
nickel pig iron ppt

Nickel pig iron - Wikipedia

Nickel pig iron (NPI) is a low grade ferronickel invented in China as a cheaper alternative to pure nickel for the production of stainless steel [citation needed].The production process of nickel pig iron utilizes laterite nickel ores instead of pure nickel sold on the world market. The alternative was developed as a response to the high price of pure nickel.

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production of pigiron in an electricarc furnaceppt

Production of Pig Iron by Using the Romelt Process. Production of pig iron in Romelt furnace The furnace shall be charged with any iron-bearing materials such as iron ore, slag and dust produced from blast furnaces, converters, electric arc furnaces and oxides resulting from rolling and forging operations, and machining operation residues, and scraps from rolling and continuous casting units ...

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Nikel, Industri Baterai, dan Kedaulatan Energi Nasional ...

Hilirisasi sumber daya nikel tidak semata terpaku pada pengolahan dengan teknologi pirometalurgi yang menghasilkan feronikel dan NPI (nickel pig iron) serta nickel matte. Feronikel dan NPI adalah bahan dasar untuk industri baja tahan karat ( stainless steel ), sedangkan nickel matte diolah lebih lanjut untuk produk turunan lain.

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- jz.docin

PPT. ; ; ... ——Nickel alloy ——Nickel-iron alloy 4、/Nickel Pig-iron ——:Ni10% High grade nickel ore ——:4.0%NI10.00% Middle grade nickel ore ——:1.0%NI4.0% Low grade nickel …

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Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) ≥4% Ni Logam Ni ≥93% dan/atau NiO ≥ 70% Ni Nikel dan / atau kobalt (Proses Pelindian) Limonit Logam, logam oksida, logam sulfida, mix hydroxide/sulfide precipitate dan hydroxide nickel carbonate Logam Ni ≥93% Mix Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) ≥ 25% Ni Mix Sulfide Precipitate (MSP) ≥45% Ni Hydroxide Nickel ...

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KEYWORDS: Lateritic nickel ores, nickel pig iron. INTRODUCTION Nickel is a very important metal which is widely used in the industry. Refined meta4 powder and sponge forms are the main end-product types. The most remarkable consumption area is stainless steel industry as 62% of metallic nickel. It is followed by super alloy and nonferrous alloy

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Nickel is mainly used as ferronickel in stainless steel production industry. Its usage as low grade ferronickel or nickel pig iron (NPI) in stainless steel production is a relatively new trend to ...

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nikel (tNi) dalam bentuk nickel pig iron (NPI), 119.282 ton dalam bentuk feronikel (FeNi), 80.000 ton nikel dalam matte, dan 10.000 ton berupa NiOH. Sementara kebutuhan riil dalam negeri untuk semua produk antara tersebut sebanyak 30.000 tNi. Kementerian ESDM menargetkan kapasitas masukan smelter nikel pada tahun 2019 sebesar 24,52 juta ton ore

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(PPT) Dasar dasar Ilmu Logam | Herdian Dt - Academia.edu

Download Free PPT. Download Free PDF. ... perut bumi sebagai bijih (Ore) - Iron Ore ( Bijih Besi) - Bauksit ( 40 -60% Al) - Chrome Ore, Vanadium Ore, Cobailt, Nickel dan platinum. ... (Fe2O4,) (FEO) Proses di buat Reduksi menjadi pelet + Coke (limestone) Pig Iron Sangat tinggi kandungan karbonnya dan getas Pengolahan Besi Kasar • Besi kasar ...

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Nickel Pig Iron | Silkroad Nickel

Nickel Pig Iron, or NPI in short, is a ferronickel that is used as a cheaper alternative in the production of stainless steel. NPI is made of laterite nickel ores, which are then heated in a blast furnace or electric furnace together with coking coal, sand and gravel.

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Nickel in Indonesia: A Story of Trade Restraints and ...

The marketable nickel produced in Indonesia is in the form of: nickel ore (unprocessed nickel); nickel pig iron and ferronickel (lower-grade intermediatesused in stainless steel); and nickel matte (a higher-grade intermediate used to make pure nickel metal or chemicals).

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Nickel pig iron producers eye up electric vehicle battery ...

Producers of nickel pig iron (NPI) in Indonesia are looking at converting their material into an intermediate product that can be turned into nickel chemicals for the lucrative electric vehicle ...

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Nickel, Ferronickel, Nickel Pig Iron, Nickel-based Alloys ...

Nickel Pig Iron. The nickel content of nickel pig iron is less than 15%. Generally, according to the nickel content of nickel pig iron, it can be divided into high-grade nickel pig iron (10% and above), medium-grade nickel pig iron (4–9%), and low-grade nickel pig iron. Nickel pig iron is smelted mainly in submerged arc furnaces and blast ...

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Nickel Processing and The Rise of Laterites

Nickel Processing and The Rise of Laterites 1. Mineral Engineering Technical Services PO Box 5778 St Georges Tce WA 6831 P: (+61 8) 9421 9000 F: (+61 8) 9325 8311 ABN 66 009 357 171 W: E: info@metsengineering A division of Midas Engineering Group Nickel Ore Processing Trends The Rise of Nickel Laterites and Advances in Sulphide Processing

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Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Study - Shanghai Metals Market

Quality, origin, pricing and contract terms of Nickel ore feed. Evolution of Nickel upstream value chain. Market potential for NPI . Process . Methodology. Categorized by technology type. In-depth Interview. Sample Size. 80 NPI plants. Project Time. 9 weeks . DELIVERABLES. Summary of China Nickel Pig Iron Study (PPT) Spreadsheet of China NPI ...

