Platinum is also obtained as a by-product of nickel and copper ore processing. ... Platinum-group elements (including platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and osmium) are currently mined from small deposits in Western Australia, and Australia has favourable geology for potential new discoveries. Platinum group elements are strongly ...
most sophisticated industrial inorganic chemistry: refining of platinum group metals ore concentrate. pgm ore concentrate The figure below shows a typical assay of a South African platinum group metals ore concentrate obtained as the filter cake after sulfuric acid leach (according to the Sherrit process) of a Merensky reef converter matte.
higher quantities, platinum and palladium are the most important metals of the PGMs. The other four, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium, are mined as by-products of platinum and palladium. 58% of world PGM production takes place in South Africa1 not only for ore …
The process of extracting platinum from the ore deposits is very labor intensive. In order to produce one troy once (31.135g) of pure platinum, about 7 to 12 tons of ore must be extracted in a span of six months. The first step in the extraction process is to crush the ore that contains platinum and submerge it in reagent mixture with water.
The company's primary operation, the Marikana mine, is on the western limb of the Bushveld complex. Ore extracted by Lonmin is sent to Lonmin's process division where base metals, including copper and nickel, are extracted before it is refined to metal along with other platinum group metals, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium.
About 4 pct of the platinum and 8 pct of the palladium values remained in the cleaner tailing. These data indicate that a technically feasible process for producing a platinum-group-metal-bearing sulfide concentrate from serpentinized ore from the Stillwater Complex is available.
Process routes for beneficiation of noble metals from Merensky and UG-2 ores. Extraction Metallurgy '85, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 9-12 September 1985, pp.789-816. 24. Corrans I.J., Brugman C.F., Overbeek P.W., and McRae L.B. (1982). The recovery of platinum-group metals from ore of the UG-2 Reef in the Bushveld Complex.
PLATINUM REFINERIES. Platinum Refineries is a full service refiner, assayer, smelter and broker of all precious metals. Industrial Platinum, Medical Platinum, Jewelry Platinum, Rhodium, Palladium, Gold and Silver assaying and refining is what we specialize in. Platinum Refineries provide our customers with a state-of-the-art laboratory, utilizing the most advanced induction and chemical ...
Mineable platinum group metal (PGM) deposits are rare and found in relatively few areas of the world. At the same time, the use of PGM is predicted to expand in green technology and energy applications, and PGMs are consequently currently listed as European Union critical metals. Increased mineralogical complexity, lower grade ores, and recent PGM production expansions give rise to the ...
12%Because the ore is sulfidic in nature, it was concentrated by froth flotation. A 45 kg/h process development unit (PDU) was constructed and 85 to 95% of the platinum and palladium were recovered from the ore by using mercaptobenzothiazole or sodium isobutyl xanthate as collectors.
platinum group, six metals, in order of increasing atomic weight, ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), and platinum (Pt). The elements all possess a silvery white colour—except osmium, which is bluish white. The chemical behaviour of these metals is paradoxical in that they are highly resistant to attack by most chemical reagents yet, employed as catalysts ...
Palladium (Pd) refining can be a daunting task, similar to the other Platinum group metals (PGM's) refining process. This is mainly due to their similar (but different) physical and chemical properties. Separating Palladium from base metals and especially from sister PGM's, is rarely achieved completely in one refining cycle. Sounds kind of rough, but rest assured that this process is doable ...
A process for treating chromite-bearing ores to obtain useful mineral values, especially platinum group metal, therefrom wherein the ore is separated into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions; the non-magnetic fraction, containing a substantial portion of the platinum group metals, is concentrated and smelted to produce a metal layer containing platinum group metals; and the platinum group ...
Platinum-group metals (PGMs) occur in a layer averaging 2.4m-thick and are associated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite. ... Ore processing. The ore obtained from the operations undergoes crushing and concentration at the processing plants located at the mines. Ore is stored in a 3,175t silo before being fed to a SAG mill.
