Preliminary results of a project supported by Tubitak (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Project No: 112M860) are presented in this paper. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between mechanical properties of beige marble and field cutting performance of chain saw and diamond wire machines.
2. Field and Laboratory Studies In this study of datasets, 7 carbonate rock samples were collected and 98 laboratory tests were conducted. Samples were prepared from different quarries including Dehbid quarry, and rock blocks with the approximate dimensions of 30 × 30 × 30 cm were collected from Shayan quarry.
Cutting Performance of Chain Saws in Quarries and Laboratory ... travertine block samples are obtained for performing a set of full-scale laboratory linear rock cutting tests using chain saw ...
Cutting performance of chain saws in quarries and laboratory H Copur, C Balci, N Bilgin, D Tumac, C Feridunoglu, T Dincer, A Serter Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on …
Copur et al. (2006) studied the cutting performance of chainsaw machines in a travertine quarry in Basa-ranella, Turkey and on laboratory samples. In this re-search, the performance of the chainsaw machine de-pended on the geological characteristics of the mine (joint, dip and persistence of the stone layer), character-
This study examined the block production and cutting performance of a new, domestically produced arm-type quarry chain saw (Demmak ZK-6800). A pilot study was conducted with an armed-chain cutting ...
Cutting Performance of Chain Saws in Quarries and Laboratory... only diamond wire cutting machines were used in the quarry to ... 4 FIELD PERFORMANCE OF GARRONE MCRH 340 CHAIN SAW The machine used in the travertine ... Read more. chains for quarry chain saw cutting machine.
Quarry Chain Saw Cutting Machine are often used quarry equipments in limestone … »More detailed. chainsaw for cutting quarry big stones – Cutting Performance of Chain Saws in Quarries and Laboratory. lacing pattern of the cutters should be modified for different stones and cutting ...
Cutting Performance of Chain Saws in Quarries and Laboratory Chain saw machines are used for cutting low abrasive soft to medium strength natural stones with such as travertine and .... Technical Specifications of Garrone.
Cutting Performance of Chain Saws in Quarries and Laboratory Chain saw machines are used for cutting low abrasive soft to medium strength natural stones ... travertine and marble, in both underground and surface quarries.
Copur H, Balci C, Bilgin N, Tumac D, Feridunoglu C, Dincer T, Serter A (2006) Cutting performance of chain saw machines in quarries and laboratory. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Turin, Italy, …
studies tried to investigate the machine's performance with respect to the intrinsic properties of the stone being cut, comparing it with the results of the cutting tests performed in a laboratory. These studies highlighted the considerable losses of the machines due to the friction generated at the contact between the chain and the arm
Çopur H, Balcı C, Bilgin N, Tumaç D, Feridinoglu C, Düzyol İ and Serter A (2006) Cutting performance of chain saws in quarries and laboratory. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, MPES, Torino, Italy
This study examined the block production and cutting performance of a new, domestically produced arm-type quarry chain saw (Demmak ZK-6800). A pilot study was conducted with an armed-chain cutting machine, as an alternative to the diamond wire cutting method, to increase efficiency of block production in natural stone.