A Blocked Mobile Jaw Crusher; Income Statement For A Crushing Plant; Screening And Crushing Work Method Of Statement; Example Non Central Grinding Machine; Crushing Milling Method Statement

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Determining Stripping Ratio - Basic Mining Techniques

The maximum allowable Stripping Ratio (SR max) defines break even stripping ratio (BESR).This represents the highest possible units of waste that can be handled. If the SR exceeds the BESR then the operation will be uneconomical as the income generated by the ore is insufficient to offset the costs incurred in mining.

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