Dodd said that the research is showing that Block Island is merely along the sharks' migration route from Long Island to the seal-hunting grounds of …
Bedlamer harp seal. Photo: Cape Cod Stranding Network . Migration patterns: Thousands of harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic subpopulation group migrate in groups each year from waters around Baffin Island (located in the territory of Nunavut) to their birthing grounds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and to waters around Newfoundland and Labrador ...
Massachusetts group wants to end federal protection for seals to mitigate Cape Cod sharks ... because they would be immediately repopulated by the …
In Chatham especially, the summer and fall seasons are when seals love to play in Cape Cod. Seal watching is a curious event and many of us find them irresistible and cute. At the Cape, there are several tours that provide close-up looks of these playful and adorable animals. One such tour is called "Beachcomber Tours".
The Striper Migration Has Reached Cape Cod | May 5 Report. by Ryan Collins Published on May 5, 2015 22 comments. Total 2.5K. Facebook 2.5K. Yesterday morning I left the house at 4AM in order to catch the sunrise bite at what has become a "go-to" early spring spot for schoolie striped bass. I had heard rumors of migratory fish being caught and ...
The seal population of Cape Cod has increased and this could be one of the reasons that there are more sightings. Potentially, due to the increasing ocean water temperature, some marine creatures need to migrate to cooler waters and the sharks are following their food.
I always assumed cod or haddock was in my fish and chips. That is until I visited the seals along Cape Cod. "Beware the sharks" is what people told me when I said I …
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been investigating groundwater and surface-water resources on Cape Cod for more than 50 years. Recent studies have focused on the sources of water to public-supply wells, ponds, streams, and coastal areas; transport and discharge of nitrogen and contaminants of emerging concern derived from domestic and municipal wastewater disposal; fate and transport of ...
While the hawk watching on Cape Cod is often better in the spring than the fall, there's still plenty of activity to check out. Spots on the Outer Cape are often the best bet, especially in the Spring when the hawks travel up the Outer Cape to Provincetown, and upon finding that their overland route has ended, tend to hang around the tip of the Outer Cape before flying back down across land.
Gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) are the predominant species of seal found in Massachusetts waters during the summer months. This mature (cow) on the left and male (bull) were photographed in the waters off Cape Cod. Male gray seals can exceed 10 feet in length and weigh over 800 pounds, while females are significantly smaller.
8. Re: Best place to see seals. Apr 21, 2021, 5:02 PM. Save. I have seen tons of seals in Provincetown out at Long Point Beach, which is the very tip of the arm of the Cape across from the pier. Ask someone how to get out there, I've always gone in my boat. Reply. Report inappropriate content.
Cape Cod Seals. NMFS Permit No. 775-1600-10. The word pinniped (fin footed) refers to animals of like appearance, not relatedness. Pinnipeds describe any carnivorous, amphibious mammal with front and hind appendages modified into flippers. Seals, sea …
Cape Cod to Davis Strait and Greenland (Katona et al., 1993). These dolphins can be seen singly or in groups around Cape Cod Bay from spring through autumn (Katona et al., 1993). Gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) are a non-endangered species of pinniped found …
NPS Image. Over 450 species of amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, and mammals, and a myriad of invertebrate animals, depend on the diversity of upland, wetland, and coastal ecosystems found at Cape Cod National Seashore. Depending on the species, the park may provide habitat year round, or only during nesting season, migration, or the winter time.
The Gulf of Maine, which stretches from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia, has been heating up faster than 99 percent of the world's oceans. "We get into this question of how many gray seals there are.
Tag: Cape Cod seal watching 2018 Review: Year of the . Happy New Year's Eve! 2018 was official the Year of the , and it was quite a year! Here are some of the highlights from our birding year. January. Dave and I got married on January 6, the anniversary of …
The nutrient rich waters, the abundant food, the mild climate, yes, I am talking about the Cape Cod tourist migration. Usually occurring around the end of …
When combined with an unknown number of immigrants from Canada, Muskeget's pup production helped boost the gray seal numbers on the Cape and Islands from 5,611 adults in 1999 to …
The federally threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus) is a small sand-colored shorebird that nests and feeds along sandy beaches throughout Cape Cod.During the breeding season, upwards of 50 pairs of piping plovers can be found nesting on South Monomoy Island. They can be identified by their short, stout bill, yellow-orange legs, black band across the forehead, and a black ring around ...
Bedlamer harp seal. Photo: Cape Cod Stranding Network . Migration patterns: Thousands of harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic subpopulation group migrate in groups each year from waters around Baffin Island (located in the territory of Nunavut) to their …
Atlantic white sharks are the center of attention in the frenetic Cape Cod summer tourism season, as the combined resurgence of their primary food source, gray seals, and the shark population plays out. The shark season has been early and active, with numerous sightings and several temporary beach closings ordered as a result in July.
The piping plover is a small, stocky, sandy-colored resembling a sandpiper. The adult has yellow-orange legs, a black band across the forehead from eye to eye, and a black ring around the base of its neck. Like other plovers, it runs in short starts and stops. When still, the piping plover blends into the pale background of open, sandy ...
Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (Brotherhood Protectors Book 10) - Kindle edition by James, Elle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (Brotherhood Protectors Book 10).
Incredible video shows miles of seals resting on the beach of a Cape Cod wildlife refuge. Marine biologists say the seal population in New England is surging...
The prominent celebrities of Cape Cod are humpback whales. Thousands of tourists come every year to see them during their migration period. Along with whales, about 450 species of other animals live in Cape Cod Bay, including marine inhabitants like …
But off Cape Cod beaches? Not so much. Years of federal protection efforts have caused a proliferation of grey and harbor seals on the Cape and …
Well, a Massachusetts group wants to end federal protection for seals to mitigate Cape Cod sharks. A culling as they say. Mass. Peter Howell, a founder of the Seal Action Committee, said Wednesday, July 17, that the Nantucket-based group wants Congress to amend the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act so that seals and other species can be removed from the law's list of protected animals if ...
utilized to determine the source of N content on Cape Cod, if there are higher N levels on ... Recent studies on trophic subsidies, animal movement and migration, and nutrient ... At South Cape Beach (no seals) and the haul-out site at Head of Meadow Beach (seal haul-out), this grid was 10 meters by 10 meters. At the occasional seal site at ...
Cape Cod is a geographic cape extending into the Atlantic Ocean from the southeastern corner of mainland Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States.Its historic, maritime character and ample beaches attract heavy tourism during the summer months. The name Cape Cod, coined in 1602 by Bartholomew Gosnold, is the ninth oldest English place-name in the U.S.
The rescues generally take about 45 minutes. If you can't quite picture it, the IFAW has videos of Cape Cod seal rescues using sedation on its YouTube channel. Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale. Right whales migrate along the East Coast each spring to their feeding grounds in the waters off of Cape Cod. The species is critically ...