Production of Controlled Low Strength Material Utilizing Waste Paper Sludge Ash and Recycled Aggregate Concrete A. N. Azmi1,a, M. A. Fauzi1, M. D.Nor1, A. R. M. Ridzuan2 and M. F. Arshad2 1Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, 13500 Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
The paper presents the research results on the mobility of heavy metals in sewage sludge and ash. The geo-accumulation index, the potential ecological risk index, and the risk assessment code were used for the evaluation of the potential soil contamination with heavy metals.
In this study waste paper sludge ash was partially replaced as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in place of cement in concrete for M-25 mix and tested for its compressive strength, tensile strength, water ...
E. Waste Paper Sludge Ash Paper mill sludge is a major economic and environmental problem for the paper and board industry. The material is a by-product of the deinking and re-pulping of paper. The million tonnes quantity of paper mill sludge produced in …
paper sludge fly ash. The first one is to treat paper sludge fly ash with water to reduce the amount of free lime and at the same time increase the amount of portlandite that could be used to activate the pozzolanic reaction of metakaolin, or at least reduce the water demand of paper sludge fly ash.
Utilization of Rice Husk Ash and Waste Paper Sludge Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete - written by Rasik Fayaz, Er. Parvinderjeet Kaur, Er. Kiran Talwar published on 2018/07/30 download full article with reference data and citations
tigation of the impact that paper sludge ash has on the properties of cement mortar and concrete, but it requires a lot of energy. It was found that ash of superhydrophobic paper production waste (12 %) considerably reduces the water absorption of concrete and …
In the effort to produce sustainable concrete, considerable attempt has been placed on replacing the main ingredients in concrete mixtures with more sustainable materials with the objective to reduce the carbon footprint. One of the replacement materials is waste paper sludge ash (WPSA), a local industrial by-product generated abundantly by newsprint mills which possesses considerable ...
This paper investigates workability and strength of concrete made with different proportions of waste paper sludge ash (WSA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) as binder, at two w/b rations: 0,5 and 0,4. Specimens were tested unconfined compressive strength after 1, …
This paper examines the mechanical properties and durability of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) containing coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and industrial by-products. The by-products, including waste paper sludge ash (PSA), fly ash (FA), silica fume (SF), and metakaolin (MK) of different proportions (5%, 10%, 15%) in RAC, were ...
The results showed 4.58% reduction in dry weight of concrete cube specimens for concrete mix with 20% waste paper sludge ash content as compared to reference mix.This reduction in density can be attributed to lesser specific gravity of waste paper sludge ash as compared to cement. Thus, waste paper sludge ash concrete is light weight in nature.
This short communication focuses on the potential use of paper sludge ash, a waste product of the paper making industry, as an innovative binder partially replacing cement in concrete with glass aggregate.
Paper sludge ash is a material that is considered as an alternative binder to make concrete as like as GGBS, Rice Husk, Glass Powder, Fly ash, Phospogypsum etc. Paper mill sludge is a major pecuniary and environmental problem for the paper and board Portland cement ingredients. Potential applications for paper sludge ash include use in cement ...
In this study waste pape r sludge ash (hypo sludge) was partially replaced as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in place of cement in concrete for M-15 m ix (i.e. concrete design mix of 1:2:4 cement, sand and aggregate as per IS 456: 2000) and tested for its compressive streng th,
This short communication focuses on the potential use of paper sludge ash in alkali-activated cement concrete; this type of concrete was estimated to potentially reduce CO2 emissions by up to 5-6 ...
In this thesis rice husk ash and waste paper sludge ash was used as partial replacement of cement. The paper sludge is a result of paper making in the paper factory and rice husk is obtained from the preparation of rice from paddy. By including these parts into the bond it builds the quality, flexural and compressive quality of cement.
Analysis of Sludge Ash for Use in Asphalt, Concrete, Fertilizer and Other Products. Publication No. 12-82-103, October, 1982. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Sewage Sludge Ash Use in Bituminous Paving. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, October, 1990. California Integrated Waste Management Board.
Hence, a comparative analysis of the experimental results novel properties of fresh and hardened concrete with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) with different substitution of waste paper sludge ash (WPSA) as a partial substitute for cement is presented in the paper. Recycled aggregates is made by crushing the waste concrete cube laboratory tests.
Polymeric concrete containing no cement provides great potential in reducing the global warming problems caused by CO 2 emissions in Portland cement production. On the other hand, large amount of waste paper sludge ash produced annually in Malaysia has caused a disposal problem as they require a proper dumping process whereby it is very costly.
sludge ash and to reduce disposal and pollution problems due to waste paper sludge ash. The innovative use of waste paper sludge ash in concrete as a supplementary cementitious material was tested as an alternative to fibre reinforced concrete. In this study waste paper sludge ash was partially replaced from 5%, 10%, 15% in cement to get ...
The large-scale production of cement is causing environmental problems and also depletion of natural resources. This research work demonstrated the possibilities of using waste paper sludge ash as partial replacement of cement in concrete. An uncontrolled combustion process was used to obtain waste paper sludge ash (WPSA) as an admixture to ordinary portland cement of grade M43 and M53 in...
3.1. Paper Sludge Ash Paper Sludge ash (Fig.3.1) is the waste product obtained in the manufacture of paper from the paper mill industry. It imposes a major economic and environmental crisis in Paper and board industry as it's a waste product and imposes difficulty in dumping. Paper sludge is currently in use as an alternative fuel.
The solid waste from wastewater treatment plant can be utilized as fillers or supplementary cementing material for the production of eco-friendly green concrete. Sewage sludge is a by-product of a sewage treatment plant. This paper reviews the properties of, sewage sludge ash and its application as a binder material in concrete.
The objectives of this paper are to: 1) determine the physical characteristics of sludge ash, 2) evaluate the utilization of the stabilized mixes for suitability in applications, and 3) evaluate the potential hazard to the environment as a result of ash stabilization in a concrete mix. Availability: Find a library where document is available.
Abstract In this paper it is evaluated the potentiality of using sewage sludge ash as mineral additive in cement mortars and high performance concrete. To characterize the sewage sludge chemical, physical, mineralogical and microbiological analyses were carried out.
The effect of fly ash on biodegradability and methane production from secondary paper and pulp sludge, including its modeling, was evaluated. Three tests with fly ash concentrations of 0, 10 and ...
The main recycling and disposal routes for paper sludge are land-spreading, producing paper sludge ash, or disposal to any river /stream. In function alternative, paper sludge consists of cellulose fibres, calcium carbonate and china clay and residual chemicals bound up with water. To produce low cost concrete by replacing cement with hypo sludge.
Ridzuan A R M, Fauzi M A, Ghazali E, Arshad M F and Fauzi M A M 2011 Strength assessment of controlled low strength materials (CLSM) utilizing recycled concrete aggregate and waste paper sludge ash IEEE Coll. Humanities, Sci. Eng. CHUSER 2011 208-211
Sludge (paper waste)"International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering (IJETE) Volume 1 Issue 7, August 2014, ISSN 2348 – 8050 [2] Ahmad Sajad, Malik M. Iqbal, Wani Muzaffar Bashir, Ahmad Rafiq, (2013), "Study of Concrete Involving Use of …
Waste paper sludge reduces cost of concrete and also it improves the strength of concrete. ..., Ahmad Rafiq, (2013), "Study of Concrete Involving Use …