Antam's nickel ore output stood at 2.64 million wet metric tonnes (WMT) in the first quarter, up from 629,000 WMT in the same period in 2020, the company said in a statement.
Along with Freeport, Indonesian miner Perusahaan Perseroan Aneka Tambang (Antam) also stopped nickel ore exports a few days ago, the firm's corporate secretary Tri Hartono said.
JAKARTA, March 29 (Reuters) - Indonesia's state-owned miner Aneka Tambang (Antam) has been granted an initial approval to export up to 2.7 million tonnes of nickel ore over the next 12 months, a mining ministry official said on Wednesday. Indonesia was the world's top nickel ore …
Antam's nickel ore output stood at 2.64 million wet metric tonnes (WMT) in the first q uarter, up from 629,000 WMT in the same period in 2020, the company said in a statement.
The increasing nickel ore production target will be used as ore feed for ANTAM's ferronickel plant as well as being sold to domestic market customer. Meanwhile, the nickel ore sales target in 2021 amounts to 6.71 million wmt, an increase of 104% compared with nickel ore sales in …
Antam's nickel ore sales, meanwhile, stood at 1.6 million wet metric tonnes in the first quarter, the company said. The company did not say why nickel ore …
Antam's nickel ore production fell to 1.37mn wet metric tonnes (wmt) from 4.79mn wmt in the first six months of 2019, as a result of the ban on nickel ore exports that aimed to stimulate more value-added processing through beneficiation of ore. Sales fell to 167,606wmt to domestic customers from 3.9mn wmt, mainly to foreign customers.
OSS Stop Sementara Penerimaan Nickel Ore, PT. Antam Jualan ke Pabrik Jadi Sorotan. Tongkang Antri Panjang di Morosi, PT. OSS Stop Sementara Penerimaan Nickel Ore, PT. Antam Jualan ke Pabrik Jadi Sorotan. Yan. 4 Agustus 2021 4 Agustus 2021 5.673 dibaca. Ketgam: Ilustrasi. Foto: Int.
The cause: mining of nickel ore by state-owned company, Aneka Tambang (Antam). The sediment has appeared because an Antam subcontractor acted carelessly.Mud spread and burst through a dike, then flowed down to the river into the sea. Now the view from Tanjung (Cape) Moronopo is …
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Aneka Tambang (IDX: ANTM) or Antam seeks expansion by building a smelter in its mining concession area in North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The project is at pushing the downstream of nickel. Antam's general manager for the North Konawe Nickel Mining Business Unit (UBP), Hendra Wijayanto, said that this commitment was realized through the …
For instance, Antam has been reported to be seeking approval to export another 3.7 million tonnes of nickel ore. How much more export quota could be approved by Indonesia depends on whether more local miners and/or smelters intend to apply for the quota, which is rather difficult to gauge, a Guangdong-based nickel analyst told Metal Bulletin.
Nickel ore is one of Antam's important products. Antam produces and exports high grade nickel ore with a minimum 1.8% nickel content and a maximum 25% iron content (saprolite) and low grade nickel ore with a 1.2% minimum nickel content (limonite) and minimum 25% iron content.
The Southeast Asian country banned the export of raw nickel ore in 2014, five years after giving notice of the law, in order to encourage more refining projects and move further up the value chain.
Indonesian state-controlled miner PT Aneka Tambang is planning to increase its nickel ore output to 8.44 million wet metric tonnes (WMT) in 2021, the company said in a …
As of 2015, Antam was a producer of bauxite, ferronickel, gold, nickel and silver. It is Indonesia's largest producer of nickel, and it lost considerable amounts of revenue and profits following a nickel ore ban. Antam's gold operations was the primary contributor of the company's revenue, making up 71 percent of its Q1 2018 revenue.
FERRO NICKEL ORE- A recent development in the extraction of nickel laterite ores is a particular grade of tropical deposits, typified by examples at Acoje in the Philippines. This ore is so rich in limonite (generally grading 47% to 59% iron, 0.8 to 1.5% nickel and trace cobalt) that it is essentially similar to low-grade iron ore.
