Guide & Skill Build Saint Level 90 Dragon Nest. As Healer many are questioning whether the Saint better than Light Fury. Hmm how ya, I was still a candidate Light Fury as a Healer. But when combined with the ability Debuff and Potential DPS, Saint can be superior. The important thing is Saint already back up and ready to compete in this 90 Cap.
Dragon Nest SEA: Level 50 Guardian Skill Build for PVE/PVP [T4] ... Generic PVP Skill build. Similarly, I'll provide the reasons behind the points added for the respective trees. ... Majesty/Smasher. I currently only have Level 4 on LeTanks, and 5 block counters is really too low to defend myself against Tracking Arrows from BMs.
Skill ini kurang terpakai pada saat nest / raid nest jadi tinggalkan di level 1 untuk syarat mendapatkan ulty, namun perlu di ingat skill ini di cap 70 akan mendapatkan ex nya dan perubahan yg sebelum nya ketika mengcast skill ini hingga selesai kita immobile dan berubah setelah mendapatkan ex menjadi mobile dan penambahan damage, saya rasa ...
As usual, I will show you my current skill plate for my Smasher and also, my current level 70 skill build for Smasher in Dragon Nest SEA. You can check it out below later. Skill Plates: Gravity Ball- 20% increase damage. Laser Cutter- 20% increase damage. Time Stop- 10% decrease cooldown.
Gamers: Dragon Nest Force User - Skill Builds – Level 40. Dragon Nest Force User - Skill Builds – Level 40. I'll first point out key skills in the Sorceress and Force User Tree. Sorceress Tree. Glacial Spike. It's either at level 1 or 13. It is a great support DPS skill to have as it …
Gladiator is the very first character I have ever created in Dragon Nest.Back then, I still had no idea about building and skill combo, just play like an idiot without knowing about his real potential. But after 10 years of Dragon Nest game online, I tried to create this class again for sure, so let's mastering the Gladiator Dragon Nest class!
IllusionStep lvl 1 : cukup 1, SP mending dimasukin ke BurningCall. sama2 punya i-frame, tapi CD BurningCall lebih cepet. ReceiveEdge lvl 1 : counter skill di udara. ExcessChain lvl 1 : buat jaga jarak. fade : skill yg sangat berguna sekaligus menyebalkan.damage nambah, damage taken juga nambah. buat burst mode, tapi tetep waspada dengan resikonya.
Sep 11, 2012· Dragon Nest SEA players has finally grasped the Level 50 Cap last August 28, 2012. With the level 50 Cap, a lot of things have changed including, the skill tree of each Dragon Nest Online classes, a new map has been included namely Lotus Marsh and new dungeon too like the Archbishop Nest, and most of all, Dragon Nest Items has also changed.
Pure PVP Build for Moonlord with Level 1 Hacking Stance, Level 6 Line Drive. ... Dragon Nest SEA – Level 50 Inquisitor Skill Build Guide. ... Dragon Nest SEA – Full PVE Smasher Guide Hello Guy... Dragon Nest SEA – Level 50 Duo Ultimate DPS Barbar...
Level 4: 1276%+21118 Level 5 (Skill ring for 60): 1304%+23103 Level 7: 1485%+33389 Level 8 (Skill ring for 70): 1514%+36576. Hybrid Skill Build. Pure PvP Skill Build. Changes made: Hammer Attack is added for making the opponent fall back onto the floor. Mental Mastery and Mental Training is now level 1 and 5 as there is enough SP to add.
Ini adalah Smasher Skill Build Build level 80 yang dibuat untuk PvE yang bekerja untuk Nest dan Raid Party, perhatikan bahwa semua skill build turun ke preferensi, Anda dapat menyesuaikan kembali apa pun yang Anda sukai, namun, jika Anda seorang pemula, kami tidak merekomendasikan perubahan besar. Ada kemungkinan beku yang bisa membantu DPS kalian.
Dengan Build seperti di atas, untuk menaikan Ring Strike Level 1 saya harus mengorbankan 13 Skill Point (10 SP untuk ambil Skill dibawah Chakra Energy dan 3 SP untuk Ring Strike lv 1). Dibandingkan harus membuang SP untuk Skill yang DPSnya tidak besar lebih baik saya alokasikan untuk Skill …
Dragon nest Indonesia lv60 smasher build. build smasher lv 60 ini merupakan build untuk PVE terutama DDN dan masih lumayan bagus jika digunakan untuk pvp, guide ini merupakan guide yang di tulis oleh chaose5 dan di sini saya hanya mencoba untuk membantu translate saja karena beberapa orang malas untuk membaca guide bahasa inggris.
Wheeling Staff lvl 6 karena nest2 terbaru banyak mekanis mendorong, Awakening skill Teleport tidak diambil karena sekarang ada skill Dash, lalu Awakening skill charging missile is shit menurut ane cuma ngurangin 50% CD dan memakainya pakai banyak rumus lalu Black Hole CDnya terlalu besar lebih baik menaikan Comet atau Dark Nova ( yang gravity di skill Sorcerer ), yg hijau2 itu ditambah skill ...
