Drakes and the Crazy Drake Logi Fit - EVE Online Live. Drones took a lot of damage and had to be recalled several times - Shield never dropped below 55%. A small 13 (maybe 12) year old boy just yelled at me 'you're too fit to be taking out the bins' and he is so right 10:15 PM - …
1. Is there a way to re-fit your modules in space. As far as I understand it can't be done. Why not make a re-fit drone that would be able to do this or some kind of skill that would enable it. Would be neat if you could change from PVE fit to PVP fit right on the battle field, or if your in a T3 with the ability to change your subs out in space.
Base DPS is the amount of damage per second that a single drone inflicts, before any bonuses for modules, ships or skills are applied. Therefore, even though these base DPS figures may seem unimpressive, a flight of five drones on a ship getting a 10% drone damage bonus, with a further 15% enhancement from a drone damage amplifier module, with a pilot with maximum drone skills, can …
The EVElopedia will remain online until the start of the extended downtime on Monday, February 29th, at 09:00, when it will be taken offline permanently. Players are more than welcome to back up their own EVElopedia pages and copy any data they feel they would like to preserve between now and then.
Drones - Overview: Drones (default option), Brackets: Blank. This will show ONLY drones--handy for frigates. ... Feel free to contact the ISD YARR team at [email protected] for any questions regarding the evelopedia or help setting up a tutorial page. I'm sure alot of players will find your tutorial very helpful. Good job!
Featured Article. DUST 514 is a console-based MMOFPS set within the EVE universe, developed by CCP Games. It was announced on August 18, 2009. The game is being developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game features users fighting ground battles in wars on planets in the EVE Online universe. The events that happen in this game will have an affect on EVE Online.
Base DPS is the amount of damage per second that a single drone inflicts, before any bonuses for modules, ships or skills are applied. Therefore, even though these base DPS figures may seem unimpressive, a flight of five drones on a ship getting a 10% drone damage bonus, with a further 15% enhancement from a drone damage amplifier module, with a pilot with maximum drone skills, can …
Views: 27796: Published: 29.3.2021: Author: fukunei.agenzia.bologna.it: exploration Eve sites . About Eve sites exploration
LOL, you're a Gallente and you don't know how to overload your drones? FFS. QUantum Attack/Firepower Enhancement. Quafe regular gives a 5% boost to tracking and damage, Quafe Ultra gives 8%. Use it the same as repair paste. EVElopedia article
Fraternity. Likes received: 16. #1 - 13:39:27 UTC. I am running missions with an alt and attempting to use his drones to assist me. Only guard works. I warp 2 toons in, release drones, right click alts drones in space folder and click assist Arcano. I then, on Arcano, target and engage npc. Alts drones will stay idle.
Drones are semi-autonomous vehicles launched from ships and designed to augment the launching ship's capabilities. All four races use drones to a greater or lesser degree, so many ships, especially larger ships, will have drone capabilities. While most drones are used as support, some ships use drones as their primary way of dealing damage.
Drone sites spawn in the regions that are owned by rogue drones. There are also random roaming drone anoms and signature based combat sites that spawn all over eve. Drone rats appear in the asteroid belts and anoms in the drone regions just as angels would appear in angel sites and belts in regions inhabited by the angel faction.
With a drone bay of 150, I kept 3 full flights of drones. I made 3 groups of drones that were tailored to the mission rats I was facing. I used EvElopedia to find the optimal damage types for each faction. Soo... Group 1 was 3 Amarr and 2 Gallente (For Rogue Drones, Blood raider and sansha) Group 2 was 3 Caldari and 2 Gallente (For Guristas)
Heavy Drone Analysis and Comparison: Heavy Drones are least common of all the sizes. This is because the majority of PVP ships in EVE are Battlecruiser or smaller and only a few Battlecruisers and T2 Cruisers are likely to use Heavy Drones. For PVE (VNI is the obvious poster child) you want to use the best damage for the rats you are killing.
EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. EVE Online and the EVE logo ...
Views: 44381: Published: 1.5.2021: Author: tamanshi.mobili.milano.it: Eve Wiki Corporation . About Corporation Wiki Eve
1) that skill reduces shield booster cap cost, not shield recharge time. You are confusing Shield Operation (which I recommended) with Shield Compensation (which does nothing for capitals). 2) Titans can only lock 2 targets 3) Titans don't have drone bays. EVElopedia …