The smelter construction project has reached 98 percent and is targeted to be completed this year so that it can process 40,500 tons of nickel in the form of ferronickel. Antam targets nickel ore production to reach 8.44 million metric tons by …
INTRODUCTION Antam is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich Indonesian archipelago, Antam undertakes all activities from exploration, excavation, processing through to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, and bauxite.
ANTAM's total consolidated nickel resources (considering the reserves of PT Gag Nikel) in 2020 was recorded at 1,438.08 million wmt consisting of 919.51 million wmt of saprolite ore resources and 518.57 million wmt of limonite ore resources. ANTAM's nickel ore deposits are generally not very deep.
ANTAM's nickel ore deposits are generally not very deep. Limonite nickel ore layer is above the saprolite layer. This makes limonite mining cheaper and limonite mining is complete before saprolite. Nickel ore is mined using the selective open pit mining method with backhoe equipment for excavation and trucks for transportation.
In 2018, however, the country produced 291kt of refined nickel (of which 26kt was produced by PT Antam). The balance was produced by nickel pig iron (NPI) capacity that was built in the country (mainly by the Chinese) in order to access ores that …
Also the report delivers key drivers and trends analysis of Top Industry Players - Kupang Resources, Redpath Mining, Bracken International Mining, Antam, Nickel Mines, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.
ANTAM has obtained mineral export licences for 2.7 million wmt of nickel ore and 850,000 wmt of bauxite ore. ANTAM's president director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo said, "ANTAM's nickel and bauxite ore exports will boost our mineral downstream initiative, which began in 1974 following the operations of the FeNi I ferronickel plant.
China Nickel Ore Inventories Keep Growing, SMM Reports. Antam, after getting its first round export quota of 2.70 million tonnes, may be approved for its second quota this September. The company has already shipped 165,000 tonnes of nickel ore out of its first quota to China, and plans to deliver 220,000 tonnes of goods to China in June.
The nickel shipment in May will be Antam's first after a three-year halt due to a government ban on raw mineral exports imposed in early 2014. Antam, which has 5 million tonnes of low-grade wet nickel ore available for immediate shipping, also requested on Tuesday permission from the mining ministry to export an additional 3.7 million tonnes of ...
Antam's nickel ore sales, meanwhile, stood at 1.6-million wet metric tonnes in the first quarter, the company said. The company did not say why nickel ore …
ANTAM Increased Its Nickel Ore Production to Maximise Cash Flows Produksi Bijih Nikel (juta wmt) Nickel Ore Production (million wmt) PEMBUKAAN BUTIK EMAS LOGAM MULIA OPENING OF LOGAM MULIA RETAIL GOLD OUTLETS Di tahun 2013, ANTAM Membuka 5 Butik Emas Logam Mulia Sebagai Strategi Ekspansi In 2013, ANTAM Opened 5 Logam
Ore Blending as Mine Scheduling Strategy to Accommodate Resources Conservation at Pakal Nickel Mine, PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk December 2013 Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6:24–29
Direct Nickel holds 85% stake in the plant while Antam owns 15%. The latter has an option to increase its stake to 50%. The DNi processing plant will be developed adjacent to Antam's new ferronickel smelter. It is expected to produce 10,000t to 20,000t nickel concentrate a year.
Long journey in nickel INTRODUCTION: ANTAM JOURNEY 1938 1959 1939 1962 1976 1973 1977 1992 1979 1995 2000 1998 2004GROUNDBREAKING OF CONSTRUCTION FENI II SMELTER 2010 2006 2011 2012 ... NICKEL ORE MINE Tapunopaka, Southeast Sulawesi(PT Indonesia Coal Resources) NICKEL ORE MINE Tanjung Buli, North Maluku COAL MINE Sarolangun, Jambi