PGM extraction and refinement is also a capital- and labor-intensive process. According to the International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA), it can take as long as six months from initial mining activities to produce the final metal. PGM ore is mined typically underground but sometimes in open-cast pits.
The raw ore extracted from mines must be further processed before the PGEs can be used for industrial purposes. The refining process begins with smelting at temperatures exceeding 1200 °C. This heating process separates the metals from the nonmetals. …
The process of claim 1 in which the ore is a Stillwater complex sulfide ore. Description: This invention relates to recovery of metals, particularly platinum-group metals, from ores such as the Stillwater Complex ores in Montana.
Processing of UG2 ore The supply chain for the production of PGMs is complex as is illustrated in Figure 1. The first metallurgical stage in the production of platinum group metals and gold (PGM+Au) is the production of a concentrate as feedstock to the smelter. The smelter-converter stage is followed by a
Because the ore is sulfidic in nature, it was concentrated by froth flotation. A 45 kg/h process development unit (PDU) was constructed and 85 to 95% of the platinum and palladium were recovered from the ore by using mercaptobenzothiazole or sodium isobutyl xanthate as collectors.
Simplified platinum group metal (PGM) processing chain (conventional matte smelting treatment). 4E = Pt, Pd, Rh, and Au. Adapted from Ndlovu [11] and Cramer [13].
The platinum-group metals (abbreviated as the PGMs; alternatively, the platinoids, platinides, platidises, platinum group, platinum metals, platinum family or platinum-group elements (PGEs)) are six noble, precious metallic elements clustered together in the periodic table.These elements are all transition metals in the d-block (groups 8, 9, and 10, periods 5 and 6).
Metal values are recovered from ore concentrates by means of dry grinding, followed by a two-stage leaching process in which the ground concentrate is first leached with sulfuric acid at a temperature of about 90° to 100° C. to selectively leach nickel and iron. The residue is then leached with a solution comprising sulfuric acid and NaOCl or H 2 O 2 to extract platinum, palladium, copper ...
Bulk ore sorter at Anglo American's Mogalakwen platinum mine in South Africa (Credit: Flickr/Anglo American) Platinum is a precious metal that is part of the six-member family of platinum group metals (PGMs) sought after by mining companies – which also comprises palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, and ruthenium.
This process is necessary because platinum, even in ore, needs to be removed from other substances. Platinum is an incredibly rare metal that is mined and extracted in a variety of different ways depending on the technological sophistication of the miners attempting to extract it.
Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), often with associated gold, have very few occurrences where they are present in an ore deposit at economically extractable levels.
Eastern Platinum owns several Platinum Group Metals and chrome assets in the Republic of South Africa. All of the properties are situated on the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex, the geological environment that hosts approximately 80 per cent of the world’s Platinum Group Metals-bearing ore.
1. Introduction. Platinum-group elements (PGE: Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt) are present in extremely low concentrations (0.000022–0.00052 ppm; Rudnick and Gao, 2003) in the upper continental crust.In ore deposits, concentrations occur in the range of 1 to 15 ppm.
US4337226A Recovery of platinum group metals from ores ... Metal values are recovered from ore concentrates by means of dry grinding, followed by a two stage leaching process in which the ground concentrate is first leached with sulfuric acid at a temperature of about 90° to 100° C. to selectively leach nickel and iron.
PGM Ore PrOcessinG at iMPala's UG-2 cOncentratOr in rUstenbUrG, sOUth africa. eUGene nel and JOhan therOn - iMPala PlatinUM ltd.; chris Martin and hans raabe - sGs abstract Impala Platinum Limited is the world's second largest platinum producer, producing more than 1.7 million ounces
Provided is a method involving flotation of a feed of platinum group metal ore material to prepare a platinum group metal concentrate during mineral processing operations. Prior to and/or during the flotation, a lead-containing activator reagent and a xanthate collector reagent are added to the slurry and during the flotation, an oxygen-deficient flotation gas, such as nitrogen gas, is used.