The International Slurry Surfacing Association is the leading resource for promotion, training, education, and best practices of our pavement preservation technologies. read more... Slurry Surfacing. Slurry mixtures are made of fine aggregate, emulsified asphalt, and water mixed in specific proportions within a specialized, truck-mounted or ...
Slurry Coat Contractor & Micro-Surfacing Asphalt. If you are looking for a great way to repair any kind of pavement, you should consider slurry seal or micro-surfacing. Both are economical and easy to apply. At DRYCO we'd be happy to be your slurry seal contractor.
Micro surfacing is a polymer-modified cold-mix paving system that can remedy a broad range of problems on today's streets, highways, and airfields. request a quote Like its parent product, slurry seal, micro surfacing begins as a mixture of dense-graded aggregate, asphalt emulsion, water, and …
Fiber Slurry Seal/Micro Surfacing Paver is a kind of intelligent road maintenance equipment designed on the basis of advanced technology at home and abroad. The truck can be used not only for pavement maintenance with slurry seal or micro-surfacing technology,but also can be used for under sealing coat or bridge construction on high graded ...
M Series Slurry Seal & Micro Surfacing Equipment Throughout the world, Bergkamp's M Series of slurry seal and micro surfacing equipment has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality asphalt pavement resurfacing of highways, roads, parking lots and other pavement surfaces. For …
Slurry paver is an ideal choice for road micro-surfacing and rehabilitation projects. It applies asphalt emulsion, aggregate and additives to asphalt road for maintenance purposes, and can treat many pavement diseases like friction resistance reduction, cracks and ruts, and is ideally suited for slurry sealing, and micro-surfacing construction.
Micro Surfacing and Slurry Seals are cost-effective preservation treatments used to maintain and extend the service life of pavements and roadways. The International Slurry Seal Association defines a Slurry Seal as "placed at one stone's width thick". Micro Surfacing can be placed up to 1/2″ thick without a rut box and up to 1″ thick ...
Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver is the solution to reducing resistance, cracks, rutting and other deteriorations on the road surface. It is applied to enhance the road anti-slippery performance, waterproofness, surface smoothness and driving comfort.
Fiberized Micro & Slurry Systems. Fiber Reinforced Micro-surfacing (or slurry seal) is a cost-effective preventive maintenance that consists of a thin layer of a polymer modified asphalt emulsion blended with finely crushed stone and high strength glass fibers. The purpose of this treatment is to seal minor cracks and improve reflective ...
Pavement & Road specialists using Slurry Seal & Micro Surfacing machines & boxes, Emulsion Manufacturing Systems, Lab Equipment, VSS Noble Aggregate Feeder & Modified Asphalt Equipments
Intelligent fiber slurry paver is mainly applied to treat the pavement diseases like friction resistance reduction, cracks and ruts for improving its performances of anti-slide and waterproofing, evenness and traveling comfort. This equipment can be widely used in construction of slurry sealing, modified slurry sealing and micro surfacing.
Crack Filling. Prior to micro-surfacing, large cracks must be filled to keep moisture out and help retard the cracks from reflecting through to the surface.One method that has gained a lot of acceptance is a polypropoline, or polyester fiber suspended in an AC-10 asphalt and applied hot, through a wand.
Micro-surfacing is in the same family as another asphalt emulsion product known as slurry seal. Slurry seal was developed in the 1930s and improved with technological developments in the 1960s. Slurry seal is a more true "sealer" for asphalt pavements. It has a higher asphalt content design and is not used on thick applications.
Fiber Slurry Seal/Micro Surfacing Paver is a kind of intelligent road maintenance equipment designed on the basis of advanced technology at home and abroad. The truck can be used not only for pavement maintenance with slurry seal or micro-surfacing technology,but also can be used for under sealing coat or bridge construction on high graded ...
Slurry Seal / Micro-surfacing Paver, HGY5319TFC Pavement Maintenance Machine, Asphalt Paving Equipment, Slurry Paver, Micro-Surfacing Equipment HGY5319TFC micro-surfacing paver is mainly used for improving road resistance, repairing …