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Nickel Pig Iron RKEF nickel operation Report | Wood Mackenzie

Report summary. China commenced importing laterite ores in 2005 for the production of a low Ni bearing FeNi termed pig iron; indeed the ore imports have at times been classified as iron ore imports rather than nickel ore imports. During 2005 China imported some 265kt ore from the Philippines (although there are suggestions that Zhejiang ...

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Pengolahan Nikel Laterit - SlideShare

Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Kandungan Nikel 1% - 10% NIP Blast Furnace Electric Furnace Bijih Nikel Laterit Kadar Rendah (Ni <1,6%) 12. Diagram Alir Pembuatan NPI dengan Blast Furnace RD Dust BF Dust Mixer Ore Rotary Dryer Sintering Dust Raw Mix Conditioned Ore Sinter Blast Furnace Sintering Recycle Slag NPI Recommended. Material Teknik - Nikel ...

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Iron and Steel Manufacturing - IFC

In the BOF process, coke making and iron making precede steel making; these steps are not necessary with an EAF. Pig iron is manufactured from sintered, pelletized, or lump iron ores us-ing coke and limestone in a blast furnace. It is then fed to a BOF in molten form along with scrap metal, fluxes, alloys, and high-purity oxygen to manufacture ...

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nickel pig iron production process « BINQ Mining

Chinese nickel pig iron production facing oversupply in 2012 … in 2010 and 2011, all adopting the HPAL process to produce nickel metal, are to come on stream … » More detailed Nickel Pig Iron : China's Low-Cost Stainless Steel Secret – Energy …

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11 SMM Nickel Pig Iron (8-12%) Spot Price Methodology …

The SMM Nickel Pig Iron (8-12%) spot price is assessed and reported based on the methodology defined in this do cument. As a benchmark, it ca n be referred to by both parties of Nickel Pig Iron (8- 12%) spot transaction as their settlement price. The prices reflect the most tradable levels of SMM Nickel Pig Iron (8-12%) spot price, ex-works,

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Vale Nickel business

Selling nickel to the stainless steel industry can be challenging given the inherent volatility Source: 1970-2000 Macquarie Bank, 2001-2009 Vale-35%-25% ... Pig iron BOF Manganese & Mn Alloys DR R DRI Crude steel Nickel DR Pellets. 7 Colocar aqui o divisor da seção, definido em 50pts.

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China RE Supply - Shanghai Metals Market

Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Study To have a deep understanding of Chinese nickel pig iron market,Capacity, costs and growth potential of RKEF, EAF and BF production technologies,Quality, origin, pricing and contract terms of Nickel ore feed,Evolution of Nickel upstream value chain,Market potential for NPI.

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Nickel: Human Health and Environmental Toxicology

2. Chemical Form, Properties and Sources of Nickel Compounds. Nickel (Ni; atomic number 28, atomic weight 58.6934; density 8908 kg/m 3; melting point 1455 °C; boiling point 2913 °C; electronic configuration [Ar] 3d 8 4s 2) belongs to group 10 of periodic table along with iron, cobalt, palladium, platinum and five other elements.Nickel is the 24th most abundant element in the Earth's …

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Fastmarkets Research

Other ores, largely mined in Indonesia, New Caledonia, the Philippines, Cuba, Brazil and Colombia, have a high iron content and are a natural feed for producing ferro-nickel or nickel pig iron (NPI) for the steel industry. New sulphide deposits are far and far between, leaving the future of the nickel industry increasingly dependent upon laterites.

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(PPT) 13-Cast Iron.ppt | fenny febrina - Academia.edu

13-Cast Iron.ppt. Cast Iron fIntroduction Family of ferrous alloys Cast into desired shape not worked 2-4% C & 1-3% Si Properties & microstructures affected by chemical composition, solidification rate, heat treatments Low cost Good hardness, wear resistance Better corrosion resistance than plain carbon steel effect of alloying elements Better ...

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Impact of pig iron on nickel outlook a bit of a porky ...

Impact of pig iron on nickel outlook a bit of a porky. Centaurus Metals sell-off on so-called nickel breakthrough highlights renewed value in a sector set to clean up on green energy. Plus, DFS on FYI's HPA points to bumper NPV. The nickel stocks would like to forget their "Ides of March" moment when the stainless steel and lithium-ion ...

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(DOC) Proses Dekarburisasi Nickel Pig Iron ...

Nickel provide more value in the form of corrosion resistance, ductility, strength and improve weldability properties better than ordinary steel containing no nickel.The aims of this research are to study decarburisation process of Nickel Pig Iron with carbon content 3-4% to produce very low carbon laterite steel, C <0.03%.

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Pig Iron | International Iron Metallics Association

Pig iron is the product of smelting iron ore (also ilmenite) with a high-carbon fuel and reductant such as coke, usually with limestone as a flux. Charcoal and anthracite are also used as fuel and reductant. Pig iron is produced by smelting or iron ore in blast furnaces or by smelting ilmenite in electric furnaces .

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PowerPoint Presentation

1. Production of nickel pig iron (NPI) / ferronickel 2. Refining of pig iron to engineering materials 3. Copper smelting/ concentrate 4. Refining of copper to 6Ns purity 5. Extraction of REE and Vanadium from ores 6. Clean Nickel Sulphate and metallic powder for EV-battery application Overall Outcomes CHROMITE and MANGANESE 1.

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KPMG commodity insights bulletin chromite

commercialized nickel pig iron (NPI) 16, a cheaper substitute of pure nickel17, which in turn decreases the cost of stainless steel. It is expected that a portion of stainless steel demand will continue to be meet by stainless steel produced using NPI rather than pure nickel. Using NPI rather than pure nickel, is not expected to influence the

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