Dynamo electric machinery; its construction, design, and operation. Direct current machines Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email.
electric generator - electric generator - Direct-current generators: A direct-current (DC) generator is a rotating machine that supplies an electrical output with unidirectional voltage and current. The basic principles of operation are the same as those for synchronous generators. Voltage is induced in coils by the rate of change of the magnetic field through the coils as the machine rotates.
90 A. Correct. The correct answer is: 669.5. Type AC cable is used as a branch circuit to supply receptacles for information technology equipment. The Type AC cable is installed under an accessible area, under a raised floor of approved construction. The cable is installed in accordance with 300.11.
direct current machines can use for heavy industrial applications where torque and speed wider range. Shunt wound motor able to runs at a predetermined speed. The power supply of DC motor is any way cheap. Disadvantages of DC Shunt Motors. Installation of DC machines is expensive compare with other types of machines.
INTRODUCTION TO BASIC NOTIONS ON ELECTRIC POWER 5 Electric Current Conductor Lines of Force Fig. 1.3 Schematic representation of a magnetic field created by the flow of current in a conductor. The direction of the lines of force is given by the "law of the screwdriver": mentally follow the movement of a screw as it is screwed in the same direction as that
Direct Current (DC) Excited Synchronous Motor. Direct Current (DC) Excited Synchronous Motor requires DC supply to the rotor to generate a magnetic field. It has both stator winding as well as rotor winding. The direct current can be supplied from a separate DC source or from a DC generator connected to the motor shaft.
Construction of DC Machine. The DC machine consists of Yoke, Pole, and Pole shoe, Armature core, Field Winding, Armature Winding, Commutator, Brushes, shaft, and Bearings. Let's explain each part in detail with applications. Yoke or Frame. The yoke is also known as the frame.
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Principle of DC Motor. When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque and has a tendency to move. In other words, when a magnetic field and an electric field interact, a mechanical force is produced. The DC motor or direct current motor works on that principle. This is known as motoring action.
Operation, Construction, and Functionality of Direct Current Machines brings together many concepts, from the most basic working principles and construction of DC machines to more advanced topics such as electro-magnetism, armature reaction, parallel operations, and many more. Highlighting theoretical concepts and numerical problems, this book ...
Direct current or DC machines are used for the conversion of one form of energy to another. Similarly a DC Generator is used to generate the energy which works on the principle of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Basic law or principle behind the generator is the Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction which states that whenever a conductor is moved in the magnetic ...
Electric machines are a method of converting energy. Motors take electrical energy and produce mechanical energy. Electric motors are utilized to power hundreds of devices we use in everyday life. Electric motors are broadly classified into two different categories: Direct Current (DC) motor and Alternating Current (AC) motor.
The construction of a synchronous motor (with salient pole rotor) is as shown in the figure at left. Just like any other motor, it consists of a stator and a rotor. The stator core is constructed with thin silicon lamination and insulated by a surface coating, to minimize the eddy current and hysteresis losses.The stator has axial slots inside, in which three phase stator winding is placed.
A three-phase synchronous motor has no starting torque. It has to be brought up to speed or as close to it as possible by some other means so that it can pull itself into synchronism. Once up to speed, the rotor field can be excited with direct current and the rotor is, in effect, then dragged around at the same speed as the three-phase stator ...
The DC generator can find its application in the area where the load requires only direct current. If an AC load is required, then an inverter must be introduced between the generator and the load. Even though the DC generator is suitable for delivering DC current, its complex construction may yield high cost, and it is a heavy machine that is ...
A DC machine is an electromechanical energy alteration device. The working principle of a DC machine is when electric current flows through a coil within a magnetic field, …
Construction of synchronous machines Two common approaches are used to supply a DC current to the field circuits on the rotating rotor: 1. Supply the DC power from an external DC source to the rotor by means of slip rings and brushes; 2. Supply the DC power from a special DC power source mounted directly on the shaft of the machine.
Direct Current Motor (Rotor, Startor) A representative DC machine was depicted in Figure 0 above, with the magnetic poles clearly identified, for both the stator and the rotor.. Figure 1 is a photograph of the same type of machine. Note the salient pole construction of the stator and the slotted rotor. As previously stated, the torque developed by the machine is a consequence of the magnetic ...
It collects current from armature and sends it to the load as direct current. It actually takes alternating current from armature and converts it to direct current and then send it to external load. It is cylindrical structured and is build up of wedge-shaped segments of high conductivity, hard drawn or drop forged copper.
Direct current (also known as DC) is the flow of charged particles in one unchanging direction (most commonly found as electron flow through conductive materials). DC can be found in just about every home and electronic device, as it is more practical (compared to AC from power stations) for many consumer devices.
Construction of DC Machines – A Direct Current (DC) machine is an energy conversion device. It converts electrical energy to mechanical while working as a motor and mechanical energy to electrical energy while working as generator. Hence, …
Direct current (DC) is an electric current that is uni-directional, so the flow of charge is always in the same direction. As opposed to alternating current, the direction and amperage of direct currents do not change. It is used in many electronics and in all devices that use batteries. Contents. 1 Properties. 2 Uses. 3 PhET Simulation.
The construction of the dc motor and generator are the same. But the dc motor has a wide range of speed and good speed regulation in electric traction. The working principle of the dc motor is based on the principle that the current-carrying conductor is placed in the magnetic field and a mechanical force is experienced by it.
Construction of Permanent Magnet DC Motor or PMDC Motor. As it is indicated in name of permanent magnet DC motor, the field poles of this motor are essentially made of permanent magnet. A PMDC motor mainly consists of two parts. A stator and …
Very large direct current machines, say, more than several megawatts rating, cannot be built with commutators. The largest motors and generators are all alternating-current machines. The switching action of the commutator causes sparking at the contacts, posing a fire hazard in explosive atmospheres, and generating electromagnetic interference .
View Problem Set 20 DC Machine Construction - Solution.xlsx from EEE 355 at Rock Valley College. The sketch shows a bipolar direct-current machine. The direction of rotation, and the direction of the
Answer (1 of 5): DC Generator A dc generator is an electrical machine which converts mechanical energy into direct current electricity. This energy conversion is based on the principle of production of dynamically induced emf. This article outlines basic construction and working of a DC generator...
Direct-Current Generators Basic Structure of Electrical machines: A rotating machine has two parts stator and rotor. Stator does not move, and it is the outer frame of the machine while the rotor is movable and inner part of the machine. These are made up of ferromagnetic material.
Construction of DC Machines – A Direct Current (DC) machine is an energy conversion device. It converts electrical energy to mechanical while working as …
The basic construction of a DC motor is shown in Figure 1.Standard DC motors are readily available in one of two main forms: Wound-field,where the magnetic flux in the motor is controlled by the current flowing in a field or excitation winding, usually located on the stator.; Permanent magnet, where the magnetic flux in the motor is created by permanent magnets which have a curved face to ...