Tweet. #3. 06-22-2018, 05:33 AM. I would recomend you to take your croud control skills too. Max time stop and get at least lvl1 gravity trap. Those skills will help you clear hero's battlefield easier, since enemies there, are receiving full debuff effects. Gravity trap + glacial spike slows stacks. It's almost 90% slow.
Maxed Beyond Time. All Skills till Summon Comet. Max Arcane Buff (+16% Damage) Max Laser Cutter. Linear Ray EX. Semua EX Skills. Skill lain bisa diambil dengan sisa SP sesuai kebutuhan. Jika anda ingin buld pvp Silakan kurangi sebagian Max ke lvl 11 dan sisa SP ny bisa untuk skill skill utility.
Guardian Level 40 Skill Build for Guardian in Dragon Nest: Cleric Skill Tree Paladin Skill Tree Level 50 Skill Build for Guardi... Skill Build Majesty (Chaos Mage) LV 60 Majesty (Chaos Mage) Hybrid Skill Build Hybrid Skill Build Hybrid Skill Build Hybrid Skill Build Pure PvP Skill Build ...
Skill Inquisitor : Untuk cap 50 ini, disaranin ambil aja skillnya semua, terutama Lightning Bolt EX sama Concentrationnya, minimal level 1 25. Untuk skill Sliding Kneekick terserah pilot mau diambil atau ngga, yang jelas skill tersebut hanya bisa membantu dalam PVP, bukan PVE dan itupun tidak seberapa.
Dragon Nest T4 Barbarian Skill Build by Synchro. [] Dragon Nest Stable Elestra Skill Build by Saurus. [] Dragon Nest Level 50 Dark Physician Skill Build by Seiggy. [] Dragon Nest Dark Smasher Skill Build by Saurus. [] Dragon Nest T4 Level 60 Saint PvE Build by Legend.
Skill guide Level 60 (24) Pure PvP Guide Level 60 (23) Level 70 Guide (8) Tuesday, 12 November 2013. Elestra Skill Guide level 40 & 50 in Dragon Nest Elestra is without a doubt the coolest babe in the world of Lagendia. Not only that she freezes everyone with her stunning beauty, but she can actually freeze any enemy and send them to an Icy ...
Queen Asuna's PvE Smasher Guide. Hello guys, xXA5UNAXx here and this is my skill build for Smashers. Basically, this build corresponds with my playing style so you don't need to follow this build blindly and feel free to put some changes on your build. This is only a reference for those people who will take the path of Smashers.
Kejayaan smasher di PVE ada di cap 50/60 sebelum revamp majesty, tapi di PVP saya rasa smasher masih lebih unggul. Dengan dukungan skill laser yang rangenya jauh, areanya luas dan damagenya gede, apalagi spectrum shower EX yang damagenya sakit di PVP.
I'm following this skill build and I'm wondering why is there no point on Class Mastery 1. Isn't is required to level up the succeeding skill mastery? Also if I'm understanding this correctly, Class Mastery 3 makes the Laser Cutter stay at the cast point rather than travelling back and forth but could only be done when Laser Cutter is used after shockwave.
Pure PvP Skill Guide For Saleana Level 60 In Dragon Nest ... Pure PvP Build. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. ... For awhile now, I've been playing as a level 50 Saint in Dragon Nest SEA and based on my experience playing the class, I've manag... Barbarian Skill Guide level 40 & 50 in Dragon Nest.
Dragon Nest CN Smasher Build Guide by chaose5. Here is my latest build at lvl60, mainly for PVE only, with casual PVP. As compared to my previous build, i have lesser Sp in dark skills and more Sp in non-elemental skills. The main reason for this is because ALL Desert Dragon Nest bosses have 40-50% elemental resist.
As usual, I will show you my current skill plate for my Smasher and also, my current level 50 skill build for Smasher in Dragon Nest SEA. You can check it out below later. Skill Plates: Gravity Ball- 20% increase damage Laser Cutter- 20% increase damage Time Stop- 10% decrease cooldown Summon Comet- 20% increase damage
Smasher merupakan satu-satunya job yang saya naikan ke level 90 sampai hari ini. Saya masih belum memiliki banyak waktu untuk Leveling dan masih sibuk membuat Update Skill Build. Ketika teman-teman guild sedang leveling, ladder dan nest 90, saya hanya Online untuk test-test skill/damage dan chatting sambil buat Skill Build.
Skill Build : Yang ini saran skill build buat Inquisitor pure DPS : 1. Aura of Healing : Diusahain max, disaranin pake acc skill yang naikin skill ini biar ngehealnya greget :v. 2. Block, Physical Toughness : Ambil 3 level aja gan, buat jaga-jaga kalau mau jadi tanker. 3. Redemption Aura : 1 level…
Class and skill names may vary by region and are subject to change.Credit to InsideDN for the original video and descriptions.
Dungeon Farming (40 Level Cap) This guide serves to help you decide which dungeon you should be running for gold farming or farming in Lvl40 cap. This guide is based on this sole concept. Gold farming or Farming in DN = Running the fastest dungeon you can run which is relevant to you. This is based on a simple logic that more runs completed ...